Affiliate Marketing Earning Opportunities
Discuss affiliate marketing methods like networks, programs, tips, questions, and opinions. Do NOT spam your affiliate links.
Check the Affiliate Marketing Forum Posting Rules
- No Double Topics - Before posting a new affiliate program, network or service ALWAYS DO A SEARCH. If the affiliate program has a topic opened, add your post there. If you want to post a question or a guide about no particular affiliate program make sure it wasn't posted before.
- When you post an affiliate program you should do it in the following format: Title: Affiliate program - website address. Only company representatives can add or edit features in the title. Make sure you add it in the right category.
- We do not accept multiple topics about the same business. All the news, updates, and questions about a service that was posted before should be done in that specific thread. If you break this rule you will get yourself warned or banned. No exceptions!
Looking for more exposure to your affiliate program?
- Want to advertise your affiliate program to our audience? Check the TGF Advertising Offer
- Are you an owner or a representative of an affiliate program? Check the benefits of our company representative accounts.
- You may add your company to our affiliate programs directory. It's free for now.
- Looking for more exposure? Visit our affiliate marketing magazine -
In doubt or have questions? Contact us.
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