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Forex Complaints & SCAMs

Have had a bad experience with a FOREX broker or service provider? Share it with the community here.

Forex Complaints & Warnings Posting rules
  1. Here you can share your bad experience with FOREX service providers. One topic per business! No exception.
  2. No Double Topics - Before posting a new complaint about a FOREX service provider ALWAYS DO A SEARCH. If the same complaint has a topic opened, add your post there. If you want to post a question or a guide about no particular service make sure it wasn't posted before. 
  3. When you post a new complaint about a particular service you should do it in the following format: Title:  Business Name - Short summary. Example: BestFXBroker -  No withdrawal for 2 weeks. 
  4. We do not accept multiple topics about the provider. All the complaints about a service that was posted before should be done in that specific thread. If you break this rule you will get yourself warned or banned. No exceptions!

In doubt or have questions? Contact us.

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