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Buy , Sell , Exchange (Crypto & E-Currencies) - Instant Service At Awesome Rates

Guest AndreXchange

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Guest AndreXchange













We are here for making good deals with you and for long term.






We offer awesome rates and instant exchanges , when is it possible.






You can check the rates on our website which is posted here on thread.









We support most of e-currencies like:






01. Perfect Money



02. Webmoney



03. Bitcoin



04. MoneyPak



05. Neteller



06. SolidTrustPay



07. PayPal



08. Skrill



09. Payza



10. Egopay



11. Liqpay



12. OkPay



13. Pecunix



14. Litecoin



15. BTC-E Code



16. E-Payments



17. Payoneer



18. Ukash



19. PaySafeCard



20. Western Union



21. Money Gram



22. Bank Wire



23. CashU



24. Amazon



25. HD-Money



26. Payeer



27. eCoin



28. Paxum



29. QiWi



30. Credit Card









We have several ways for contact like YAHOO - GMAIL - SKYPE - ICQ - OUTLOOK.














Contact on Instant Messenger:










Outlook - [email protected]



Skype - andreas.exchanger



ICQ - 653968632




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Guest AndreXchange

List of available funds on 26 AUGUST 2014:

Perfect Money - 35K

Bitcoin - 28K

Webmoney - 13.3K

MoneyPak - 12K

Neteller - 8K

Skrill - 6k

STP - 4K

PayPal - 3K

Egopay - 5K

Payza - 4.5K

Ukash - 7K

PSC - 2.3K

OkPay - 4K

Payeer - 2.1K

Payoneer - 5K

We accept exchanges between any of these processors and a lot of others , at request.

We are here for making good deals with you and for long term.

We offer awesome rates and instant exchanges , when is it possible.

You can check the rates on our website which is posted here: http://exchange-crypto-currencies.blogspot.com

Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way.

We have several ways for contact like YAHOO - GMAIL - SKYPE - ICQ - OUTLOOK.

Contact on Instant Messenger:

Skype - andreas.exchanger

ICQ - 653968632

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Guest AndreXchange
SUNDAY 31 AUGUST 2014 - Most Lucky Sunday of the year (Special Offers)

List of available funds on 31 AUGUST 2014:

Perfect Money - 24K

Bitcoin - 20K

Webmoney - 11.5K

MoneyPak - 10K

Neteller - 6.4K

Skrill - 5k

STP - 3.5K

PayPal - 2.8K

Egopay - 7.6K

Payza - 1.4K

Ukash - 8K

PSC - 1.5K

OkPay - 2K

Payeer - 2.8K

Payoneer - 3.5K

We accept exchanges between any of these processors and a lot of others , at request.

We are here for making good deals with you and for long term.

We offer awesome rates and instant exchanges , when is it possible.

You can check the rates on our website which is posted here: http://exchange-crypto-currencies.blogspot.com

Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way.

We have several ways for contact like YAHOO - GMAIL - SKYPE - ICQ - OUTLOOK.

Contact on Instant Messenger:

Skype - andreas.exchanger

ICQ - 653968632

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Guest AndreXchange

Hello sir, what is the best payment processor?

I'm afraid using them. I need to make investment in Liteforex broker.

Please suggest me..

Hi. Check my posts and you will know . Contact me for advices and , maybe for deals.


Exchange Crypto-Currencies & E-Currencies Instant Service offer to our customers the best possible rates.
You can check rates on our website: http://exchange-crypto-currencies.blogspot.com
You can check feedbacks on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Xavier.Exchanger
You can contact us on several platforms like: Yahoo - Skype - Facebook - Gmail - Oulook - ICQ - Website
We sell this week high amount of Bitcoin , Perfect Money , Western Union , PayPal & Webmoney at next rates:
BITCOIN - Perfect Money , Webmoney , Neteller , Skrill , PayPal , SolidTrustPay , EgoPay [4% - Limited Time Offer]
BITCOIN - Payza , OkPay , LiqPay , MoneyPak , Ukash , Western Union , Pecunix [6% - Limited Time Offer]
PERFECT MONEY - Bitcoin , Webmoney , Neteller , Skrill , PayPal , SolidTrustPay , EgoPay [3% - Limited Time Offer]
PERFECT MONEY - Payza , OkPay , LiqPay , MoneyPak , Ukash , Western Union , Pecunix [5% - Limited Time Offer]
WEBMONEY - Bitcoin , Perfect Money , Neteller , Skrill , Paypal , SolidTrustPay , EgoPay [2% - Limited Time Offer]
WEBMONEY - Payza , OkPay , LiqPay , MoneyPak , Ukash , Western Union , Pecunix [4% - Limited Time Offer]
PAYPAL - Bitcoin , Perfect Money , Neteller , Skrill , Webmoney , SolidTrustPay , EgoPay [1% - Limited Time Offer]
PAYPAL - Payza , OkPay , LiqPay , MoneyPak , Ukash , Western Union , Pecunix [3% - Limited Time Offer]
WESTERN UNION - Bitcoin , Perfect Money , Neteller , Skrill , Webmoney , SolidTrustPay , EgoPay [0% - Limited Time Offer]
WESTERN UNION - Payza , OkPay , LiqPay , MoneyPak , Ukash , PayPal , Pecunix [2% - Limited Time Offer]
We keep these rates just for processors that we have posted there , for other trades contact us on available platforms.
Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way.
You could contact us on next ways:
Skype -> andreas.exchanger
Outlook -> [email protected]
ICQ -> 653968632
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest AndreXchange
Exchange Crypto-Currencies & E-Currencies Instant Service offer to our customers the best possible rates.

You can check rates and updates on our website: http://exchange-crypto-currencies.blogspot.com

You can check feedbacks on our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/Xavier.Exchanger

You can contact us on several platforms like: Yahoo - Skype - Facebook - Gmail - Oulook - ICQ - Website

We sell this week high amount of Perfect Money at special rates:

PERFECT MONEY - Bitcoin , Webmoney , Neteller , Skrill , PayPal , SolidTrustPay , EgoPay [3% - Limited Time Offer]

PERFECT MONEY - Payza , OkPay , LiqPay , MoneyPak , Ukash , Western Union , Pecunix [5% - Limited Time Offer]

We keep these rates just for processors that we have posted there , for other trades contact us on available platforms.

Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way.

You could contact us on next ways:

Skype -> andreas.exchanger






Outlook -> [email protected]


ICQ -> 653968632

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Guest AndreXchange
Selling BITCOIN & PERFECT MONEY - Unique Top Rates

LIMITED TIME OFFER - 20 to 30 September

In the period between 20 and 30 September 2014 we will sell good amount of BITCOIN & PERFECT MONEY funds at unique rates , available in limited stock .

We have updated our offer and you can check it on website , facebook or contact us on available platforms.

This offer is limited time only , just in that period of time and just for these payment processors , so hurry up and take the offer , exchange will be instant.

Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way , we are trusted exchangers since years.


Skype -> andreas.exchanger






Outlook -> [email protected]


ICQ -> 653968632

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Guest AndreXchange

Selling BITCOIN & PERFECT MONEY - Unique Top Rates

LIMITED TIME OFFER - 20 to 30 September

In the period between 20 and 30 September 2014 we will sell good amount of BITCOIN & PERFECT MONEY funds at unique rates , available in limited stock .
We have updated our offer and you can check it on website , facebook or contact us on available platforms.
This offer is limited time only , just in that period of time and just for these payment processors , so hurry up and take the offer , exchange will be instant.
Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way , we are trusted exchangers since years.


Skype -> andreas.exchanger


Yahoo -> [email protected]


Gmail -> [email protected]


Facebook -> http://www.facebook.com/Xavier.Exchanger


Website -> http://exchange-crypto-currencies.blogspot.com


Outlook -> [email protected]

ICQ -> 653968632

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest AndreXchange
We sell to you high amount of Bitcoin & Perfect Money .

We want to exchange all your funds to Bitcoin or whatelse you need.

We take your all funds of: Neteller , Skrill , STP , WMZ , Egopay , Payza , MoneyPak , Ukash , PaySafeCard , Western Union.

Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way , we are trusted exchangers since years.


Skype -> andreas.exchanger






Outlook -> [email protected]


ICQ -> 653968632

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Guest AndreXchange
We sell BITCOIN & PERFECT MONEY at top rates .

We take your all funds of: Neteller , Skrill , STP , WMZ , Egopay , Payza , MoneyPak , Ukash , PaySafeCard , Western Union.

Contact us on: Skype -> Yahoo -> ICQ -> Gmail -> Website -> Facebook - > Outlook.

Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way , we are trusted exchangers since years.


Skype -> andreas.exchanger






Outlook -> [email protected]


ICQ -> 653968632

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Guest AndreXchange

Our Skype details are next , don't add the others with same name , aren't us , they are cheaters:

Our Skype ID: Andreas.Exchanger

Skype City: Munchen

Skype Region: Bavaria

Skype Country: Germany

Skype Name: Andreas Binder Lahm

Add Us on Skype just the account with these details: Andreas.Exchanger (Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany)

Thanks for understanding and be careful of which Skype account you add , we are from Munchen in Germany .

We provide real exchange services on our website: http://exchange-crypto-currencies.blogspot.com

Contact us on several platforms:

Skype -> andreas.exchanger [Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany]






Outlook -> [email protected]


ICQ -> 653968632

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Guest AndreXchange
In October month , we will sell Bitcoin & Perfect Money at top rates.

We accept to buy from your part just next processors: Neteller , Skrill , STP , WMZ , Egopay , Payza , MoneyPak , Ukash , PaySafeCard , Western Union , LiqPay , Bank Wire.

Contact us on: Skype -> Yahoo -> ICQ -> Gmail -> Website -> Facebook - > Outlook.

Our unique Skipe ID has next details: Andreas.Exchanger (Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany)

Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way , we are trusted exchangers since years.


Skype -> andreas.exchanger [Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany]






Outlook -> [email protected]


ICQ -> 653968632

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Guest AndreXchange

We accept to buy from your part just next processors: Neteller , Skrill , STP , WMZ , Egopay , Payza , MoneyPak , Ukash , PaySafeCard , Western Union , LiqPay , Bank Wire.

Contact us on: Skype -> Yahoo -> ICQ -> Gmail -> Website -> Facebook - > Outlook.

Our unique Skipe ID has next details: Andreas.Exchanger (Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany)

Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way , we are trusted exchangers since years.


Skype -> andreas.exchanger [Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany]






Outlook -> [email protected]


ICQ -> 653968632

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Guest AndreXchange
In October month , we will sell Bitcoin & Perfect Money at top rates.

We accept to buy from your part just next processors: Neteller , Skrill , STP , WMZ , Egopay , Payza , MoneyPak , Ukash , PaySafeCard , Western Union , LiqPay , Bank Wire.

Contact us on: Skype -> Yahoo -> ICQ -> Gmail -> Website -> Facebook - > Outlook.

Our unique Skipe ID has next details: Andreas.Exchanger (Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany)

Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way , we are trusted exchangers since years.


Skype -> andreas.exchanger [Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany]






Outlook -> [email protected]


ICQ -> 653968632

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Guest AndreXchange
OCTOBER TOP RATES - Bitcoin & Perfect Money

In October month , we will sell Bitcoin & Perfect Money at top rates. These are:

BITCOIN - Perfect Money , Webmoney , Neteller , Skrill , PayPal => 2%

BITCOIN - SolidTrustPay , EgoPay , Payza , OkPay , LiqPay => 4%

BITCOIN - MoneyPak , Ukash , Western Union , Pecunix , Bank Wire => 6%

PERFECT MONEY - Bitcoin , Webmoney , Neteller , Skrill , PayPal => 1%

PERFECT MONEY - SolidTrustPay , EgoPay , Payza , OkPay , LiqPay => 3%

PERFECT MONEY - MoneyPak , Ukash , Western Union , Pecunix , Bank Wire => 5%

Contact us on: Skype -> Yahoo -> ICQ -> Gmail -> Website -> Facebook - > Outlook.

Our unique Skipe ID has next details: Andreas.Exchanger (Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany)

Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way , we are trusted exchangers since years.


Skype -> andreas.exchanger [Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany]






Outlook -> [email protected]


ICQ -> 653968632

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Guest AndreXchange
In October month , we will sell Bitcoin & Perfect Money at top rates.

We will buy from you just next e-currencies and processors:

Webmoney , Neteller , Skrill , PayPal , SolidTrustPay , EgoPay , Payza , OkPay , MoneyPak , Ukash , Western Union , Bank Wire , Litecoin , PaySafeCard , Payoneer .

You could contact us on: Skype -> Yahoo -> ICQ -> Gmail -> Website -> Facebook - > Outlook.

Our unique Skipe ID has next details: Andreas.Exchanger (Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany) , so don't deal on Skype if you don't see these details at status.

Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way , we are trusted exchangers since years.


Skype -> andreas.exchanger [Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany]






Outlook -> [email protected]


ICQ -> 653968632

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest AndreXchange
New great offer for MONEYPAK dealers . We buy MONEYPAK and we pay for it next processors: Bitcoin , Perfect Money , Western Union , Webmoney , Egopay and Neteller. For other payment processors , contact us , we try to resolve your request. Rates will be next , but sometimes negociable for high amounts .

You can check our rates and feedbacks directly on our website: http://exchange-cryp...es.blogspot.com


Outlook -> [email protected]


ICQ -> 653968632

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest AndreXchange
New great offer for MONEYPAK dealers . We buy MONEYPAK and we pay for it next processors: Bitcoin , Perfect Money , Western Union , Webmoney , Egopay and Neteller. For other payment processors , contact us , we try to resolve your request. Rates will be next , but sometimes negociable for high amounts .

WESTERN UNION - MONEYPAK => 25% (0.75 per USD) [75$ WU - 100$ MP]

BITCOIN - MONEYPAK => 20% (0.80 per USD) [80$ BTC - 100$ MP]

PERFECT MONEY - MONEYPAK => 15% (0.85 per USD) [85$ PM - 100$ MP]

WEBMONEY - MONEYPAK => 10% (0.90 per USD) [90$ WMZ - 100$ MP]

NETELLER - MONEYPAK => 5% (0.95 per USD) [95$ NT - 100$ MP]

EGOPAY - MONEYPAK => 2% (0.98 per USD) [980$ EGO - 1000$ MP]

You could contact us on: Skype -> Yahoo -> ICQ -> Gmail -> Website -> Facebook - > Outlook.

Our unique Skipe ID has next details: Andreas.Exchanger (Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany) , so don't deal on Skype if you don't see these details at status.

Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way , we are trusted exchangers since years.


Skype -> andreas.exchanger [Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany]






Outlook -> [email protected]


ICQ -> 653968632

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Guest AndreXchange
Andreas Binder exchange service represent the best private company on the market.

We are based on Germany and our official website blog is: http://exchange-crypto-currencies.blogspot.com

We offer great deals between major known processors at best rates and low amounts.

We have special offers for bitcoin , perfect money & wmz trades . Look here: http://exchange-crypto-currencies.blogspot.com/2014/09/selling-bitcoin-perfect-money-at-unique.html

We offer too special rates for your MoneyPak codes , you'll never find best rates in another place: http://exchange-crypto-currencies.blogspot.com/2014/11/buy-high-amount-of-moneypak-funds-check.html

We offer best rates for other processors too , and this can be checked on our website.

We have several ways for contact like: Skype -> Yahoo -> ICQ -> Gmail -> Website -> Facebook - > Outlook.

Our unique Skipe ID has next details: Andreas.Exchanger (Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany) , so don't deal on Skype if you don't see these details at status.

Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way , we are trusted exchangers since years.



Skype -> andreas.exchanger [Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany]





Outlook -> [email protected]


ICQ -> 653968632

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Guest AndreXchange

In december month we will offer for all our customers very special rates for all exchanges.

We will offer same rates for all exchanges that we accept , so come to us for details .

You can visit our website to see our previous rates: http://exchange-crypto-currencies.blogspot.com

For give these rates , we will apply an minimum amount of 100 USD-EUR-GBP .

For lower amounts than 100 USD-EUR-GBP rates will be same like usual.

We will accept to buy from you next e-currencies and payment processors:


Special rates - Rates applied will be 1:1 between all type of exchanges that we accept .

We have several ways for contact like: Skype -> Yahoo -> ICQ -> Gmail -> Website -> Facebook - > Outlook.

Our unique Skipe ID has next details: Andreas.Exchanger (Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany) , so don't deal on Skype if you don't see these details at status.

Don't ask to send first , because we will not deal in that way , we are trusted exchangers since years.



Skype -> andreas.exchanger [Andreas Binder Lahm - Munchen,Bavaria,Germany]





Outlook -> [email protected]


ICQ -> 653968632

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