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Is there still potential in dropshipping?

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Answer: Definitely, there is. To determine whether dropshipping has potential, we first need to understand where dropshipping stands out compared to other platforms and its process.

Low Startup Capital

This is attributed to the business model of dropshipping. Unlike traditional retailers, dropshipping sellers don't need to maintain inventory. Dropshipping allows for direct shipping based on demand, purchasing products from third parties as needed.

Easy to Start

When there's no need to spend energy managing a warehouse, more time can be devoted to store management. Also, since shipping is direct, there's no need to worry about the costs of warehousing, packaging, transportation, as well as inventory stocking and management.

Wide Range of Products to Sell

Since there's no need to purchase the products in advance, as long as the supplier has stock, we can sell directly without incurring additional costs.

Low Overhead

Thanks to its unique business model, dropshipping incurs minimal costs in terms of storage and labor, making it more advantageous compared to traditional platforms.

From the profit model perspective of dropshipping, it operates on a low-margin, high-volume basis. It's challenging for a single account to scale significantly. To achieve substantial profits in a short period, many people choose to operate multiple accounts simultaneously. However, as it's a cross-border platform, the issue of account association arises. But no worries, now with MoreLogin Anti-Association Browser, these problems can be easily solved.

The MoreLogin Anti-Association Browser can simulate multiple virtual fingerprint browsers on a single computer, creating virtual identity information through these browsers. This means even if we log into multiple accounts on one computer, the browser fingerprints are different, preventing detection by the platform and avoiding associated account issues. Additionally, the master-sub account feature of MoreLogin Anti-Association Browser, which allows for the allocation of permissions among accounts, can save users a significant amount of time

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Yes, dropshipping is still worth the investment if you're looking for a low cost, small business idea. The number of people searching the term “dropshipping” has increased exponentially from 2020 through 2023. “Dropshipping” on Google Trends has seen an uptick in recent years (2020-2023).

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