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Risk Payment Blocking on Facebook: What is it, how can you avoid it, and 
how can you extend the life of your account?

What can trigger Facebook to trigger a risk payment block and how to avoid it? Here’s 
the story of Jonh, a store owner who entered his payment information but mistakenly 
provided an old credit card number that's no longer active. This discrepancy triggers a 
Risk Payment block because Facebook detects the information as inaccurate, highlighting 
the importance of ensuring all payment details are current and correct. 

Then there's Casey, who manages a boutique clothing store. In an effort to clear out last 
season's inventory, Casey decides to significantly increase her advertising budget 
overnight, from a consistent spending of around $200 per month to $2,000 in a single 
Such an abrupt change alerts Facebook's monitoring systems to potential fraud or stolen 
credit card usage, resulting in a temporary block of her account for suspicious activity. 

How to avoid these situations for your own campaigns?

Risk Payment Blocking on Facebook can occur when the social network detects potential 
risks associated with payments. Below you will find a sample list of reasons why your 
account may be blocked:

  • Incorrect Payment Details: when payment details, such as card or bank account 
    details, are incorrect.
  • Any suspicious or unusual activity related to financial transactions This may 
    also include multiple failed payment attempts and frequent changes in payment 
    methods. Other issues like financial transaction errors, such as incorrect 
    transactions, overpayments, or insufficient funds in the account, may also result 
    in a freeze.
  • Payment fraud and violations of Facebook's platform policies, including 
    advertising and behavioral guidelines

Keep in mind that while this list provides common reasons, any suspicious activity 
related to payments on your account may result in a Risk Payment block. If this occurs, 
please contact Facebook Support to regain access to your account and resolve the 
reasons for the block.

How to avoid being blocked by Risk Payment?

  • When creating a Facebook advertising account, ensure that you provide 
    accurate and valid information, including your payment card details.
  • Regularly update your payment information to avoid issues with incorrect or 
    outdated card details.
  • Monitor your financial transactions and promptly notify management of 
    any discrepancies.
  • You should be careful when using payment information in your account to 
    avoid fraud and abusive transactions.

How can you extend the life of your account?

  • Follow the rules for using Facebook and the advertising platform to avoid 
    violations that could result in account blocking.
  • Keep your account active. Update content regularly and interact with your 
  • Diversify the types and formats of your Facebook ad campaigns to keep 
    your audience interested and avoid source monotony.

By following these tips, you can avoid being locked out of Risk Payment on 
Facebook. Moreover, you can extend the lifespan of your account by ensuring 
its security and compliance with the platform's terms of use.

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How to calculate the budget for Facebook ads?

When planning your Facebook advertising budget, several key factors come into play. 
You need to consider the audience you're targeting, your campaign's objectives, and 
the competitive landscape of your industry. Here's a streamlined approach to get you 

  • Determine the goals of the ad campaign: increase sales, raise brand awareness, 
    attract new customers, etc.
  • Understand your audience: Dive into your target audience's online behavior. 
    This insight helps pinpoint the number of people you aim to reach and identifies 
    the groups most relevant to your campaign.
  • Choose your ad format: Facebook offers a lot of ad formats, including options 
    like photo and video ads, carousel ads, dynamic ads for showcasing products 
    from your catalog, and even ads that run on Instagram or through Messenger. 
    Selecting the right format is critical for aligning with your campaign's aims.
  • Establish key performance indicators (KPIs): Decide on the metrics that will 
    guide you in assessing your campaign's success, such as conversion rates, 
    click-through rates (CTR), and return on investment (ROI). Predict possible 
    outcomes, like sales or lead generation, and weigh them against your 
    budget to ensure cost-effectiveness.
  • Budget Calculation: Utilize tools like Facebook Ads Manager to monitor your 
    campaign's performance. A good approach to take is taking the percent of 
    revenue approach, where you allocate a portion of your income to advertising. 
    For instance, if you're setting aside 10% of a monthly income of $5000, your 
    ad budget would be $500.
  • Understand Cost Per Click or Impression: Familiarize yourself with the costs 
    involved, such as CPC (Cost Per Click) or CPM (Cost Per Mille, i.e., cost per 
    thousand impressions). Estimate these costs based on your ad's nature, 
    campaign goals, audience, and the competitive environment.
  • Test & Optimize. Set a budget for the entire ad campaign or for individual 
    ads. It is recommended to start with a small amount and gradually increase 
    the budget based on the results.

You can optimize your budget through constant analysis and testing. This allows 
you to maximize the benefits of promoting your business through Facebook 

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Why is it profitable to top up a virtual card with cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency virtual card enables payments, purchases, and transactions using
digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other cryptocurrencies instead of traditional
fiat money.
Here are the reasons why you should top up your virtual card with cryptocurrency:

  • Topping up a virtual card with cryptocurrency is typically fast and hassle-free.
    There is no need to wait for transaction verification through banks or payment
    systems, making the process instant and convenient.
  • Cryptocurrency transactions offer users a high level of anonymity, while
    blockchain and encryption technologies ensure transaction security, increasing
    the protection of personal information.
  • Virtual card transactions in cryptocurrency allow users to bypass restrictions and
    associated with conventional bank cards. This is particularly useful for
    users living in countries with strict banking restrictions.
  • By topping up a virtual card with cryptocurrency, the user is investing in digital
    , which can bring additional benefits due to the volatility of the cryptocurrency
  • Cryptocurrencies provide global opportunities for cross-border payments
    without the need to convert currencies. This is particularly beneficial for
    international transactions, as the use of cryptocurrencies can save time and money.  
  • In some cases, using cryptocurrency to top up a virtual card has lower fees than
    traditional funding methods, so you can save money. 
  • Virtual cards enable the exchange of cryptocurrency for traditional currencies
    such as USD and EUR, facilitating the use of digital assets for payments and

Virtual cryptocurrency cards offer convenience for everyday financial transactions
and expand the possibilities of using digital assets.
 Despite the risks associated with
the volatile cryptocurrency market, this payment method is beneficial. It is an innovative
solution that expands the possibilities of cryptocurrency as an alternative form of payment
beyond traditional bank cards. Cryptocurrency payments made with virtual cards are
secure, anonymous, and can save time and money while also providing new investment

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Overview of the LeadingCards dashboard: useful features  

LeadingCards is a user-friendly platform for issuing cards and processing
payments. The interface is designed to provide everything you need.Even
first-time virtual card users can easily navigate the platform, while experienced
users can take advantage of a range of advanced customizations. Let's take a
closer look at them. 

High-yield features of the LeadingCards Dashboard

After signing up, you can easily top up your LeadingCards account, choose
your preferred GEO and card issuing platform, receive a premium promotional
card, and start shopping - all from a single dashboard.

Let's take a look at what's available in the Control Panel: 

  • There are several ways to add funds to the card. You can top up in USDT
    TRC20, USDT ERC20, BTC and via bank transfer. 
  • Access to any number of cards at any time. Order processing and card
    provision are available 24/7, regardless of time zone. Each campaign can
    be assigned a dedicated card. 
  • Order cards that are suitable for various platforms. These platforms include
    Facebook, Google, Twitter, Taboola, and other popular traffic sources. All
    cards are provided by trusted banks, and in total - 12 issuers. 
  • Order cards in multiple currencies. These currencies are dollars, euros, and
    pounds sterling. The option to choose the currency that best suits your
    campaign budget and GEO eliminates the need for currency conversion,
    making management easier. 
  • Order cards for different GEOs. This allows affiliates to drive traffic to
    offers in different countries, scale ad campaigns, and test regions
  • Set an expiration date for the card that corresponds to the end of the
    Additionally, you can establish a budget limit to prevent
  • Maximum level of security. Leading Cards addresses the challenge of
    protecting your funds with its 24/7 anti-fraud team, which ensures the safety
    of your financial transactions by constantly monitoring and protecting them
    from fraudulent activity. 


The LeadingCards dashboard has a smart design and a user-centric approach.
Its ease of use is especially valuable in time-sensitive areas, as it can significantly
improve campaign management effectiveness. The interface simplifies card
issuance and enhances the user experience, ensuring that users can manage
cards with minimal hassle. 

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Taboola: A brief overview of the ad network and why it's ideal for affiliates.

Today, we will discuss a highly effective traffic source suitable for many verticals:
the Taboola advertising network. This network provides access to large volumes
of quality traffic from Tier-1 and Tier-2 countries.

Features and benefits of Taboola for traffic arbitrage

Taboola is an international native advertising network created in 2007 and is one
of the top networks on the market. It supports various ad formats, such as teasers,
banners, video ads, In-App, and native In-Feed ads. The primary advantage is that
all ads are native, meaning they are seamlessly integrated into the content. 

Taboola partners with over 3,500 premium themed sites, including Bloomberg,
Business Insider, and ThisIsMoney. All the websites are selected carefully
according to their traffic quality and relevance. . The creatives blend seamlessly with
the site's content, increasing the number of conversions and leads compared to
conventional advertising networks. 

Taboola algorithms analyze user behavior and key queries to place advertising in
areas of the site where users are most receptive to new information. They analyze
which parameters people are using to view ads and take more targeted actions.
For instance, this may be after they have finished reading an article. 

The users who view the ads on the websites are residents of the United States,
Canada, and Europe. Taboola is an ideal platform for promoting high-cost offers
due to its ability to generate high-quality, expensive leads. 

Taboola supports CPM, CPC, and CPV payment models. Accounts can be funded
using LeadingCards virtual cards. The minimum budget for entry is $2,000. 

Taboola only accepts white-labeled offers. It is well-suited for: 

  • white offers; 
  • white nutra; 
  • mainstream acting; 
  • finance and ICOs; 
  • educational; 
  • travel-offers; 
  • HR; 
  • B2B; 
  • apps and utilities; 
  • mobile and browser games.  

To pass moderation, a creative must provide accurate information and have a
high-quality design. 



Taboola offers excellent support services, with staff available for consultation
via email and phone. The website also has detailed educational content that helps
you get started. 


Taboola is a great source of traffic for affiliates who specialize in white offers.
This ad network provides detailed targeting settings, access to premium solvent
audiences, and the opportunity to receive high-quality traffic and profits. Taboola
can be funded using our LeadingCards, which are highly trusted for this source.

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Where can you find reliable pre-made Facebook and Google accounts, and how
do you choose a trustworthy account store?

In affiliate marketing, a steady stream of accounts is essential. Pre-made
accounts are necessary for launching and testing multiple advertising campaigns
in various regions. However, Facebook does not permit having multiple accounts.
Read this article to find out where to get social media accounts and what to look
for when choosing a store.

Where can you find good accounts?

It is crucial to purchase accounts from trustworthy sources and stores with a
good reputation. Novices often make the mistake of searching for 'buy cheap
accounts' when they need an account quickly and purchasing from the first store
they come across. If they are fortunate, the first store they find is good. However,
more often than not, the opposite occurs, and the purchased account does not
work because it was resold to other people, resulting in wasted money.    

Many webmasters rely on popular account stores. You can find out about these
stores through forums, case studies, or by communicating with colleagues. 

While these stores are generally trustworthy, there is still a risk of purchased
accounts being banned. So it is important to choose a reputable store that
offers a replacement guarantee. 

How to choose an account store?

When choosing a store, consider the following key factors: 

  • The length of time the company has been on the market. Although this is not the
    most important factor, if the company has been on the market for many years
    and has not opened yesterday, this is a good sign.
  • Reviews, mentions in reviews, reputation. It is necessary to analyze how
    frequently the store is mentioned in affiliate marketing media and forums, as
    well as the comments on review sites. 
  • Simple registration. As accounts are needed quickly, the registration process
    should be easy. 
  • Clear navigation and flexible filters. The filters should allow you to quickly find
    the accounts you need without wasting time searching the entire store site. 
  • Detailed information about the products. The account should be described in
    detail, including its features and benefits. If the information provided is too
    general, it could be a reason to choose a different store. 
  • Professional support. It is worthwhile to test the support team's work by
    asking questions through chat or tickets and evaluating their response time,
    responsiveness, and communication tone. 
  • Convenient payment methods. The store should support payment methods
    that are familiar to you. For instance, these stores include LeadingCards,
    Useviral, SidesMedia, Growthoid, and others.  


You can save time and money by being careful when choosing an account
The internet is rife with scammers who sell autoregistered accounts as
premium ones. A reputable store values its reputation and verifies the sellers who
offer their goods. Therefore, when making a choice, it is important to consider all
the criteria and make an informed decision. 

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  • 3 weeks later...


How to optimize your Facebook advertising campaign with budget management?

You can optimize your Facebook campaigns in many ways, including budget
management. These are some of the things you should be considering when it
comes to optimization.  

How to manage the budget for optimization?

Effective budget management is crucial for entrepreneurs, marketers, and
affiliates who want to purchase Facebook traffic while minimizing promotion
costs. Here are some steps to optimize your campaigns and budget: 

  • Set your goals. Set the goal of your ad campaign and determine what you
    want to achieve. For instance, increasing sales or attracting new customers.
    Clear goals will help you optimize your budget.
  • Data analysis. Utilize data from previous successful campaigns to identify the
    most effective approaches. Experimenting with various ad options, target
    audiences, display times, and other parameters can assist in determining the
    optimal settings.
  • A/B testing. Create multiple ad versions and test them on different audience
    segments. This helps you determine which ads work best and reallocate your
    budget to the most effective options.
  • Real-time optimization. Monitor campaign performance continuously and make
    adjustments in real time. 
  • Take seasonality into account. Take into account seasonal changes and current
    trends for each offer or vertical. For instance, you may need to increase your
    budget during the holiday season.

Facebook tools for budget management

Facebook offers various in-house tools for managing budgets and optimizing campaigns:

  • Ad budget allocation. It enables automatic budget allocation within a single
    campaign, prioritizing the most effective ads to improve overall results.
  • Budget allocation between campaigns. This allows you to allocate budget
    between different campaigns within an ad account. 
  • Distribution optimization. Facebook uses machine learning algorithms that
    take into account user behavior and interaction history to determine the
    best time and place to show ads.
  • Target rates. Facebook enables you to establish rates for particular actions,
    such as clicks, conversions, or video views. This feature enables you to
    optimize your campaign for the desired targeted results.

As Facebook does not offer many budget management tools, it's better to use
third-party services. For example, LeadingCards allows you to monitor and
manage expenses more effectively.


To effectively manage your budget and optimize your campaign, it is crucial to stay
up-to-date with new tools and their features, conduct thorough testing, and utilize
the built-in bid optimization options. LeadingCards enables you to have a card for
each campaign, providing you with complete control over your budget. 

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What are Facebook auto-publishing services and what can they do for you? 

Facebook auto publishing is a feature that allows users to automatically publish
content to their page or group. For instance, users can set up auto-publishing to
publish news, articles, photos, or videos from their website or blog.

This feature is great for anyone who wants to regularly update their page or
group with content without having to do it manually every time. However, it's
important to be careful when using auto-publishing to avoid overloading your
page or group with unnecessary or irrelevant content.

How to do auto-publishing?

There are a bunch of services and tools for auto-publishing content on Facebook
that make it easier to schedule and manage posts on the platform. Here are some
of them and what they do:

Facebook Creator Studio (Facebook Creator) — Content management: Create,
schedule, and publish content on Facebook and Instagram pages.
Buffer — Planning and analytics: It allows you to create, schedule, and analyze
posts on various social platforms, including Facebook.

Hootsuite - Social Media Management: Scheduling posts, monitoring activity
and engaging with audiences on various social platforms.

Sprout Social —Automation and analytics: It helps you manage your publications,
analyze data, and engage with your audience.

Later — Content scheduling: It allows you to schedule and automate posts on
various social networks, including Facebook.

Facebook Business Suite platform — Page management: This platform allows
you to publish posts, track notifications, analyze results, and engage with your
audience through a single platform.

Also, there are two pretty advanced platforms for traffic arbitrage: FBTools
and Dolphin. 

FBTools is an online platform that offers a range of tools to promote and automate
activities on Facebook. Among its features are the ability to automatically post,
manage groups, and more.

Dolphin is a Facebook publishing automation service that enables users to schedule
and publish posts, photos, and videos to pages and groups on the social network
without requiring their constant presence.

Both of these services facilitate the management of content on Facebook, enhancing
efficiency and streamlining the scheduling and automation of posts.

What can auto-publishing services do for you?

Effective planning:  Allow you to create and plan content in advance for optimal
publishing, ensuring a seamless process.

Process automation: They assist in automating content publishing, thereby
freeing up time and resources.

Results analytics:

Collect the data and analytics you need to understand how your audience
interacts with your campaigns and other key metrics.

Multiple account management: Allow you to efficiently manage multiple pages
and profiles across multiple platforms.

Facebook auto-publishing tools are a great way for entrepreneurs to manage
their content, schedule posts, analyze results, and engage with audiences. They
make social media management easier.

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How to check the trustworthiness of an account after purchase? 

You need a lot of accounts in different GEO to drive traffic to various offers
and scale your ad campaigns. It's faster and more efficient to buy a
ready-made, warmed-up account than to farm it yourself from scratch. Let's
find out how to check whether the account is high-quality, trustworthy, and
whether it will be easy to launch a campaign from it without getting banned. 

What are the most important things to look for when buying an account?

So, let's take a look at how to identify good farmed accounts and what to
look at when buying an account from the store.

  • Content. Accounts with avatars, photos, posts, and friends tend to be
    more trusted than empty ones. If there are posts and photos, it shows
    that the account has been active, which is a good sign
  • Presence of Fan Page. Fan Page must be linked to the account. It should
    include the email address and phone number. It is crucial that the Fan
    Page be of a similar age to the account, but not older. 
  • Account activities. Account activities can be viewed under the
    "Settings and Privacy" section, where you will find the "Activity Log." This
    allows you to see what actions have been taken on the account. A wide
    range of activities and sessions is a positive indicator. 
  • Activities outside of Facebook. It is important to note that FB
    considers a person who has not authorized any activity from their
    account to be a robot. In order to comply with FB policies, users
    are required to authorize and register on websites, services, online
    stores, and applications using their FB account. These actions
    can be viewed in the section "Privacy" > "Your information on
    Facebook" > "Actions outside Facebook". Themes for advertising.
    Themes can be found under” Privacy” > “Advertising” > “Themes”.
    The more themes, the better for trust.
  • Categories of interest. You can find them under "Advertising"
    > "Ads Settings" > "Categories" > "Other Categories." There
    should be at least five categories. 
  • GEO of the account. It is crucial that the geo of the account aligns
    with the claimed geo and the intended geographic scope of the ad
  • Feed. If you see ads in your feed, it's a good sign. It demonstrates
    that Facebook believes the account belongs to a real user with
    an active audience.
  • Account Quality. In the "Account Quality" section > "Overview," you
    should be able to see if there have been any warnings or bans. 


We've looked at some key things to consider when buying an
account to make sure it looks 100% trustworthy and quality for FB.
It's really important to check the history of actions, the "Privacy"
and "Advertising" sections, and to make sure there haven't been
any bans. 

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of using CPC and CPM
payment models in ad networks?

CPC (Cost Per Click) — is an advertising payment model that provides payment
for actual user clicks on advertisements.


  • Payment is made for each click on the advertisement by the user.
  • The advertiser pays only for real user actions (clicks).
  • It is effective for campaigns with clear conversion goals and driving traffic
    to the site.

Advantages of the CPC Model:

  • Paying only for clicks enables you to manage your advertising campaign budget.
  • You can evaluate campaign performance and measure ROI (Return on Investment)
    by the number of clicks received.
  • High conversion rate - as the user actively interacts with the ad, the conversion
    rate is higher.

Disadvantages of CPC model:

  • Low quality traffic - some users may click on ads accidentally or on purpose
    to increase the advertiser's costs.
  • High competition for keywords can lead to a higher cost per click.
  • This payment model does not guarantee audience reach because you are
    only paid for clicks, not impressions.

CPM (Cost Per Mille) — is a payment model based on the number of impressions
an advertisement receives.


  • Payment is made per thousand impressions of the advertisement.
  • The advertiser pays for each display, regardless of user response.

Advantages of CPM Model:

  • Wide audience reach - paying per thousand impressions allows you to reach
    more users.
  • The CPM model can be effective for branding campaigns aimed at increasing
    brand awareness.
  • Cost per display is lower than that offered by the CPC model, especially in
    the case of high conversions.

Disadvantages of CPM model:

  • The effectiveness of the campaign may decrease since payment is
    based on impressions rather than clicks or user actions, which are not
  • Measuring ROI can be less transparent when relying solely on impressions
    to evaluate campaign performance.
  • Risk of low quality traffic - CPM payments can cause problems with
    untargeted traffic or views from inactive users.

The choice of CPC or CPM payment model depends on your campaign
goals, budget, type of product or service, and target audience.
If the goal is to attract active users while controlling costs, CPC may
be the best option. On the other hand, if the aim is to reach a wider
audience and increase brand awareness, CPM may be more suitable.

LeadingCards offers a convenient solution for selecting a virtual card
based on your needs.
Our platform eliminates the time-consuming
process of searching for and financing the most convenient card. We
present you with over 12 card issuers, flexible terms, and a
comprehensive aggregation to save you time and money. Additionally,
our partners can also help you maximize your conversion rates. For
instance, Aivix provides a self-written platform for tracking statistics
and other metrics. MyLead has approximately 30 smartlink offers.
With ClickAdilla, you can purchase premium website traffic. Make a
profit with us and our partners!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)


What are the features and pros of manual and automatic strategies for assigning
bids in FB?

On Facebook, you can use either manual or automatic bids assignment
strategies. The strategy chosen will affect how the ad algorithms
manage the budget and optimize the bids in the auction.

Automatic strategies

Automatic strategies are recommended for beginners, while manual
betting requires experience and constant monitoring.

  • Minimum cost per conversion rate. FB will spend the
    specified budget and adjust the bids to achieve cost-effective
    conversions. This strategy is useful when you need to spend
    a specific budget and gather as much data as possible.
  • Limit price. This strategy enables you to increase conversions
    by setting a higher bid price. Facebook will seek an efficient
    audience. It is crucial to calculate the lead's limit price to
    control the outcome and avoid losses. This strategy is ideal
    if the affiliate payout is high. 

Manual strategies

Manual strategies may require more time, data, and monitoring, but
they can help generate low cost leads. 

  • Target cost. FB will adhere to the fixed bid specified by the
    webmaster. This strategy is effective if reducing the rates results
    in low-quality traffic, while increasing them reduces the payback.
  • Bid Cap. FB will not exceed the specified maximum bid, but will
    provide conversions at that price or lower. This strategy is
    appropriate when budget constraints exist. 
  • Cost Cap. FB can raise the set bid slightly to increase volume,
    or lower it to get cheaper conversions. This strategy is useful
    when the conversion price is known and when there is a need
    to maintain flexibility to lower the bid without losing efficiency.

Facebook doesn't have many built-in options for working with
transactions. But LeadingCards' personal account lets you manage
payment tools efficiently and use any strategies to optimize campaigns. 


When promoting an offer, it is important to test different strategies to
learn how they work and expand your toolkit. In the initial stages, it
is worth working with automated strategies before mastering manual
strategies to save budget and obtain cheaper leads. 

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What are the most popular arbitrage creatives on TikTok in 2024?

You can use TikTok creatives to make your ad content more attractive to
potential customers. Here are some popular ideas:

  • Interactive formats:

Engage viewers through polls, challenges, voting, and other interactive

One format that can be used to promote your brand or product is the
Hashtag Challenge. This involves creating challenges using unique
hashtags that are related to your brand or product, which encourages
users to share your videos and participate. A challenge is a type of
video where you perform a specific task or activity on camera and
invite other users to join in. It is similar to a flash mob and can help
to engage and reinforce a positive association with your product. 

  • AR effects & filters:

Use Augmented Reality (AR) and filters to create unique and
eye-catching creative.

  • UGC (User-Generated Content):

Integrate user-generated content into ads to enhance their
trustworthiness and authenticity.

  • Music trends:

Incorporate popular music trends and sounds into promotional
videos to create atmosphere and content relevance. 

  • Stories (Storytelling):

Use narrative videos and stories to create an emotional connection
with the audience while informing them about your product or

  • Participation in challenges:

You can effectively capture the attention of TikTok's young
audience by joining popular challenges and adapting them to
your product or service.

  • Creative usage of effects:

You can experiment with visual effects, filters, augmented
reality, and other video editing techniques to add originality
and appeal to your content.

  • Collaborations with popular content creators:

Collaborate with popular TikTokers to create co-authored
content to increase reach.

  • High-quality videos with a unique style:

Create high-quality video content with a unique style to catch
attention and stand out from other promotional materials. 

  • Ad formats of TikTok:

By using various ad formats such as TopView, Brand Takeover,
In-Feed Ads, Branded Hashtag Challenges and others, you can
effectively reach your target audience.

By integrating these arbitrage creatives into your campaigns
on TikTok, you can support your advertising strategies and
engage your target audience. 

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What kinds of accounts do Facebook offers, and how can they be used in
affiliate marketing?

Facebook offers a range of account types for affiliate marketing, tailored to
the specific goals and strategies of each advertiser. Let's examine the primary
types of accounts and approaches to their use. 

Personal Account:

  • A personal account is tied to a specific person and is used for personal
    communication on Facebook.
  • In affiliate marketing, it can be used to connect with other affiliates and
    share experiences and information.
  • Don't use your personal account for ad campaigns, as this could lead
    to Facebook blocking your account.

Business Account:

  • A business account is designed to manage your company's ad campaigns
    and pages on Facebook.
  • In the field of affiliate marketing, it is used to launch and manage ad
    campaigns, analyze results, and optimize traffic.
  • This product is designed for use by professionals in affiliate marketing.

Business Manager Account:

  • The Business Manager Account enables users to consolidate multiple
    business accounts and pages in a single location, facilitating convenient
  • In affiliate marketing, it can be used to manage multiple ad accounts,
    access different resources, and manage access rights.
  • It is advisable to utilize business manager accounts for the effective
    organization of work in affiliate marketing.

Ad Account:

  • Ad account is designed for launching and managing Facebook ad
  • In affiliate marketing, it's used to set up targeting, budgeting,
    monitoring results, and optimizing ad campaigns.
  • The ad account is perfect for running and managing ads in affiliate

It is generally advisable to utilize business accounts, business manager
accounts and ad accounts for the purpose of affiliate marketing on
Facebook. These accounts have been designed specifically for managing
ad campaigns and offer more possibilities for customisation and analysis
of data. It is advisable to use personal accounts for personal
communication, rather than for advertising purposes in affiliate marketing. 

In addition to the accounts we've already mentioned, you can use these
tools to advertise on FB:

Facebook Pixel: this is a tool for tracking user actions on the website and
optimizing ad campaigns. By connecting the Facebook Pixel to your website,
you can track conversions, optimize targeting, and create retargeting

Product Catalog: it lets you upload info about a company's products or
services for use in ads. With the product catalog, you can create dynamic
ads that show users actual products and prices.

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Is it worth working with whitehat offers in 2024?

In 2024, many webmasters are working with whitehat offers and earning as
much as those who are working with greyhat verticals. Let's examine the
reasons why you should work with whitehat offers. 

What are the advantages of working with whitehat offers?

Whitehat offers are basically products and services that can advertise in
any GEO and on any site. Promotion doesn't require cloaking or bypassing

Here are the pros of running traffic on Whitehat: 

  • Savings on expenses. It is not necessary to maintain a large
    number of accounts, as the likelihood of being banned is significantly
    lower than when dealing with greyhat offers. There is no need to
    continually pay for cloaking services and anti-detect browsers. 
  • Long-lasting bundles. The customers are given a clear picture of
    what they will receive. The information is straightforward and honest,
    which encourages customers to order repeatedly and allows the
    bundles to last a long time. Additionally, you can collect customer
    feedback and build a customer base. 
  • More time to work on strategy. This means you can spend less time
    getting past the moderation, so you can focus on the stats,
    optimization strategies, and scaling.
  • Wide range of verticals. Whitehat offers aren't limited to
    product categories. They include finance, travel, HR, utilities, apps,
    online games, courses, B2B, luxury goods, and real estate.

What you should keep in mind when working with whitehat offers in 2024

Working with whitehat offers can be more profitable than greyhat verticals.
However, there are a few things to keep in mind. 

  • Planned approach. You'll need to set aside some time for
    planning your strategy, doing some in-depth analysis of your
    target audience, sources, and optimization. Greyhat offers are
    sold because users make quick, spontaneous decisions. To
    successfully sell Whitehat, it is essential to engage with your
    target audience. 
  • Quality creatives. The creatives should be prepared for each
    audience segment. They should contain only accurate
    information about the product or service.
  • Reliable payment solutions. It's a good idea to choose a trusted
    payment card to make your campaign last longer. For instance,
    you can order as many cards as you want from LeadingCards.
    They’re customizable for promoting whitehat offers and can be
    linked to any source. 


It is advisable to run traffic on whitehat offers in 2024 because it is
both profitable and lucrative. Additionally, it is easy because it does
not require any special skills to get past moderation. For a successful
start, it is recommended you choose a geo with relatively low
competition and an offer that you know well. 

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What can entrepreneurs and affiliates do to protect themselves from
fraudsters? Some of the more popular schemes and security measures. 

Common types of fraud 

  • Account hijacking. This is the practice of gaining unauthorized
    access to the accounts of entrepreneurs or affiliates with the
    intention of obtaining funds or confidential information.
  • Phishing is the act of sending fake emails or messages that
    appear to be from trusted sources with the intention of tricking
    users into revealing sensitive information.
  • Fake affiliate programs. Scammers trick you into advertising
    their products or services and then pocket the commissions.
  • Refund fraud: the scammers use stolen credit cards to make
    purchases and then request a refund, claiming they didn't get
    the goods.
  • Traffic theft: Scammers intercept traffic meant for entrepreneurs'
    affiliate links and redirect it to their own affiliate links instead.

A list of recommended actions for entrepreneurs and affiliates.

Account protection

  • Use strong passwords and enable two-factor authentication
    for all your important accounts.
  • Change passwords frequently and do not reuse them across
    multiple sites.
  • Use a password manager to securely store and manage your

Anti-phishing protection

  • Be cautious of emails or messages that seem suspicious. Never
    click on links or open attachments from unknown sources.
  • Hover over the links to verify that the actual target address
    matches the address provided in the message.
  • Report any phishing attempts to the appropriate security

Check affiliate programs

  • Prior to joining an affiliate program, it is advisable to conduct
    thorough research. This should include reviewing existing reviews
    to identify whether the program has a good reputation in the
  • Watch out for affiliate programs that promise unrealistically high
    commissions or fast results.

Prevention of refund fraud

  • It is important to establish and adhere to a transparent refund
  • It is essential to review refund requests in detail and verify their

Protection against traffic theft

  • Use disguised redirects or affiliate links with tracking parameters
    to ensure your traffic isn't hijacked.
  • Monitor your analytics regularly to identify any unusual or
    suspicious activity.

Partner with LeadingCards! Our support team is available 24/7 to
protect you from fraudsters. Our cards are a guarantee of safety
and security for you.

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Which audiences on FB should be customized to get the best results
from ads?

Facebook audiences can help you:

  • Reach the right target audiences
  • Increase conversions
  • Reduce advertising costs
  • Improve ads quality
  • Personalize ads.

Here are a few examples of how you can use audiences to improve
your advertising:

  • A clothing store can build an audience based on fashion interests
    to show off their new collection.
  • A restaurant can create a location-based audience to show ads to
    people who live nearby.
  • An online course can build an audience based on behavior, with
    the goal of showing ads to people who have demonstrated interest
    in the subject matter.
  • An online course can build an audience based on behavior, with
    the goal of showing ads to people who have demonstrated interest
    in the subject matter.

Here are a few filter options to help you tailor your Facebook audiences
for better ad results:

1. Based on demographic factors like age, gender, location, education, income,
and marital status.

2. Based on interests: hobbies and activities, favorite brands, publications
read, movies and TV shows watched.

3. Based on users' behavior: visiting certain websites or pages, making
certain purchases, installing themed apps, interacting with different types
of content.

4. Based on similar audiences: users similar to your existing customers
or subscribers; users similar to visitors to your website or Facebook page.

5. Based on user lists: users who have uploaded your list of email
addresses or phone numbers; users who have interacted with your app or
attended your event; users who have viewed a particular video or publication.

Start with a broad audience and narrow it down as needed. You can also
customize audiences based on multiple criteria to narrow your targeting.
For instance, you can create an audience of women between 25 and 45
who like fashion and have shopped online in the last month.

 It's important to test out different audiences to see what works best for
your business. Track the results of your ad campaigns and make
adjustments as needed to optimize targeting and increase your return
on investment (ROI).

With these audiences and tips, you can tailor your targeting to more
accurate and relevant audiences for your Facebook ad campaigns
which will lead to better results.  If you want to work more efficiently
with Facebook, you can order cards from LeadingCards. It's easy to
link our cards to your social network account, and we guarantee you
reliable transactions.

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How to get traffic from Instagram Reels in 2024: a quick checklist

Here are a few tips on how to get traffic from Instagram Reels in 2024.

1. Profile optimization

  • Add a clear profile picture and a brief description.
  • Add a link to your website or landing page in your bio.
  • Include targeted keywords in your username and description

2. Creating high-quality videos

  • Use a vertical format and a 9:16 aspect ratio.
  • Upload high-resolution videos.
  • Use popular music and sound effects.
  • Add subtitles or closed captioning for accessibility.

3. Using popular hashtags

  • Monitor popular hashtags related to your niche.
  • Utilize both general-purpose and niche-specific hashtags.
  • Create new hashtags that are exclusive to your brand.

4. Gaining visitors with calls to action.

  • Request that viewers engage with the video by liking, commenting,
    sharing, or saving it.
  • Provide valuable content in exchange for a subscription or site visit.
  • Use stickers and text overlays to draw attention to a call to action.

5. Using Reels on other platforms

  • Download and share Reels videos on other platforms, such as TikTok, 
    YouTube, and LinkedIn.
  • Integrate Reels videos into your email and blog content.

6. Analysis and optimization

  • Track Reels Analytics that include views, reach, and engagement.
  • Test different content, styles, and calls to action.
  • Optimize video content based on data and viewer feedback.

7. Cooperation with Influencers

  • Get in touch with influencers in your niche.
  • Ask them to create and share Reels to help you promote your brand.
  • Offer them some kind of compensation or free products in exchange 
    for their help.

8. Using the Reels advertisement

  • Consider running Reels ads to increase reach and engagement.
  • Use targeting by interest, demographics, and behavior.
  • Monitor the results of your ads and make any necessary adjustments.

9. Building a community

  • Reply to comments and messages from the audience.
  • Run contests and giveaways to get your audience engaged.
  • Create a community board where users can share their Reels

10. Stay consistent and be patient

  • Keep posting high-quality Reels videos regularly.
  • Be patient and keep trying different things to see what works 
    best for your brand.
  • Building organic traffic on Instagram takes time and a lot of 
    consistent effort.

Remember that you need payment cards to launch Instagram ad
campaigns, Reels ads, and targeted ads. LeadingCards is a
guarantee of reliability in the virtual card market. We offer one of
the best cards on the market, and our tech support works 24/7 to
help cardholders and secure financial transactions.

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The best native advertising networks with high-quality foreign traffic

For affiliates, attracting foreign users to the offers of the affiliate program
is a big part of a successful strategy. Facebook is still a great tool for this,
but don't forget about the opportunities offered by native advertising


It's one of the biggest native advertising networks, reaching millions of
users worldwide. The algorithms make sure your ads get placed on top
sites, so you get high visibility. Another great thing about it is that you
can set up ad campaigns however you want and get access to extensive
analytics. You can pay for your Taboola ads with secure bank cards from
LeadingCards, which makes the process even more convenient and secure.


Outbrain is a top native advertising network that helps you promote your
content through major media resources. It's known for its high engagement
rates, which makes it a great choice for affiliates. The perks include a wide
audience reach, detailed analytics, and interest-based targeting. 


This is an international native advertising network that provides access to
high-quality traffic from a diverse range of countries. The platform offers
a variety of formats, including videos and articles, allowing you to achieve
a wide range of marketing goals. It has a number of advantages, including
high click-through rates and access to a global audience. 


This native advertising network is renowned for its innovative technologies
and high-quality traffic. It offers high ad visibility thanks to its partnerships
with the world's leading publishers. The advantages of this platform include
flexible campaign settings, detailed analytics, and the option of
personalization for specific audience segments. 


This young but rapidly growing advertising network offers an extensive
range of formats, including push notifications and pop-ups. The advantages
of this platform include a high speed of campaign approval and minimal
budget requirements. Additionally, it offers flexible cooperation terms and
high-quality support, which is particularly beneficial for novice affiliates.


Native ad networks offer affiliates a number of unique advantages, including
high user engagement and the integration of ads into natural content. The
use of cards from LeadingCards for the payment of advertising offers the
convenience and security of financial transactions, making them an ideal tool
for successful campaigns.

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