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Getecurrency.com -Online Exchangers & E-Currency Station

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Getecurrency is online Exchangers & Ecurrency Station where all online ecurrency exchangers and Payments processors are listed,monitored and Rated By Getecurrency ,Members and Our visitors as well.

Who Should Use Getecurreny.com

• Exchangers : E-Currency Exchange Offices can List their websites to our listing including detailed information about their services,Fees as well as their Support Contacts.

Getecurrency exchangers list:

Instant Exchangers

If You Offer instant E-Currency Exchange services ,you are welcome to list your website for your visitors and members as well.

Manual Exchangers

If you offer E-Currency exchange services which takes time to proceed your customers transactions,and Orders like sell and buy Liberty/webmoney/perfectmoney and others for Westernunion/moneygram and bank wire,or exchange between Libertyreserve,Perfectmoney,HD-money,Global Digital Pay and other which may delay to Few Hours or Days In some Cases.

Individual Exchangers

If you are E-Currency exchanger and provides your services on forums threads such as Talkgold,Exchangemoneyforum,Exchangemoneyplace,Moneymakergroup and others and don't have webiste.to Offer your services or post your rates,so Getecurrency Welcome you to post your favourite forum thread link ,your full name ,country ,rates and fees as well as your desired Contact IDS which can be used by our vistors and Members to Contact you .

How Much It Costs to List My Website or Service on Getecurrency.com?

You have to pay nothing to list your website or service on Getecurrency.com ,as listing your site is completely free of charge ,you only have to Contact us ,or List Your Services (E-currency Exchanger - E-Currency)

Will My Website Listed Instantly ?

No,Your website will be listed on our site within 24 Hrs,of receiving your Application because we have to review all information and compared it with those declared on your website or Forum Thread.

E-Currencies Or Payment Processors

All current and new ECurrencies can be listed on Getecurrency's E-Currency Section to provide information about their fees,new services,new options and Updates.

Members and Visitors

If you are E-Currency user and needs to find best online ecurrency exchanger who could help you to exchange your Libertyreserve,webmoney,cashu,perfectmoney,GlobalDigitalMoneyand HD-Money easily and safely at the best rates ,

you are in the right place where you can find all working E-Currency exchangers in the market with detailed information about them ,Feedbacks and reviews which made through other vistors and members who tried their services.

TWO Exclusive Services from Getecurrency.com to our members

Newsletter :when you register as member in getecurrency ,you will be able to receive newsletter about the latest Exchangers , E-Currency market news, updates.and New E-currencies and Exchangers added to your Lists .

Filling Dispute: As Getecurrency Member you will be able to Fill Dispute against any of E-Currency Exchangers, E-currencies working on the market (Dispute should contains detailed information about the problem ),and we are going to contact them on your behalf to investigate and solve your problem.

What are benefits i can get as Exchanger or E-currency User or client?

Exchangers Benefits:

1-Attract daily,dozens of visitors interested in e-currency exchanges

2-.Customers can rate you and increase visitor's confidence in your service.

3-Good opportunity to solve your problems safely if you have any problem or delay in providing you service to your clients.

E-Currency User or client:

1- will be able to choose one of the best online exchangers on the market.

2- opportunity to watch ,monitor and read others feedbacks and reviews based on their last experiences.

3- opportunity to Fill Dispute or Complain against any of E-currency exchangers if you face problem with them and we are going to solve your problem with them for free.

4- opportunity to choose the lowst fee exchanger among E-Currency Exchangers listed on Getecurrency.com

YOU are always welcome to visit us on www.Getecurrency.com

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Guest getecurrency


Hello All Getecurrency.com Members and Visitors ,We would like to warn you from someone who use fake ID which is

[email protected] and contacting people who need to sell or buy Libertyreserve or other E-Currencies and Scammed them .

WM-Center Advice all Clients To Submit their Order only via wm-center website as they are only Responsible for Orders Submitted on their website .

For more information about this visit WM-Center page here WM-Center Warning Page about Potential Scammers

For News In Details

Please visit

Getecurrency.com Direct News page

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PayPal received a notification from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) outlining the new requirements for governing the processing and settlement of export-related receipts facilitated by online payment gateways. In order to comply with the RBI guidelines, PayPal user agreement in India will be amended for the following services with effect from 1 March 2011 as follows:

1. Any balance in and all future payments into your PayPal account may not be used to buy goods or services and must be transferred to your bank account in India within 7 days from the receipt of confirmation from the buyer in respect of the goods or services; and

2. Export-related payments for goods and services into your PayPal account may not exceed US$500 per transaction.

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Guest getecurrency

RUNCIS Listed and reviewed on Getecurrency.com


RUNCIS now listed and reviewed by Getecurrency.com ,please feel free to check all their details on our site and Leave your Feedback and Experience for your Exchange with them to give others the opportunity to Check their Status befor making Exchange with Them .

RUNCIS Is E-Currency exchanger who specialize on buying and selling E-Currency and Exchanging Between them.and they are based on Latvia.

For Checking and their Information and Leaving Feedback for them please visit

RUNCIS.info Review Page

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WmXchange Declares Bank Transfer payments available with 6% fee!


Starting from 24 February 2011 our customers can use wmXchange service to send or receive International Bank Transfer payments in order to sell or buy Webmoney wmz and wme, Liberty Reserve LR USD and Skype Credit.

In the following days we will post more information on our website regarding this new service. In the meantime, please contact our live support team for more details regarding this new payment method.

Visit WmXchange Reviewing Page

Live Support:

ICQ: 552 840 193

Yahoo: [email protected]s e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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Getecurrency Official Blog Launched


Hello All Getecurrency Members and visitors we are happy to inform all that Our Official Blog is Launched . .All members and visitors are welcome to visit our blog to check our News and Updates about E-Currency Exchangers and E-currencies working in E-Currency Market .

Your are always welcome to visit us at http://blog.getecurrency.com

For More Information and Update Visit Getecurrency News Page

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WmXchange declares Two Days off work

Hello all ,we would like to bring to your attention the following news from wmxchange.net to their Clients and Vistors,

Please be advised that on 7th and 8th of March due to Women's Day all the banksthey are working with will be closed. Because of this selling and buying e-currency via Western Union or Money Gram will not be available on these days. All WU/MG orders received in this period will be processed on 9th of March.

Our other services will work as usual and our website live support team will be online 24/7 ready to take your order and help you with any questions that you may have. We apologies for the inconvenience and thank you....

For More News Visit Getecurrency News Services Page

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Guest getecurrency

Getecurrency.com Exclusive Interview With ukrnetmoney Management

we are pleased to announce that we succeeded to make Interview with ukrnetmoney Management to give getecurrency.com users able to know more about ukrnetmoney ,we think that we cover all necessary points in our Interview with them

All Members are welcome to read our interview with them on our site

Visit Getecurrency.com Exclusive Interview With ukrnetmoney Management

Pease don't forget to leave your comments ,your comments will add more value to us and help us improve our services more and more for you .

Best Regards,

Getecurrency Team

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Guest getecurrency

Prayers to Japan Discounts at DIGI-EXCHANGE - Limited Time Offer!


Discounts at DIGI-EXCHANGE

Our prayers are with all of those affected as a result of today's earthquake and tsunami in Japan!

Please use the COUPON: JAPAN110311 and input it in the Special Instructions/Message field when placing a buy or sell order.

Current Rate to Buy Liberty Reserve: 3.5%

Discounted Rate to Buy Liberty Reserve: 3%

http://www.getecurrency.com/news-service/162-prayers-to-japan-discounts-at-digi-exchange-limited-time-offer' rel="external nofollow">

Read Digi-exchange full news on Getecurrency.com

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Getecurrency.com Team

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Guest getecurrency

Thank you for keeping us updated with all the news from Ecurrency Exchange business


Thanks admin for your interest and visit to my Thread on Your wonderful forum

will be good if i got the chance to contact you directly on chat

thanks again

Getecurrency Exclusive Interview With wmXchange CEO

we are pleased to announce our second Exclusive Interview with wmXchange CEO ,we would like to remind you that first Interview was with ukrnetmoney Management

WmXchange is a customer devoted online based financial company and a verified exchanger and merchant of Webmoney Transfer system.

Committed to our customers from day one, we live and conduct business by following our motto: ″Working beyond money″. That is why YOU are not just a customer, at wmXchange you are part of our online community!

You Can Visit WmXchange Listing On Getecurrency.com Here

Getecurrency:Good morning ,First we would like to welcome you on Getecurrency.com, could you please Introduce yourself ?

wmXchange:Hello and thank you for your invitation to join Getecurrency.com. My name is Tim Price and I am the operations manager at wmXchange.com and


Getecurrency:Where wmxchange.net based ?

wmXchange:We have a corporate office based in Seychelles and operational offices

in Europe.

Getecurrency:In Short Tell us about wmxchange.net?

wmXchange:wmXchange is a customer devoted online based financial company that helps people all over the world to make online payments since 2009! We are a business exchanger of Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money are we are a merchant accredited by Webmoney Transfer System to exchange, sell and buy webmoney wmz, wme, wmr and wmu units.

Getecurrency:How Many Support Staff at wmxchange.net?

Read Full Interview On Getecurrency.com

For any Suggestion Or Interview Requests Don't Hesitate to Contact us

Best Regards

Getecurrency.com Team

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Guest getecurrency

Interview with MR.Peter Junas Founder of Digi-Exchange EU

Visit Digi-Exchange EU and leave feedback On Getecurrency.com

Good morning ,first we would like to welcome you on Getecurrency.com,

Getecurrency: could you please Introduce yourself ?

Digi-Exchange EU: My name is Peter Junas and I am the founder and owner of Digi-Exchange EU. I started to exchange and work with e-currencies back in 2000 and a lot has changed since than, several trusted exchangers I worked with have closed and do not operate Today. I have been seeking a reliable and legit exchanger for a few years now without any success.

*There are several exchangers in the market but like I've said in numerous forums, there are few that are positioned to dominate the E-Currency

industry Today. *

Getecurrency: Where digi-exchange.eu based ?

Digi-Exchange EU: Digi-Exchange EU is based in the Heart of Europe. To be precise in Bratislava, Slovak Republic.*

Getecurrency: In Short Tell us about digi-exchange.eu?

Read Digi-Exchange EU Full Interview Here

Have Good Time with us

Getecurrency Team

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Guest getecurrency


Paxum, Technocash, PM supported Now By Wm-Center.com

The International E-currency Exchanger Wm-Center.com Now Support Paxum, Technocash and PM in their Exchange Services All Wm-Center clients can now ask about exchanges of Paxum, Technocash and Perfect Money through contacting their Live Support via online Chat

Visit W-Center Listing In Getecurrency.com

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Digi-Exchange.EU Discounts for Liberty Reserve Sell Orders


Limited Time Libertyreserve Outexchange Discounts at Digi-Exchange.EU

Current Rate: 4.5%

Discounted Rate: 1.8%

Use: DIGI230311 in the Special Instructions/Message field. Valid until 31st, March, 2011. Limited time offer. Hurry

VISIT: Digi-Exchange | Home

VIisit Digi-Exchange.EU on Getecurrency.com

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest getecurrency


Outage Update Declared By Liberty Reserve

Dear Clients,

Thank you for your patience. We sincerely apologise for the prolonged delay. We appreciate your continued support as we are about to finish testing our replaced equipment. Please note that the issue is purely technical and poses no risk to your funds or personal data. Liberty Reserve will be back, as it always have been. We anticipate to finish up the configuration before the end of the weekend.

Please note that once system is back up you may experience slight delays in accessing our system due to increased traffic.

News Source :Liberty Reserve Blog

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Getecurrency First Interview with OKPAY CEO


Getecurrency succeeded to make Interesting Interview with OKPAY ,the interview will be very important and cover alot of OKPAY users questions about OKPAY .

We welcome all our members and visitors to read our interview in full here by clicking the following Link

Getecurrency Interview with OKPAY CEO

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest getecurrency

Do you offer exchange MB TO LR?


Hello dear

we are n't e-currency exchangers

we are listing all current working e-currency exchangers and scam exchangers to warn all about them



Naira4Dollar Is Now Official Getecurrency Member


Getecurrency.com is pleased to announce that the Nigerian E-currency Exchanger Naira4Dollar is Now official Member of Us .All Naira4Dollar Clients now have the opportunity to leave feedback for Naira4dollar as well as if they face any problem or delay in processing any order they can report that to us and we will contact Naira4Dollar on their behalf and solve the issue and that service is absolutely for free.

You can visit Naira4Dollar Listing in Getecurrency By clicking the following Link :


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest getecurrency


Warning Scam E-Currency Exchanger


Please Post Here you Comments about them and Help us to Let Others Know how they scam,also Please pay attention that they

are using free hosting with free subdomain and they are using www.page.tl/ to build their scam website for free and to scam

their users.

http://www.getecurrency.com/exchangers/scam-exchangers/195-autoxchangepagetl#addcomments' rel="external nofollow">

Visit Full Warning About them on Getecurrency.com and Post your Comment



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