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Retrojunk - Retrojunk.com

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I want to share a good site that I encountered recently. It's www.retrojunk.com It has a lot of compilations of movies from the 1980's and 1990's I like watching some movies made back then. I managed to find out several title of movies I've watched before and been busy downloading these past few days.


Link: RetroJunk

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Oh, no.. huhuhu. That site is not a place to download. That site is just a site that gives information about old movies. No download. Well you can add movies that you know way back ago. I only use that site as basis on what to download next. Example there is a movie there called "McDonalds (1991)" Then I look for a torrent in torrent site like isohunt. There i get my downloads, not in retrojunk site. If you are interested to know about torrent I can teach you.

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Oh, no.. huhuhu. That site is not a place to download. That site is just a site that gives information about old movies. No download. Well you can add movies that you know way back ago. I only use that site as basis on what to download next. Example there is a movie there called "McDonalds (1991)" Then I look for a torrent in torrent site like isohunt. There i get my downloads, not in retrojunk site. If you are interested to know about torrent I can teach you.

Thank you, that will help :)

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1. Download utorrent from http://www.utorrent.com/

2. Go to torrent sites, my favorite is isohunt.com

3, In that site, search for the title you want to download.

4. Select the torrent which has more "seeders" that means may users around the world have that torrent in their computers thus, the transfer or download rate will be faster.

5. Select also the torrent that has good rating and try to see or read the user comments. Usually they will post something like... "THis torrent is fake dont download this"<--- follow their suggestion. But if they say "Great vid.. thanks uploaders and thanks seeders, V9 A 9" That means they have rated the video quality as V 9/10 and Audio 9/10 that means they think its good.

6. Copy the link of the torrent in the "DOwnload Torrent" or you can download the torrent file to your computer.

7. Paste the torrent url to the utorrent program.. Then click OK. Then another OK to confirm....

8. OK. there you go. you are downloading the movie... It will take about an hour or more depending on your bandwidth... Enjoy!

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Hehehe PJ also taught me this. (referring to post #6)

How many movies you wanted to watch Skylady?

Now my next to do list is to burn the movies in a cd and delete them so I can download more and more :)

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wow, it seems that there are so many movie lovers in this forum, i bet, we all gonna be united for this.. thanks for appreciating..


yes it's always nice to watch a good movie. what about you pjbabia, did you see something there that you like and want to download it too? tell us, let's see if i'm familiar with that one. B)

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@Ok, i will just list a few.


  • Eagle Eye

  • Operation Take Down

  • The Illusionist

  • Cellular

  • The Miracle of Fatima

  • and the list is infinity...LOL



i don't think "eagle eye" is an old movie. is it really there? i'm not familiar with the others that you listed here. mine are spacejam, home alone, jumanji, many more. B) what about commercials, have you found anything familiar?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't too much like movie from old so I don't too much interest to download the files hahaha... But that was okay, maybe I could find something here when my friends looked for old movies.


just like pj said here it's not actually a site to download, it's a list of old movies/videos in case you recognize something there and got interested to download it but from a different site. :smile: i wonder why you don't feel like watching it. :rolleyes:

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it's just that some people like us are still want to check those videos. :biggrin: of course we also like watching new ones. somehow it feels good seeing those junks (old movies) again. anyway just don't forget the site andry in case someone you know looking for this. :smile:

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