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Managed Option Portfolio

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Guest keithty1902

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Guest keithty1902



Ive just signed up to a Managed Option Portfolio that is managed by Binary Kings, I was looking for someone to managed my portfolio and have always been very interested in Options and I came across these guys.




I contacted them, one of their brokers got back to me and sent out an information pack on their account and it seemed OK with a small minimum entry level of 5,000GBP and boasting conservative returns of 5-20% per month. So I started out with a trial account and I am 4 months in now, there are some conditions to the trading but the best thing is these guys use a Watermark commission policy and only make money when I make money, so I am really happy with how it is working, we are showing 17.3% profit to the portfolio LS1 I am involved in already and look strong to finish the year very well.




Binary Kings are a newer company like most Option businesses but they seem to be much different to all these other Binary Option Brokers I have dealt with in the past, they are financial professionals and a very personal with me and they all have good experience with Portfolio Management from past sectors, my brokers name is Charles Sterling and I would recommend him to anyone.


Does anyone else have a Managed Option portfolio? And if so, how does it work? What sort of returns are you seeing?





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Most people come into the markets chasing freedom from their job or a quick road to riches. I have chosen trading business for huge profits. And earning my full living cost through my broker Circle Markets. They are the one where I am getting every possible support. Till now I had no issues with the broker and as per their services and customer support I really feel comfortable while trading.

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