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Guest CommexFX

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Guest CommexFX
The Euro (1.3835) is attempting to ricochet from our help zone of 1.3790-60 and rally higher over 1.3865. From the more extensive viewpoint, for real increase it need to break over 1.40 and all the while Dollar Index must break underneath 79.

Dollar-Yen (102.42) has been pushed down a bit by the safety at 102.75-103.00 of course however without any genuine energy. It has figured out how to hold over 101.50-20 so far to stay in the 10 week long wide extend of 101-104. We continue viewing the long haul help at 100.75-50 for significant moves.

The Euro-Yen Cross (141.70) is trying our safety of 141.65-90 in the wake of discovering purchasing backing from 140.50-139.50 of course. Right away a break over 141.65-142.00 may take it higher towards the real safety of 143.50.

Pound (1.6806) has completed the little remedy and continued its real uptrend in accordance with our desire. It may achieve 1.7000-50 in the following 1-2 weeks as the fleeting force remains in place over 1.6730-10.

Aussie (0.9271) broke underneath 0.9300 to test 0.9250 levels and may face offering weight on all mobilizes now work it figures out how to break over 0.9380-0.9400. Significant backings are at 0.9200 and afterward 0.91340-30.

Gold (1292.41) skiped from backing close to 1270 levels as wanted and may now climb towards 1300-1310 while still inside the general downtrend.

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Guest CommexFX
Daily Outlook 29/04/2014

The Euro (1.3860) is exchanging inside 1.3785-1.3880 throughout the previous two weeks and this restricted extent may break this week conceiving a drifting move towards either 1.3755 on the easier end or 1.4000-30 on the upper end.

Dollar-Yen (102.50) is trying the safety of 102.75 above which further climb to 103.00-40 is conceivable. It has figured out how to hold over 101.50-20 so far to stay in the 10 week long expansive extent of 101-104. We continue viewing the long haul help at 101.00-100.50 for significant moves.

The Euro-Yen Cross (142.08) has broken out from the reach of 140.00-142.00 for a significant directional move and may now achieve 143.00-25 at first and after that 144.00-145.50 can’t be precluded.

Pound (1.6813) is exchanging inside the tight extend of 1.6750-1.6870 much the same as the other real monetary standards. To achieve 1.7000-50 in the following 1-2 weeks, it must break over 1.6870. The fleeting force remains in place over 1.6730-1.6695.

Aussie (0.9238) is falling in accordance with our desire as it stays in a feeble state and may face offering weight on all arouses now work it figures out how to break over 0.9380-0.9400. Significant backings are at 0.9160-30.

Gold (1295.47) fell off from 1306.4 yet is exchanging inside pivotal levels of 1295-1310 while inside the general downtrend. A break over 1310 may trigger a sharp climb to 1400 else it may focus on 1280 on the downside.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest CommexFX

Daily Outlook 7-05-2014

Dollar Index (79.14) has hit another 12-month low at 79.06 and as of now merging close to the real backing of 79-78.50. Still no indication of purchasers is obvious and further drop to 78.90-60 looks more reasonable to assume now. Just a break over 80.15 might be a starting indication of quality.

The Euro (1.3925) has broken over 1.3900 and hit a high of 1.3951 in this way. Keep an eye if ECB takes some venture close to 1.4000-50 yet a tear over 1.4050 might open the way to tremendous upside targets.

Dollar-Yen (101.60), even in the current frail state, has overseen so far to stay in the 10 week long wide run of 101-104. We continue viewing a break of the long haul help at 101.00-100.50 for significant proceeds onward the downside.

The Euro-Yen Cross (141.49) has remained practically unaltered as both Euro and Yen acknowledged significantly. The more extensive extent of 140.00-143.50 must be broken to create any serious move.

Pound (1.6971) has practically arrived at our target zone of 1.7000-50 as it made a high at 1.6996 in this way. Staying over 1.6850-30 on any redress, it may climb towards 1.7250-90 in the following few sessions.

Aussie (0.9342) broke over 0.9315 to make a high at 0.9367 of course yet it stays to be checked whether it figures out how to break over the solid safety zone of 0.9380-0.9400 to affirm an inversion. A disappointment may bring about an alternate tumble to 0.92.

Gold (1311.667) has stopped after its climb in the last two sessions, as safety close to 1315.32 holds for the present. A break over this level might guarantee an ascent towards 1320-1330. The twofold- base on the outlines demonstrates close term bullish quality which discredits the prior bearish perspectives. We may see a tumble to 1300 preceding a crisp upward rally.

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Guest CommexFX

Daily Outlook 8-05-2014

Dollar Index (79.2340) is attempting to ricochet from 79 yet work it exchanges over 79.50-55 soon, the danger remains. At the same time the band of 79.00-78.60 has given backing to almost 2 years now and that is the desire for bulls.

The Euro (1.3913) is going under a little rectification in the wake of breaking over 1.3900 and hitting 1.3951 in this way. Keep an eye if ECB takes some venture close to 1.4000-50 yet a tear over 1.4050 might open the route to enormous upside targets.

Dollar-Yen (101.87), even in the current feeble state, has overseen so far to stay in the 10 week long expansive extent of 101-104. We continue viewing a break of the long haul help at 101.00-100.50 for significant proceeds onward the downside.

The Euro-Yen Cross (141.75) has remained just about unaltered as both Euro and Yen acknowledged impressively however may move forcefully any day now. The more extensive reach of 140.00-143.50 must be broken to create a slanting move.

Pound (1.6948) is remedying in the wake of arriving at our target zone of 1.7000-50 as it made a high at 1.6996. Staying over 1.6850-30 on any rectification, it may climb towards 1.7250-90 in the following few sessions.

Aussie (0.9368) broke over 0.9315 to make a high at 0.9370 obviously however it stays to be checked whether it figures out how to break over the solid safety range of 0.9380-0.9400 to affirm an inversion and ascent to 0.9540-80. A disappointment may bring about an alternate tumble to 0.92.

Gold (Spot 1290) has plunged in accordance with yesterday’s desire of tumble to 1300. Pivotal Support seen in the 1290-1279 district over today-tomorrow. Necessities to hold to keep close-term bullishness in place and produce a bob towards 1325 once more. Break underneath 1279, if seen, could bring genuine uncertainty to Gold quality.

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Guest CommexFX

Daily Outlook 9-05-2014

The Euro (1.3837) has fallen off forcefully from a high close to 1.3994 on Draghi’s clues of maneuvering in June. The absence of take after-through purchasing over 1.3967 emulated by the fall beneath 1.3900 could be an indication of longer term shortcoming, however a break underneath 1.3780 is required to affirm.

The Pound (1.6918) keeps up relative quality over 1.6900 despite the fact that it has been seeing benefit-taking from 1.6996 throughout the most recent three days. The medium-term pattern stays up, however Support at 1.6880 needs to hold today keeping in mind the end goal to maintain a strategic distance from a dip towards 1.6780 one week from now. The EUR-GBP (0.8178) keeps on falling and debilitates to break underneath past low close to 0.6158.

Dollar-Yen (101.70) has been discovering Trendline Support simply over 101.35 this week however needs to climb past 102.20 so as to restore quality in the more extended term bullish pattern. Else, there may be close-term risk of a break beneath 101.35 which could prompt a test of more significant long haul-Support at 100.70. Be that as it may, that the Euro-Yen (140.73) has fallen off pointedly from 142.36 (on the Euro’s fall) will make it hard for Dollar-Yen to climb altogether.

The Aussie (0.9359) is seeing some benefit-taking simply underneath 0.94, however has paramount Support at 0.9340. It keeps on lookking generally solid against the Euro, Yen and Pound along these lines may have the capacity to stand moderately firm against the Dollar also.

Gold (1289.555) dropped pointedly as safety close to 1315.32 holds well. The increases in values have checked interest for the metal as it exchanges more level for the third continuous session. Essential Support in the 1290-1279 area may help it to skip towards 1325. In any case, a break beneath 1279, if seen, could bring a tumble to 1260 on the downside.

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Guest CommexFX
Daily Outlook 13-05-2014

Dollar-Yen (102.23) has climbed over 102.10, however needs to break over 102.30 today so as to climb further. The Euro-Yen (140.61) has climbed as trusted for, yet may discover some Resistance close to 141.00 today. The Euro (1.3754) merged sideways yesterday and could test the precise vital Support at 1.3735 today, particularly if the Euro-Yen comes into some offering. In spite of the fact that the stage is situated for further Euro shortcoming in the weeks ahead, it needs to break beneath 1.3735 to decrease towards 1.3600.

The Pound (1.6875) is getting Support at 1.6845 and thusly the shots of a fall towards 1.6700 are lesser. Be that as it may, given that there is Resistance at 1.6900, it may go between 1.6800-6900 this week.

The Aussie (0.9354) is not having the capacity to climb over 0.9400 promptly, however it remains stronger than whatever is left of the monetary forms. Help is seen at 0.9305 likewise, well over the 0.9260 Support said yesterday.

Gold, Silver and Copper have climbed yesterday on Dollar shortcoming and on China’s budgetary renewal while the Oil advertise likewise climbed betwixt Ukraine strains.

Gold (1295.65) fell off marginally from 1299.5. While the essential safety zone of 1315-1317 holds, it may solidify in the 1280-1310 districts for a couple of more sessions. Silver (19.515) keeps on traing beneath critical 19.66 levels and unless a break over 19.66, we don’t see any sign of ascent in the costs. In general close term looks bearish.

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Guest CommexFX
Daily Outlook 14-05-2014

The Euro (1.3716) has broken beneath the vital 1.3735 help level and can decrease further towards 1.3625. The Euro-Yen (140.21) discovered Resistance at 1.4100 yesterday, not surprisingly, and has fallen, dragging the Euro down with it. A test of pivotal Support at 139.50-25 is likely throughout the following few days. Whether that breaks or not will likewise choose whether the Euro breaks underneath 1.3625 or not.

Dollar-Yen (102.16) rose to 102.36 yesterday, yet couldn’t support the increase. A dip to 102.00 is conceivable today. A skip from that point, if seen, could take the business up to 102.50-60.

The Pound (1.6850) has been seeing a close term decay from 1.6996 (06-May) however can discover Support at 1.6800 soon and could continue its long haul upmove from that point.

The Aussie (0.9393) rose well yesterday yet needs to break over 0.9400 now to draw in more Buyers. It stays one of the strongest monetary forms generally speaking.

Gold (1293.47) is exchanging inside the vital help safety zone of 1280-1300 and unless a break over 1300-1315 is seen we can’t discredit the close term bearishness.

Silver (19.527) is discovering trouble to break critical safety close to 19.66 keeping in mind beneath this level it may keep on moing in the 18.85-19.66 locale. By and large close term looks bearish.

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Guest CommexFX
Daily Outlook 19-05-2014

Dollar-Yen (101.52) continues exchanging close to the significant help zone of 101.30-20 and a break beneath 101.20 may drag it down to the following long haul backing close to 101.70-60.

The Euro-Yen (139.24) is in an affirmed significant downtrend now. It is trying a paramount trendline Support here and could organize a bit of a skip. In any case unless Resistance at 140 is broken, there could be risks of further tumble to test 200-day MA at 137.94.

The Euro (1.3707) is attempting to skip from the significant trendline help at 1.3646. Expect close term Support at 1.3690 and endeavors to climb towards 1.3760 while Support at 139.25 hangs on the Euro-Yen.

The Pound (1.6827) has ricocheted pointedly from 1.6731 and this keeps the long haul uptrend in place. AA break beneath 1.6730 could discredit the uptrend and a dip to sub-1.6600 levels might be on cards then.

The Aussie (0.9364) for sure saw a dip to 0.9327 as dreaded, yet appears to be uniting sideways, not confronting any solid offering weight. Paramount/ solid Support at 0.9314 can keep the general uptrend in place with possibilities of 0.95+ this week.

Gold (1294.29) and Silver (19.464) are steady. Gold may extend in the 1280-1300 areas for quite a while before climbing over 1300 keeping in mind beneath 1315, downtrend stays in power. Silver is uniting sideways while underneath 19.6. There are risks that the metals may remain reach bound in the close term.

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Guest CommexFX
Last week low Pairs are Nearly to get important supports.

Dollar-Yen (101.54) quickly broke underneath the real help zone of 101.30-20 to make a low at 101.10 preceding bobbing back. It is an extremely pivotal time as the bears must push it down to the following long haul help at 100.70-60 or else they may run the danger of a sudden upward move whenever

The Euro-Yen (139.24) is in an affirmed significant downtrend now. It is trying a paramount trendline Support here and could organize a bit of a skip. Anyway unless Resistance at 140 is broken, there could be risks of further tumble to test 200-day MA at 137.94.

The Euro (1.3713) is attempting to skip from the real trendline help at 1.3646. Expect close term Support at 1.3690 and endeavors to climb towards 1.3760 while Support at 139.25 hangs on the Euro-Yen.

The Pound (1.6817) has skiped strongly from 1.6731 and keeps the long haul uptrend in place. A break beneath 1.6730 could refute the uptrend and afterward a dip to sub-1.6600 levels might be on cards.

The Aussie (0.9306) is trying the more level end of its 2-week extent of 0.93-0.94. Just a break underneath 0.9280-70 will invalidate the bullish probability yet a ricochet from here may in any case take it to 0.95+.

Gold (1294.16) and Silver (19.377) keeps on remainning ran inside 1280-1315 and 19-19.7 areas separately. Unless a break from these zones the metals may keep up the sideways combining for a couple of more sessions. General the long haul downtrend is in energy.

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Guest CommexFX
Daily Outlook 21-05-2014

Dollar-Yen (101.21) made a low at 101.10 close to the significant backing of 101.20. It is a critical time as the bears must push it down to the long haul help at 100.70-60 or else they may run the danger of a sudden upward move whenever.

The Euro-Yen (138.70) is in an affirmed significant downtrend now. It is trying an essential Support here around 138.70-30 and could endeavor a bit of a skip. At the same time unless Resistance at 140 is broken, there could be risks of further tumble to test 200-day MA at 137.94 or considerably lower towards 136.

The Euro (1.3702) is demonstrating no confirmation of quality significantly in the wake of holding over the backing of 1.3650. Despite the fact that the likelihood of ascent still makes due over 1.3650, expect more vertical fall towards sub-1.35 on a break underneath 1.3650.

The Pound (1.6840) has skiped forcefully from 1.6731 and keeps the long haul uptrend in place. However a break beneath 1.6730 could discredit the uptrend and after that a dip to sub-1.6600 levels would be on cards.

The Aussie (0.9233) has broken beneath 0.93 forcefully and presently testing the significant help territory of 0.9200-0.9150. However the current structure indications at conceivable downmove towards 0.8950 on a break beneath 0.9150.

Gold (1294.149) and Silver (19.432) are stable for now and may continue to remain ranged but are currently testing channel resistance near current levels. The Gold-Silver ratio (66.55) has been overall rising since mid-Feb’2014 and may target higher towards 67.50 in the near term. This may suggest a near term rise in Gold while Silver may remain range-bound. Overall long term trend is down.

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Guest CommexFX
Daily Outlook 22-05-2014

The Euro (1.3673) is in an exceptionally feeble state and any ricochet is relied upon to face offering weight. In spite of the fact that the likelihood of ascent still makes due over 1.3650, expect more fall towards sub-1.35 as long as it stays beneath 1.3800.

Dollar-Yen (101.54) bears neglected to break the long haul backing of 100.70-60 and got hit by a sharp bob not surprisingly. A break over 101.75-102.00 may bring back uptrend and expand the rally further towards 103.00.

The Euro-Yen (138.84) is trying a vital Support here around 138.70-30 and could endeavor a bit of a bob. However unless Resistance at 140 is broken, there could be risks of further tumble to test 200-day MA at 137.94 or considerably lower towards 136.

The Pound (1.6888), the strongest among the real monetary standards now, searches set for further climb to 1.70-71 as long it exchanges over 1.6730. Just a break underneath 1.6730 could refute the uptrend and afterward a dip to sub-1.6600 levels would be on cards.

The Aussie (0.9263) is attempting to keep afloat real help zone of 0.9200-0.9150 after the sharp fall. Anyway the current structure indications at more downmove towards 0.8950 on a break underneath 0.9150.

Gold (1291.91) looks frail yet has been exchanging close pivotal channel backing and safety for the last 3-sessions. Unless a break underneath 1290, we may even now anticipate that a slight ricochet will 1300. While Silver (19.435) remaining parts steady for the present, both metals keep on raning sideways.

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Guest CommexFX
Daily Outlook 23-05-2014

Euro (1.3651) continues exchanging at a 3-month low and any ricochet is required to face offering weight. It is trying a minor swing low at 1.3630 to keep the likelihood of an ascent alive yet more fall is not out of the ordinary towards sub-1.35 as long as it stays underneath 1.3800.

Dollar-Yen (101.78) bears neglected to break the long haul backing of 100.70-60 and got hit by a sharp skip of course. A break over 101.75-102.00 may bring back uptrend and augment the rally further towards 103.00.

Euro-Yen (138.94) is trying an essential Support here around 138.70-30 and could endeavor a bit of a skip. Be that as it may unless Resistance at 140 is broken, there could be risks of further tumble to test 200-day MA at 137.94 or much lower towards 136.

Pound (1.6869), the strongest among the real coinage now, searches set for further climb to 1.70-71 as long it exchanges over 1.6730. Just a break beneath 1.6730 could refute the uptrend and afterward a dip to sub-1.6600 levels would be on cards.

Aussie (0.9247) is attempting to keep afloat significant help territory of 0.9200-0.9150 after the sharp fall. Anyway the current structure indications at more downmove towards 0.8950 on a break underneath 0.9150.

Gold (1294.96) attempted to climb over 1300 yet returned to test channel backing close to 1290 as Dollar fortifies against significant monetary forms. Close term combining may proceed with yet further course can’t be guaranteed unless a maintainable break on either side of the 1280-1310 locales is seen.

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Guest CommexFX
Daily Outlook 27-05-2014

Euro (1.3662) is making a Matching Low at 1.3613, near the trendline help at 1.3590-80 and this bob may take Euro higher to 1.3700-30. Anyway the shortcoming stays in place beneath 1.3800 and any skip is required to face offering weight.

Dollar-Yen (101.97) is trying our safety region of 102 and a break over 102.00-15 may take it to the real supply zone at 102.75-103.00.the Euro-Yen (139.29) is skipping from a critical Support around 138.70-30 however unless Resistance at 140 is broken, there could be risks of further tumble to test 200-day MA at 137.94 or significantly lower towards 136.

Pound (1.6864) has experienced a sharp rectification recently yet the uptrend stays in place for focuses of 1.70 as just a break beneath 1.6730 could refute the uptrend and after that a dip to sub-1.6600 levels would be on cards. Look for a break over 1.6900-20 for quality.

Aussie (0.9256) is attempting to keep afloat significant help zone of 0.9200-0.9180 after the sharp fall, however the current structure stays powerless. Are the Bulls thinking about a vast Cup & Handle breakout within a brief span of time?

Gold (1291.61) keeps on remainning steady inside the 1280-1304 locales. Unless we see a break on either side of the extent, further bearing can’t be dead set. Silver (19.391) is likewise steady however is trying urgent long haul backing close present levels hanging in the balance outline. This may prompt 19.66 again yet unless a break over 19.66 is seen, it may remain extent bound.

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Guest CommexFX
Daily Outlook 28-05-2014
Euro (1.3637) is attempting to discover some purchasing near the trendline help at 1.3590-80 and this endeavor, if fruitful, may take Euro higher to 1.3700-30. Be that as it may the shortcoming stays in place beneath 1.3800 and any bob is relied upon to face offering weight at the more elevated amounts.
Dollar-Yen (101.93) has been confronting offering weight precisely from our safety at 102.00-15 however a break over this safety is obliged to take it to the real supply zone at 102.75-103.00.the Euro-Yen (138.99) is in a sideways move in 138.50-139.50 in the wake of skipping from an imperative Support around 138.70-30 yet unless Resistance at 140 is broken, there could be risks of further tumble to test 200-day MA at 137.94 or considerably lower towards 136.
Pound (1.6812) has experienced a sharp adjustment recently however the uptrend stays in place for focuses of 1.70 as just a break underneath 1.6730 could nullify the uptrend and afterward a dip to sub-1.6600 levels would be on cards. Look for a break over 1.6900-20 for quality.
Aussie (0.9261) is attempting to keep afloat significant help territory of 0.9200-0.9180 after the sharp fall, yet the current structure stays frail. A break past the more extensive reach of 0.92-0.94 may transform the following significant directional move.
Gold (1264.68) drooped pointedly to 1261 yesterday, (falling more level than our normal 1280 levels) on superior to expected US information that may help the Federalreserve to further check boost. It is trying vital backing close to 1260 which if keeps may cut it down to 1280-1294 else it may confront the risk of falling towards 1230-1225 levels. General our perspective keeps on remainning bearish in the close term.

Daily Outlook 28-05-2014
Euro (1.3637) is attempting to discover some purchasing near the trendline help at 1.3590-80 and this endeavor, if fruitful, may take Euro higher to 1.3700-30. Be that as it may the shortcoming stays in place beneath 1.3800 and any bob is relied upon to face offering weight at the more elevated amounts.
Dollar-Yen (101.93) has been confronting offering weight precisely from our safety at 102.00-15 however a break over this safety is obliged to take it to the real supply zone at 102.75-103.00.the Euro-Yen (138.99) is in a sideways move in 138.50-139.50 in the wake of skipping from an imperative Support around 138.70-30 yet unless Resistance at 140 is broken, there could be risks of further tumble to test 200-day MA at 137.94 or considerably lower towards 136.
Pound (1.6812) has experienced a sharp adjustment recently however the uptrend stays in place for focuses of 1.70 as just a break underneath 1.6730 could nullify the uptrend and afterward a dip to sub-1.6600 levels would be on cards. Look for a break over 1.6900-20 for quality.
Aussie (0.9261) is attempting to keep afloat significant help territory of 0.9200-0.9180 after the sharp fall, yet the current structure stays frail. A break past the more extensive reach of 0.92-0.94 may transform the following significant directional move.
Gold (1264.68) drooped pointedly to 1261 yesterday, (falling more level than our normal 1280 levels) on superior to expected US information that may help the Federalreserve to further check boost. It is trying vital backing close to 1260 which if keeps may cut it down to 1280-1294 else it may confront the risk of falling towards 1230-1225 levels. General our perspective keeps on remainning bearish in the close term.
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Guest CommexFX
Daily Outlook 29-05-2014

Euro (1.3605) is trying the trendline help at 1.3590-80 and may attempt to bob once more to 1.3700-30. Anyway the shortcoming stays in place beneath 1.3800 and any skip is required to face offering weight at the larger amounts.

Dollar-Yen (101.68) has been pushed down precisely from our safety at 102.00-15 however a break over this safety is obliged to take it to the higher safety at 102.75-103.00.the Euro-Yen (138.35) is additionally trying the last swing low close to 138 (likewise 200 DMA at 138.30) as all endeavors to break over 140 have fizzled so far and searches all set for a tumble to 136-135 in the following few sessions.

The uptrend in Pound (1.6723) has been killed with this break of 1.6730 and now a dip to 1.6670-20 can’t be discounted. Presently it stays to be checked whether the last trust for the bulls at 1.66 remaining parts secured or not.

Aussie (0.9274) tried the help range at 0.9200-0.9180 at the end of the prior day bobbing strongly. Yet in any case we sit tight for a break past the more extensive reach of 0.92-0.94 which may handle the following significant directional move.

Gold (1257.126) has started a sharp fall which may focus on 1225 in the impending sessions. In spite of the fact that it is trying a close term backing close to 1257-1260, possibilities of breaking beneath is higher. Notwithstanding, in the event that it bobs back from current levels it may focus on 1280 preceding again continuing the fall. General our more extended term bearish perspective holds.

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Guest CommexFX
Daily Outlook 30-05-2014

No indication of quality is noticeable yet in the Euro (1.3605) as it tests the trendline help at 1.3590-80 and may attempt to skip over to 1.3700-30. Be that as it may the shortcoming stays in place beneath 1.3800 and any skip is relied upon to face offering weight at the larger amounts.

Dollar-Yen (101.54) must break over 102.15 to climb higher towards the following safety at 102.75-103.00. Inside this expansive sideway run of 100.50-103.00, any quick bullish probability gets by till 101.20. The Euro-Yen (138.16) is likewise trying the last swing low close to 138 (additionally 200 DMA at 138.30) as all endeavors to break over 140 have fizzled so far and searches all set for a tumble to 136-135 in the following few sessions.

The shortcoming and misfortune of bullish energy in Pound (1.6733) is purported and now a dip to 1.6670-20 can’t be precluded. Be that as it may it stays to be checked whether the last trust for the bulls at 1.66 remaining parts ensured or not.

The Aussie (0.9313) looks all set to test the real safety region of 0.9400-50 yet a break over 0.94 may help it to move beyond the whole supply zone and push it up towards 0.96-0.97. A disappointment close to 0.94 would mean an alternate little plunge and all the more sideways move in the extent of 0.92-0.94.

Gold (1257.587) is steady for the present while in a downtrend and underneath 1261.10, it may fall towards 1225 in the nearing weeks. Testing a close term backing close to 1257-1260, shots of fall is higher.

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Guest CommexFX
Daily Outlook 2-06-2014

Euro (1.3628) has been attempting to make a bullish example like the Morning Star and may attempt to skip once more to 1.3700-30. Be that as it may the shortcoming stays in place beneath 1.3800 and any bob is required to face offering weight at the larger amounts.

Dollar-Yen (102.05) is near breaking over 102.15 to indicator an ascent towards the following safety at 102.75-103.00, even 103.50.

The Euro-Yen (139.04) has ricocheted from the significant backing at 138 and may rally to 139.40 or even 140 if Euro figures out how to fortify further against the Dollar. Underneath 138, the route to 136-135 opens up.

The shortcoming and misfortune of bullish energy in Pound (1.6744) is professed and now a dip to 1.6670-20 can’t be discounted. Anyway it stays to be checked whether the last trust for the bulls at 1.66 remaining parts ensured or not.

The Aussie (0.9263), in spite of the desires, has neglected to test the 0.94 levels and consequently stays stuck in the extent of 0.92-0.94 for the time being. Just a break of this reach of 0.92-0.94 may prepare any significant moves.

Gold (1248.41) and Silver (18.789) shrank on steady values and easier US GDP information, breaking 1257 obviously. Gold is prone to see help levels close to 1230-1225 on the off chance that it keeps falling with such force. Silver then again may test backing close to 18.5 from where it may bob over to 19-19.5 locale. Close term stays bearish.

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Guest CommexFX
Daily Outlook 4-06-2014

EUR/USD was exchanging at 1.3627, up 0.22% at time of writing.the pair was prone to discover help at 1.3586, Thursday’s low, and safety at 1.3650, Friday’s high.meanwhile, the Euro was up against the British Pound and the Japanese Yen, with EUR/GBP picking up 0.20% to hit 0.8136 and EUR/JPY climbing 0.33% to hit 139.69.

GBP/USD hit 1.6782 throughout U.s. morning exchange, the pair’s most elevated since May 28; the pair hence solidified at 1.6749, creeping up 0.01%. Link was prone to discover help at 1.6693, the low of May 29 and safety at 1.6816, the high of May 28.Australia’s first quarter GDP information climbed 1.1%, contrasted with a 1.0% addition expected.aud/USD exchanged at 0.9284, up 0.19%, after the information. Prior Australian AIG Group’s Services Index for May rose to 49.9 from a 48.6 perusing in April.

Gold costs picked up in Asia Wednesday on a bounce back from overnight with financial specialists hunt down interest signals. Gold costs bounce back marginally in Asia, interest signals wantedgold costs up in Asia

On the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange, gold for August conveyance exchanged at $1,245.30 a troy ounce, up 0.06%.

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Guest CommexFX
Daily Outlook 5-06-2014

Euro (1.3598) is unstably trying the help zone of 1.3590-70 for the last 6-7 sessions, holding up for the following ECB step. A breakout of the reach of 1.3570-1.3650 may focus the fleeting course even while the real pattern stays down.

Dollar-Yen (102.56) is taking a stop in the wake of arriving at our beginning focus of 102.75 and now may achieve even 103.00-50. The Euro-Yen (139.45) has officially pulled back from 140 of course. The fall would be deeper on a break beneath 139.30-139.00.

Pound (1.6746) is stuck in the little run of 1.6690-1.6790 for a week now. This reach may be broken today and a dip to 1.6670-20 can’t be precluded. Yet it stays to be checked whether the last trust for the bulls at 1.66 remaining parts ensured or not.

The Aussie (0.9277) remaining parts stuck in the reach of 0.92-0.94 for the present with no acceptable transient directional intimations. Just a break of this reach of 0.92-0.94 may generate any genuine moves. An alternate test of 0.9215-0.92 may indicate the end of this curative mode.

Gold (1243.77) remaining parts steady for the present at easier levels close to 1240. It may confront a danger of further fall if the European Central Bank cuts rates which may reinforce the US Dollar. While over 1240, it may keep on consolidaing sideways inside the 1240-1260 areas yet a fall beneath 1240 may push it down to 1230-1225 levels. Close term looks bearish while in a general downtrend.

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