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NBMiner v29.0, GPU Miner for RVN, ETH, GRIN, AE, BTM, SERO, HNS, BFC, SIPC, TRB

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Download From Mega Release:  https://mega.nz/folder/EahVUJJT#76qOy681FrAA4KahMaDkeA

Performance (stock frequency)

Code: [Select]

| Algorithm        |  Coin   |  P106-100  |  P104-8G   |   1070ti   |  1080ti  |   2080   | RX580 2048sp |
| :--------------- | :-----: | :--------: | :--------: | :--------: | :------: | :------: | :----------: |
| tensority        |   BTM   |   1,900    |    3000    |   3,400    |  5,000   |  11,500  |      X       |
| ethash           |   ETH   |   21.2M    |   34.5M    |   26.9M    |   46M    |  35.5M   |      X       |
| tensority_ethash | BTM+ETH | 950+15.5M  | 1600+26.5M |  1350+22M  | 2450+40M | 7000+28M |      X       |
| cuckaroo         | GRIN29  |    3.45    |    5.6     |    5.25    |   8.1    |   8.9    |      X       |
| cuckarood        | GRIN29  |    3.45    |    5.6     |    5.25    |   8.1    |   9.1    |      X       |
| cuckatoo         | GRIN31  |     -      |    0.89    |    0.94    |   1.56   |   1.65   |      X       |
| cuckoo_ae        |   AE    |    3.35    |    5.5     |    5.15    |   7.9    |   8.75   |      X       |
| cuckaroo_swap    |  SWAP   |    3.45    |    5.6     |    5.25    |   8.1    |   8.9    |      X       |
| progpow_sero     |  SERO   |   10.3M    |   17.5M    |   13.3M    |  22.5M   |  25.8M   |     10M      |
| sipc             |  SIPC   |    600k    |    940k    |    780k    |  1170k   |  1050k   |      X       |
| eaglesong        |   CKB   |    430M    |    640M    |    740M    |  1150M   |  1160M   |     350M     |
| eaglesong_ethash | CKB+ETH | 203M+20.5M |  275M+34M  | 415M+26.5M | 600M+44M | 790M+36M |   200M+22M   |
| bfc              |   BFC   |     80     |    130     |    120     |   190    |   210    |      X       |
| hns              |   HNS   |    170M    |    255M    |    300M    |   455M   |   425M   |     145M     |
| hns_ethash       | HNS+ETH |  76M+19M   |  120M+30M  | 158M+26.2M | 176M+44M | 305M+34M |  68M+22.5M   |
| trb              |   TRB   |    280M    |    435M    |    510M    |   750M   |   880M   |      X       |
| trb_ethash       | TRB+ETH | 122M+20.3M |  170M+34M  | 240M+26.7M | 315M+45M |    -     |      X       |
| kawpow           |  RVNt   |   10.3M    |   17.5M    |   13.3M    |  22.5M   |  25.8M   |    10.3M     |

Support Windows & Linux.
Support backup mining pool configuration.
Support SSL connection to mining pools.

Dev Fee

tensority_ethash 3%, tensority(Pascal) 2%, tensority(Turing) 3%, ethash 0.65%, cuckaroo & cuckatoo & cuckaroo_swap 2%, progpow_sero 2%, sipc 2%, bfc 3%
hns 2%, hns_ethash 3%, trb 2%, trb_ethash 3%, kawpow 2%


Code: [Select]

| Algorithm        |  Coin   | Compute Capability | Memory (Win7 & Linux) | Memory (Win10) |
| :--------------- | :-----: | :----------------: | :-------------------: | :------------: |
| tensority        |   BTM   |   6.1, 7.0, 7.5    |          1GB          |      1GB       |
| ethash           |   ETH   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          4GB          |      4GB       |
| tensority_ethash | BTM+ETH |   6.1, 7.0, 7.5    |          4GB          |      4GB       |
| cuckaroo(d)      | GRIN29  | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          5GB          |      6GB       |
| cuckatoo         | GRIN31  | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          8GB          |      10GB      |
| cuckoo_ae        |   AE    | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          5GB          |      6GB       |
| cuckaroo_swap    |  SWAP   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          5GB          |      6GB       |
| progpow_sero     |  SERO   |     6.0 - 7.5      |          2GB          |      2GB       |
| sipc             |  SIPC   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          1GB          |      1GB       |
| eaglesong        |   CKB   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |         0.1GB         |     0.1GB      |
| eaglesong_ethash | CKB+ETH | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          4GB          |      4GB       |
| bfc              |   BFC   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          5GB          |      6GB       |
| hns              |   HNS   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |         0.1GB         |     0.1GB      |
| hns_ethash       | HNS+ETH | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          4GB          |      4GB       |
| trb              |   TRB   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |         0.1GB         |     0.1GB      |
| trb_ethash       | TRB+ETH | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          4GB          |      4GB       |
| kawpow           |  RVNt   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          3GB          |      3GB       |

Sample Usages

f2pool:        nbminer -a tensority -o stratum+tcp://btm.f2pool.com:9221 -u bm1xxxxxxxxxx.worker
antpool:      nbminer -a tensority -o stratum+tcp://stratum-btm.antpool.com:6666 -u username.worker
matpool.io: nbminer -a tensority -o stratum+tcp://btm.matpool.io:8118 -u bm1xxxxxxxxxxx.worker

ethermine:  nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp://asia1.ethermine.org -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
sparkpool:   nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp://cn.sparkpool.com:3333 -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
f2pool:        nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp://eth.f2pool.com:8008 -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
nanopool:   nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp://eth-asia1.nanopool.org:9999 -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
nicehash:    nbminer -a ethash -o nicehash+tcp://daggerhashimoto.eu.nicehash.com:3353 -u btc_address.worker

f2pool:        nbminer -a tensority_ethash -o stratum+tcp://btm.f2pool.com:9221 -u btm_address.btm_worker -do ethproxy+tcp://eth.f2pool.com:8008 -du eth_address.eth_worker

sparkpool:  nbminer -a cuckarood -o stratum+tcp://grin.sparkpool.com:6666 -u [email protected]/worker
f2pool:        nbminer -a cuckarood -o stratum+tcp://grin29.f2pool.com:13654 -u username.worker:passwd
nicehash:    nbminer -a cuckarood -o nicehash+tcp://grincuckaroo29.eu.nicehash.com:3371 -u btc_address.worker

sparkpool:  nbminer -a cuckatoo -o stratum+tcp://grin.sparkpool.com:66667-u [email protected]/worker
f2pool:        nbminer -a cuckatoo -o stratum+tcp://grin31.f2pool.com:13654 -u username.worker:passwd
nicehash:    nbminer -a cuckatoo -o nicehash+tcp://grincuckaroo31.eu.nicehash.com:3372 -u btc_address.worker

f2pool:        nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o stratum+tcp://ae.f2pool.com:7898 -u ak_xxxxxxx.worker:passwd
beepool:     nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o stratum+tcp://ae-pool.beepool.org:9505 -u ak_xxxx.worker:passwd
uupool:       nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o stratum+tcp://ae.uupool.cn:6210 -u ak_xxxxxx.worker:passwd
nicehash:   nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o nicehash+tcp://cuckoocycle.eu.nicehash.com:3376 -u btc_address.test

luckypool:        nbminer -a cuckaroo_swap -o stratum+tcp://swap2.luckypool.io:4466 -u wallet_address:worker
herominers:     nbminer -a cuckaroo_swap -o stratum+tcp://swap.herominers.com:10441 -u wallet_address.worker
herominers solo:     nbminer -a cuckaroo_swap -o stratum+tcp://swap.herominers.com:10441 -u solo:wallet_address.worker:arbitrary

beepool: nbminer -a progpow_sero -o stratum+tcp://sero-pool.beepool.org:9515 -u wallet_address.worker:pswd
f2pool:  nbminer -a progpow_sero -o stratum+tcp//sero.f2pool.com:4200 -u wallet_address.worker:pswd

simpool: nbminer -a sipc -o stratum+tcp://sipc.simpool.vip:8801 -u username.worker:passwd
matpool: nbminer -a sipc -o stratum+tcp://sipc.matpool.io:11100 -u username.worker:passwd

sparkpool: nbminer -a eaglesong -o stratum+tcp://ckb.sparkpool.com:8888 -u user.worker:passwd
beepool: nbminer -a eaglesong -o stratum+tcp://ckb-pool.beepool.org:9550 -u email/worker:passwd
uupool: nbminer -a eaglesong -o stratum+tcp://ckb.uupool.cn:10861 -u user.worker:passwd
f2pool: nbminer -a eaglesong -o stratum+tcp://ckb.f2pool.com:4300 -u wallet.worker:passwd

sparkpool: nbminer -a eaglesong_ethash -o stratum+tcp://ckb.sparkpool.com:8888 -u user.worker:passwd -do stratum+tcp://cn.sparkpool.com:3333 -du wallet.worker:passwd
beepool: nbminer -a eaglesong_ethash -o stratum+tcp://ckb-pool.beepool.org:9550 -u email/worker:passwd -do stratum+tcp://eth-pool.beepool.org:9530 -du wallet.worker:passwd
uupool: nbminer -a eaglesong_ethash -o stratum+tcp://ckb.uupool.cn:10861 -u user.worker:passwd      -do stratum+tcp://eth.uupool.cn:8008 -du wallet.worker:passwd
f2pool: nbminer -a eaglesong_ethash -o stratum+tcp://ckb.f2pool.com:4300 -u wallet.worker:passwd     -do stratum+tcp://eth.f2pool.com:8008 -du wallet.worker:passwd

uupool: nbminer -a bfc -o stratum+tcp://bfc.uupool.cn:12210 -u user.worker
bfcpool: nbminer -a bfc -o stratum+tcp://ss.bfcpool.com:3333 -u wallet.worker

f2pool: nbminer -a hns -o stratum+tcp://hns.f2pool.com:6000 -u wallet.worker

f2pool: nbminer -a hns_ethash -o stratum+tcp://hns.f2pool.com:6000 -u wallet.worker -do stratum+tcp://eth.f2pool.com:8008 -du wallet.worker

uupool: nbminer -a trb -o stratum+tcp://trb.uupool.cn:11002 -u wallet.worker
hashpool: nbminer -a trb -o stratum+tcp://pplns.trb.stratum.hashpool.com:8208 -u wallet.worker

uupool: nbminer -a trb_ethash -o stratum+tcp://trb.uupool.cn:11002 -u wallet.worker -do stratum+tcp://eth.uupool.cn:8008 -du wallet.worker

minermore: nbminer -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp://rvnt.minermore.com:4505 -u wallet.worker:passwd

CMD options
-h, --help    Displays this help.
-v, --version    Displays version information.
-c, --config <config file path>    Use json format config file rather than cmd line options.
-a, --algo <algo>    Select mining algorithm
                     BTM: tensority
                     ETH: ethash
                     BTM+ETH: tensority_ethash
                     Grin29: cuckaroo
                     Grin31: cuckatoo
                     SWAP:  cuckaroo_swap
--api  <host:port>    The endpoint for serving REST API.
-o, --url <url>    Mining pool url.
                   BTM: stratum+tcp://btm.f2pool.com:9221
                   BTM with SSL: stratum+ssl://btm.f2pool.com:9443
                   ETH: ethproxy+tcp://eth.f2pool.com:8008
                   ETH with NiceHash: ethnh+tcp://daggerhashimoto.eu.nicehash.com:3353
-u, --user <user>    User used in Mining pool, wallet address or username.
-o1, --url1 <url> url for backup mining pool 1.
-u1, --user1 <user> username for backup mining pool 1.
-o2, --url2 <url> url for backup mining pool 2.
-u2, --user2 <user> username for backup mining pool 2.
-di, --secondary-intensity <intensity>    The relative intensity when dual mining.
-do, --secondary-url <url>    ETH mining pool when dual mining.
-du, --secondary-user <user>    ETH username when dual mining.
-do1, --secondary-url1 <url>    Backup 1 ETH mining pool when dual mining.
-du1, --secondary-user1 <user>    Backup 1 ETH username when dual mining.
-do2, --secondary-url2 <url>    Backup 2 ETH mining pool when dual mining.
-du2, --secondary-user2 <user>    Backup 2 ETH username when dual mining.
-d, --devices <devices>    Specify GPU list to use. Format: "-d 0,1,2,3" to use first 4 GPU.
-i, --intensity \<intensities>    Comma-separated list of intensities (1 -100).
-strict-ssl    Check validity of certificate when use SSL connection.
--cuckoo-intensity <intensity>    Set intensity of cuckoo, cuckaroo, cuckatoo, [1, 12]. Set to 0 means autumatically adapt. Default: 0.
--cuckatoo-power-optimize Set this option to reduce the range of power consumed by rig when minining with algo cuckatoo. This feature can reduce the chance of power supply shutdown caused by overpowered. Warning: Setting this option may cause drop on minining performance.
--temperature-limit <temp-limit> Set temperature limit of GPU, if exceeds, stop GPU for 10 seconds and continue.
-log    Generate log file named `log_<timestamp>.txt`.
--log-file <filename>    Generate custom log file. Note: This option will override `--log`.
--no-nvml    Do not query cuda device health status.
--fidelity-timeframe \<timeframe>    Set timeframe for the calculation of fidelity, unit in hour. Default: 24.
-long-format    Use 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,zzz' for log time format.
--device-info Print device cuda information.
 --fee <fee>    Change devfee in percentage, [0-5]. Set to '0' to turn off devfee with lower hashrate. Otherwise, devfee = max(set_value, def_value).
--generate-config \<filename>    Generate a sample config json file.
--no-watchdog    Disable watchdog process.
--platform \<platform>    Choose platform,0: NVIDIA+AMD (default), 1: NVIDIA only, 2: AMD only

API Reference

Web Monitor
Open http://api_host:port/ in your browser to use web monitor.


Code: [Select]

GET http://api_host:port/api/v1/status

Response Sample

Code: [Select]

    "miner": {
        "devices": [{
            "core_clock": 1556,
            "core_utilization": 100,
            "fan": 36,
            "hashrate": 1499,
            "hashrate2": "23.0 M",
            "hashrate_raw": 1499,
            "hashrate2_raw": 23030000,
            "id": 0,
            "info": "GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11178 MB",
            "power": 182,
            "temperature": 65
        }, {
            "core_clock": 1518,
            "core_utilization": 100,
            "fan": 34,
            "hashrate": 1490,
            "id": 1,
            "info": "GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 11178 MB",
            "power": 172,
            "temperature": 62
        "total_hashrate": 2989,
        "total_hashrate_raw": 2989,
       "total_hashrate2": "48.3 M",
        "total_hashrate2_raw": 48308746,
        "total_power_consume": 354
    "start_time": 1532482659,
    "stratum": {
        "accepted_share_rate": 0.99,
        "accepted_shares": 99,
        "password": "",
        "rejected_share_rate": 0.01,
        "rejected_shares": 1,
        "url": "btm.pool.zhizh[Suspicious link removed]p:3859",
        "use_ssl": false,
        "user": "bmxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.test",
        "difficulty": "0003ffff",
        "latency": 65
    "version": "v10.0"

Change Log

Add support for RVN new algo 'kawpow' mining on Nvidia & AMD gpus.

Support HNS & HNS+ETH mining on NiceHash

Add support for mining TRB & TRB+ETH on Nvidia GPU
Add support for mining ETH on `miningrigrentals`.
Minor improvements and fixes.

Fix ETH mining on NiceHash.
Fix NVML initialization failure on certain cases.

Improve HNS & HNS+ETH on Nvidia GPU.

Fix high ETH reject rate on certain pools when mining HNS+ETH.
Slightly improve mining HNS+ETH on Nvidia GPU.

Fix support the certain AMD Vega GPUs.
Fix a potential bug when mining under AMD+Nvidia mixed rig.

Add HNS+ETH mining on AMD GPU
Improve HNS+ETH performance on Nvidia GPU
Note: `-di` calculation is changed in this version for HNS+ETH.
   The value of `-di`  = `work_size_of_hns` / `work_size_of_eth`
    E.g, `-di 5`  on a stock freq 1070ti will get 26M for eth & 130M for hns.

Improve HNS performance on AMD GPU

Improve HNS performance on Nvidia GPU
Add support for HNS mining for AMD GPU

Add support for HNS & HNS_ETH mining for NVIDIA GPU
Minor bug fix and improvements.

Improve CKB+ETH performance on AMD GPU.
Fix bug of 26.1: Launch crash on certain AMD rigs.

Add support for mining CKB+ETH on AMD GPU.
Improve performance for mining CKB on Nvidia GPU.

Add support for BFC mininig on Nvidia GPU.
Fix CKB compatibility on AMD GPU.
Fix cuckcoocycle on nicehash.

Fix a bug when mining CKB+ETH.
Fix a compatibility issue in CKB stratum protocol.

Improve CKB mining performance on both NVIDIA & AMD cards.
Improve CKB+ETH performance on NVIDIA cards.
Add support for mining SERO on AMD cards.
Add a new option `--platform` to allow users to choose GPU platform.

Add support for `CKB` mining on AMD cards under linux.
Bug fix.

Add support for `CKB` mining on AMD cards.

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