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Withdrawal to PayPal EUR is now available on Unichange.me!

We are happy to announce that we have expanded the opportunities of electronic money selling by launching PayPal EUR on unichange.me
Now you are welcome to fund your PayPal EUR in any convenient way, as we have the wide range of exchange directions:

Bitcoin to PayPal EUR - 1.9%
BTC-e USD code to PayPal EUR - 1.9%
Litecoin to PayPal EUR - 1.9%
eCoin USD to PayPal EUR - 5.5%
Perfect Money USD to PayPal EUR - 4.5%
Perfect Money EUR to PayPal EUR - 4.5%
OkPay to PayPal EUR - 3.5%
FasaPay USD to PayPal EUR - 3%
FasaPay IDR to PayPal EUR - 0.7%
JustForex USD to PayPal EUR - 1.9%

These exchange directions are available for any customer without registration or verification on our website!
Orders are completed in less than 1 business day (usually 3-5 business hours) and you get your PayPal EUR account funded.

Best regards,
Unichange.me team

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We are happy to inform all our clients who are interested in selling crypto and e-currency funds via money transfer that MoneyGram USD option was addeded on our service.

New exchange directions are now available on our website:

Bitcoin to MoneyGram USD2.5%
BTC-e USD code to MoneyGram USD2.2%
Litecoin to MoneyGram USD2.5%
Perfect Money USD to MoneyGram USD6.5%
Perfect Money EUR to MoneyGram USD5.9%
OkPay to MoneyGram USD2.5%
FasaPay USD to MoneyGram USD2.5%
FasaPay IDR to MoneyGram USD2.2%
JustForex to MoneyGram USD3.5%

MoneyGram USD has lots of advantages:
1. It is cheaper than other money transfers;
2. All customers who do not have bank accounts can use MoneyGram USD to withdraw electronic money into cash;
3. MoneyGram transfer is faster than bank transfer and you can receive your cash on the next business day;
4. It is supported in the most countries all over the world, which makes funds receiving fast and easy;
5. No regisrtration or verification is required for this exchange direction.

Unichange.me service is striving towards improvement and providing perfect exchange solutions.
If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact our Support team.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Each PayPal customer knows that in order to be able to expand all the benefits and receive access to all available features of PayPal it is necessary to verify an account inside the system.



Verification helps to increase sending limits, make an account more secure and improve your reputation in PayPal system.



There are several different ways how to verify PayPal account and get all the benefits of verified account.



One of them is using Unichange.me Plastic or Virtual card.



Read the full article here



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  • 2 weeks later...

Western Union withdrawal option is back!

You are welcome to place orders for the following exchange directions and get your order done in less than 1 business day:

Bitcoin to Western Union → 3.5%
BTC-e USD code to Western Union → 3.5%
eCoin.eu to Western Union → 5.9%
Litecoin to Western Union → 3.9%
Perfect Money to Western Union → 4.5%
OkPay to Western Union → 3.5%
FasaPay to Western Union → 3.5%
JustForex to Western Union → 3.5%

No registration or verification is needed for Western Union orders.

We work hard to provide our customers with the widest range of exchange direction.
Western Union and MoneyGram transfer options are now both available on our service and you can choose the one which is more comfortable for you.

If you have any questions or need more information our Support team is always ready to help!

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Current fees to buy Perfect Money via Bank are:

Wire transfer USD to Perfect Money USD0.35%
Wire transfer EUR to Perfect Money USD1.1%

Local bank transfer GBP to Perfect Money1.2%
Local bank transfer PLN to Perfect Money0%
Local bank transfer CZK to Perfect Money0%

To improve your experience with Unichange.me a new video

was created for you.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Unichange.me team wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May success, wealth, happiness follow you everyday! Dream on and achieve on!

This year Unichange.me celebrated its third anniversary. We are pleased to share our positive experience and achievements of the past year with you:

- Unichange Card order processing was simplified
- Virtual Cards became free of charge
- 47 exchange directions became available in automatic mode
- 4 new exchange directions were added
- site was translated to Chinese and Indonesian languages
- 2-factor authentication was launched and many more

The full version of Annual Report 2016 prepared by Unichange.me team can be found on Unichange Blog.

Working schedule on Christmas holidays

We wish to inform you that our bank will be closed for operations on the 26th, 27th of December and 2nd of January due to festive season. When placing the order on our website, please, consider bank holiday and allow some delay of bank transfer arrivals.

On the 2nd of January some delays with PayPal, MoneyGram and Western Union orders may occur. From January 3 the service will work as usual.

Automatic exchange of Bitcoin, Litecoin, BTC-e, Perfect Money, OkPay, FasaPay on our service will be available during all holiday period.

Should you have any additional questions regarding work of the service, please contact our Support team. We are always ready to help.

Best regards,
Unichange.me team

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  • 2 weeks later...

0.7% fee for all Crypto to Card withdrawals:

Bitcoin to Unichange USD card - 0.7%
BTC-e to Unichange USD card - 0.7%
Litecoin to Unichange USD card - 0.7%

Bitcoin to Unichange EUR card - 0.7%
BTC-e to Unichange EUR card - 0.7%
Litecoin to Unichange EUR card - 0.7%

You are welcome to place orders on Unichange service and get them done in only 10-15 business minutes.
Bitcoin price is over 1000 USD now. Do not miss the opportunity to withdraw it with profit!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear forum members,

Unichange.me team is always striving to follow the current market requirements and to provide our clients with profitable offers.

We are happy to inform you that we have launch special proposition. Fund your crypto wallets via Perfect Money with attractive fees:

Perfect Money USD to Bitcoin - 2.9%
Perfect Money USD to Litecoin - 2.9%
Perfect Money USD to BTC-e USD code - 2.9%

No registration or verification is needed for these exchange directions.

Moreover all orders are completed in automatic mode, thus orders can be placed any time convenient for you.

Fund your Bitcoin, Litecoin, BTC-e accounts profitably on Unichange.me!

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We wish to inform you that Perfect Money reserves on Unichange.me are updated and fees to fund Perfect Money via Bitcoin, Litecoin, BTC-e USD codes are reduced down to 0.05%

Bitcoin to Perfect Money USD - 0.05%
BTC-e to Perfect Money USD - 0.05%
Litecoin to Perfect Money USD - 0.05%

You are welcome to place orders on Unichange service and get them done automatically.
There is no minimum fee for these exchange directions.

Moreover, you are welcome to buy Perfect Money via international USD and EUR wire transfers.
To make it easier for you we published a new article What do you need to wire money internationally on Unichange.me blog.
Unichange.me – providing perfect exchange.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear forum members,

We wish to inform you that Perfect Money reserves on Unichange.me are updated and fees to fund Perfect Money via Bitcoin, Litecoin, BTC-e USD codes are fixed on 0.01%

Bitcoin to Perfect Money USD - 0.01%
BTC-e to Perfect Money USD - 0.01%
Litecoin to Perfect Money USD - 0.01%

You are welcome to place orders on Unichange service and get them done automatically.
There is no minimum fee for these exchange directions.

Use your opportunity to buy Perfect Money profitably!

Should you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact our Support team.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We wish to inform all our customers that reserves for Unichange EUR Card were updated!
You are welcome to withdraw crypto and e-currencies to EUR visa card with the lowest fees on the market:
Bitcoin to Unichange Card EUR1.2%                
BTC-e USD code to Unichange Card EUR1.2%
Litecoin to Unichange Card EUR1.2%

Okpay USD to Unichange Card EUR1.5%

FasaPay USD to Unichange Card EUR1.9%   
FasaPay IDR to Unichange Card EUR0.5%

 Please be informed that:
 - it takes only 1 business hour to complete the order;
 - ID verification isn't required for the first card order;
 - Unichange.me offers Free Virtual Cards;
 - more information about cards can be found here

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  • 2 weeks later...

We are happy to inform you that now bulk orders are available in automatic mode. Exchange limits are increased and orders up to 20000 USD are processed automatically.

Bitcoin to Perfect Money USD0.01%
Litecoin to Perfect Money USD0.01%
BTC-e code to Perfect Money USD0.01%

Please be informed that automatic exchange directions are available 24 hours 7 days a week and are completed in 1-2 minutes after Bitcoin/Litecoin transaction gets 3 confirmations.

You are welcome to place bulk automatic orders and get them done without any delays!

Should you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact our Support team.

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Time-limited Zero fee offer

Exchanges up to 20000 USD are processed automatically and without fees!

Bitcoin to Perfect Money USDno service fee
Litecoin to Perfect Money USDno service fee
BTC-e code to Perfect Money USDno service fee

When you exchange your cryptocurrency to Perfect Money on Unichange.me the only fee you pay is Perfect Money system internal fee. Please be informed that this fee is already included in our service rate.

Unichange.me – providing perfect exchange!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Unichange.me has an Exclusive offer to buy FasaPay profitably:

- 0% fees for exchange Perfect Money/Bitcoin/BTC-e codes/OkPay to FasaPay USD/IDR
- High IDR exchange rate 1 USD = 13500 IDR
- Large reserves of FasaPay USD/IDR you can check here
- All mentioned exchange directions are available 24/7 and completed automatically
- Limits for automatic exchanges were increased up to 70 million IDR per 1 order

Do you want to fund your FasaPay account via the cheapest possible way? Do it now!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dear forum members!

Unichange.me service wishes you a great day and is happy to inform you that we have updated our Perfect Money USD reserves!

Funding Perfect Money account with Unichange you get:

- Automatic order completion for amounts up to 20000 USD
- Fast manual exchanges within 1 business hour for orders over 20000 USD
- The lowest exchange service fees (no minimum fee):

Bitcoin to Perfect Money USD0.1%
BTC-e to Perfect Money USD0.1%
Litecoin to Perfect Money USD0.1%

FasaPay IDR to Perfect Money USD0%

- Large reserves to satisfy needs of every customer
- Possibility to place small orders from 5 USD as well as big ones

Should you have any questions or need more information, please, do not hesitate to contact our Support team.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hope you're having a great day! To make your day even better we would like to inform you that our fees to withdraw Perfect Money were discounted up to 50%!

You are welcome to make sure that we offer the best fees:

Perfect Money USD to Paypal USD - 3%
Perfect Money USD to Paypal EUR - 2%

Perfect Money USD to Bitcoin - 1.5%
Perfect Money USD to Litecoin - 1.5%
Perfect Money USD to BTC-e USD code - 1.5%

Perfect Money USD to Alipay CNY - 2%
Perfect Money USD to China Unionpay CNY - 2%

Perfect Money USD to JustForex USD - 2%
Perfect Money USD to Wire transfer EUR - 3%

Many exchange directions on Unichange.me are available in automatic mode, thus orders can be placed any time convenient for you. Please pay attention to time frames for orders which are completed manually.

For Unichange card holders we offer discount for funding the card with Perfect Money:

Perfect Money USD to Unichange Card USD - 3%
Perfect Money USD to Unichange Card EUR - 2.5%

If you have any questions or need more information our team is always ready to assist you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fast withdrawals of Perfect Money, Bitcoin, Litecoin, BTC-e USD, OkPay, FasaPay to Any Malaysia local bank account MYR are now available on Unichange.me!

It takes only 1 business day to proceed your order and to send you the local bank transfer.

Local transfer MYR usually takes 1-2 business days to arrive to your bank account.

Please be informed that verification is required for these exchange directions.

You are welcome to check more information here.

Should you have any questions or need more information, please, do not hesitate to contact our Support team.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear forum members,

Good news! Unichange card USD/EUR reserves were updated.

Unichange.me team reconsidered card limits' politics, and now more attention will be paid to Unichange Cards reserves. As thanks to our valued customers it is now clear that card limits are very important for our clients.

We did our best to speed up process of funding Unichange Card balance and will keep reserves high all the time.

Also fees are reduced:

Bitcoin to Unichange USD card - 1.2%

BTC-e to Unichange USD card - 1.2%

Litecoin to Unichange USD card - 1.2%

Perfect Money to Unichange USD card - 2.9%

FasaPay IDR to Unichange USD card - 2.5%

If you have any questions or need more balance, just contact our Support team.

You are welcome to check our reserves here.

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