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BestChange.com - Exchangers and rates Monitor

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BestChange has the best bitcoin faucet

💧Did you know that BestChange.com has its own bitcoin faucet? More so, it is objectively one of the best in the market. No need to put up with annoying ads, the danger of catching a virus is completely excluded, there are no redirects to other websites.

Let us tell you how to use it:

▶ In the bottom left part of the page (under the list of payment directions) select the item “BTC faucet” if you haven’t selected it yet.
▶Enter the Bitcoin address which you can find in your cryptocurrency wallet.
▶Solve the captcha to prove that you are not a robot
▶Click “Claim free Bitcoins”
▶ Between 1 to 100 satoshis will be credited to your inner balance. You can repeat the action in 60 minutes.
▶After you collect 2000 satoshis, you can withdraw them to your wallet.

The registration on the website is not required, bitcoin-address passes for an account. Please be advised that the wallet cannot be changed, otherwise you will have to collect the minimal amount all over again from the scratch. You can share your referral link to increase your income: +10% from each payout of the referral.

Every day we pay out up to 400 000 satoshis. Have you tried this feature already?


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BestChange affiliate program

🤝Today we will tell you about our affiliate program — perhaps somebody still doesn’t know about it. Collaborating with the monitor, you can get up to $0,65 from each attracted user and withdraw funds from $1.

Register with the help of a simple form, and we will provide all the necessary promo materials for promotion. The program is especially lucrative for owners of popular websites and for those, who actively communicated on the thematic forums.

We pay rewards for the following referral actions:

🔶First visit of the monitor.
🔶First usage of the website.
🔶Return to the website in 3, 7, 14 and so on up to 120 days.
🔶Registration of referral in our affiliate program.
🔶Attraction of another referral by your referral.

Rewards are credited in dollars, and paid to various electronic wallets — yooMoney, QIWI, Payeer, Perfect Money, ADVcash, as well as in BTC cryptocurrency.

The effectiveness of your earnings depends on the quality of the promotion. Talk about the benefits of the monitor, there are really a lot of them, so you don’t have to embellish the reality.


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💰Lucrative exchange: several life hacks

BestChange.com monitor is constantly being improved so that users can get the best possible exchange results. Several additional tools when choosing exchangers will help you do that.

For example:

💸Having chosen an exchange direction, you can go to the “Calculator” tab and calculate straight away how much you will get when exchanging a certain amount (including commissions of payment systems or without them). The calculation results will be shown in the list of exchangers, which will make the choice easier and clearer.
💸If for an exchange direction you need there are no exchangers, use the function “Double exchange” — moreover, it is often profitable. Operation through a transit currency can also be calculated with the help of a calculator, with commissions of payment systems or without them.
💸The tab “Statistics” will help make a decision. Here you can view the graph of the rate changing, popularity of an exchange direction and total reserves for it. Sometimes, when an exchange is not very urgent, it makes sense to postpone it to a better moment.
💸On the tab “Notifications”, you can set notifications for email or Telegram when an offer for exchanging on your conditions appears.

We watch and update information for rates in all exchangers every 5 seconds, that is why we vouch for their being up-to-date. All you need to do is your own analysis which will guarantee the best results. 👌


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How BestChange selects exchangers to add to its listing

🔎How do we choose what exchangers to add to the listing?

We receive a large number of requests to add exchangers to the BestChange.com monitor. We, in our turn, have strict requirements that the service must meet. The safety of the users is our utmost priority.

Here are just a few key parameters BestChange.com pays attention to in order to make a decision:

Duration of successful work — half a year minimum. There can be exclusions, for example, if an exchanger is launched by a famous exchange or another service.
Functionality of the website must include a request form available without registration, affiliate program and full-fledged English version.
Total reserves must be not less than 10 000 dollars.
Protected HTTPS connection.
Contacts via which users can get in touch with the website creators. In separate cases, we ask the owners to verify their identity.
The design or name should not imitate the already added exchanger to not confuse clients.

Every listing request is thoroughly and manually considered. We do not work with exchangers that have a bad reputation on the Internet. You can also hold your own analysis — click on the number of reviews in the table for selection of an exchanger, then you will be transferred to its page and will learn more detailed information, including the length of its work and the country of registration.


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💰 Exchanger reserves: why is this important?

Reserves mean the total amount of funds on the account of the service, which allows you to freely exchange in different directions. At BestChange, all exchangers have reserves of at least $ 10,000 in dollar terms. Even though famous and popular exchangers have much more substantial reserves, for separate directions reserves can be low and not overlap due to the specifics of payment systems.

Why do you need to pay attention to the reserves of an exchanger?

It’s simple — an exchanger won’t be able to pay the request the amount of which exceeds its reserves for a specific payment direction. For example, if the reserves are just 10 000 WMZ, you won’t be able to sell cryptocurrency for 15 000 WMZ. That’s why you should always pay attention to this indicator when you are choosing a service with the help of the monitor — it is reflected in the table, you use the tab “Calculator” where the reserves are indicated automatically and the search results can be filtered.

We try to keep the relevant information updated and demand exchangers to timely update information about reserves.


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Icons of exchangers in the list, what can you learn from them?

BestChange has developed a system of symbols characterizing the specifics of an exchanger. We recommend you make a habit of paying attention to them, in this case, you will be able to learn if a certain exchanger will suit you in a blink of an eye. It saves time, otherwise, you would need to visit the website, create and order and, possibly, only then find out that verification of a card is required, or some other details.

Here are some characteristics of exchangers which we mark with icons:

- Manual or semi-automatic mode of exchange is used.
- Additional commissions are charged.
- Registration, card or documents verification are required.
- The service has a built-in online wallet.
- Transactions are carried out by a legal entity or from a third-side payment system.
- There are delays (hold) when paying.

And many more. For example, if you are exchanging cash, we will inform you if an exchanger has this service at a charge. We will also inform you about a floating exchange rate and other important things. Please remember to pay attention to the icons, all you need to do is to hover your mouse over them to learn the details.


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What is the rating of the exchanger in the payment system?

Going to the page of any exchanger on BestChange (for this, you need to click on the number of reviews in the table after choosing a payment direction), you will see such indicators as Advanced Cash TS, WebMoney BL, Perfect Money TS. What do they mean and why are there sometimes numbers, and sometimes a dash?

The thing is that some payment systems assign levels to users — this helps other users understand how much you can trust a counterparty. For example:

Advanced Cash Transaction Score

WebMoney Business Level

Perfect Money Trust Score

If there is a dash instead of a rating, then the exchanger does not work with this payment system, therefore, it does not have a rating in it or it is not important. Pay attention to the listed indicators if you plan to work with one of these payment systems through an exchange office.

In addition, the “MyWOT Rating” parameter can be seen on the exchanger page. Web Of Trust is an add-on for assessing the security of a website and based on the results of its checks, you can determine whether the website is trustworthy. Basically, this check takes into account the opinion of users.


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Reviews on Bestchange — how should you write them correctly?

We, time and again, say that our website is always on the customer’s side. We watch over all reviews and attract the management of the monitor to solve the issue if the client does not receive their money on time. As a rule, the situation gets solved positively in the end. But what can you do if your review isn’t published? Don’t panic — check if the review meets several simple rules:

📃For the review to get displayed on the website, you need to confirm it via email. It is done to combat spam. An unpublished review is kept for a week and then gets deleted, so please remember this nuance.
📃There is a difference between a “comment” and a “complaint”. Please choose the first option if you have received the money but simply want to comment on the service’s work. The second option is only for the cases when the money hasn’t been received. After the problem is solved and the funds are credited, you need to withdraw the complaint (at that, it won’t be deleted, which means other users will still be able to see it).
📃Naturally, profanity and insults are forbidden, as well as calls for interethnic or any other hatred.
📃The text of the review mustn’t copy another one that is displayed on the website.
📃We do not display comments of an advertising nature.

Write the truth in a calm and detailed manner, that will help other users!


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📃 Do exchangers require passing KYC?

KYC (Know Your Customer) check is a wide-spread requirement of regulators that combat money laundering with the help of cryptocurrency. Of course, you have noticed, that in the last 2-3 years this check is being implemented by more and more crypto-services, including exchanges and wallets. And what about exchangers?

The majority of them do not yet require passing KYC. The monitor BestChange tries to track services with an exception to the rule and mark them with a special mark. However, exchangers sometimes change their terms of service, so when creating an order for this or that payment direction you can come across a requirement to verify your identity. If you do not want to do it, simply pick another exchanger for the same direction.

We would like to remind you that it is important to look through the terms of service of exchangers that you use. It will help avoid many surprises.

At the same time, it should be noted that verification is by no means a way to steal customer data and use it for illegal purposes. This is just a necessity caused by the requirement of a regulator, and a reliable exchanger will never give away data about a user to third parties.


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💰Why is the monitor the best helper in exchanging cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is very volatile, its rate changes sometimes by dozens per cents under just a few hours. To always exchange at the most pleasant price out of possible, we suggest you use the monitor BestChange. Why it’s convenient:

📈 A clear list of safe exchangers for each payment direction. We carefully select services worthy of adding to the listing. You can't get here just by paying.
📈Very simple interface: all you need to do is to specify the exchange direction and you will be promptly shown all possible options and select the most lucrative out of them.
📈Besides popular payment systems and cryptocurrency, our monitor allows finding exchangers with more rare directions.
📈Additional information. Every exchanger in a list has its peculiarities, if any, displayed: for example, the requirement to verify the card, necessary registration, floating rates etc.
📈System of reviews and claims for each exchanger. In case there is a complaint, the exchanger representatives must get in touch and solve the issue.

Haven’t found a rate you’re looking for or sufficient reserves? Set up notifications and we will let you know via email or in Telegram as soon as a relevant offer appears.


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BestChange.com additional options

Today we will tell you about some of the useful functions of the monitor which will help you in your work and some of which might not yet be known to you. You can use them after you have selected an exchange direction. Please pay attention to the buttons above the exchanger list:

💸 Inverse exchange. Instant change of the payment direction to the inverse one (for example, you had a Bitcoin to Litecoin direction, and this button will turn it to a Litecoin to Bitcoin one).
💸 Save. Adds a direction to the top of the list which is located in the tab “Popular” on the left. It’s especially handy if the direction is rare — you won’t need to waste your time selecting it.
💸 Discrepancy. A contact form to get in touch with us will open. You can use the form if you have noticed a discrepancy between rates/reserves specified in the monitor and the actual ones. Also, here you can specify other discrepancies, for example with manual/automatic exchange. Please write to us, it helps us become better.
💸 History. All your last visits to the exchanger websites. The rates and reserves at the time of the visit are specified.

Lastly, the button “Settings” will help you to configure the interface of the table to your taste: set up the updating frequency, select the font, decimal separators etc. Use the setting to make the website comfortable for yourself.


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🔑 There are many factors that influence the speed and reliability of an exchanger. One of them is its principle of processing orders. It can be manual, automatic or semiautomatic. On BestChange you can find any of these varieties if they meet other rules to get listed in the monitor.

📌 Manual. Each order is manually checked by an operator, after which the employee sends the funds to the specified bank requisites. This process takes time – up to a day, depending on the business of operators.
📌 Semiautomatic. After the user pays for the order, the requested funds are transferred to the specified requisites. The speed of the remittance depends on the bank or blockchain network. In this case, the function of the operator is limited only to switching the order to the next level.
📌 Automatic. It works on the preliminarily set templates, due to which the exchange is being made practically in an instance and in several clicks. The role of operators is reduced to providing technical support to the users. It is the fastest option.

In the exchanger table, we list both automatic as well as semiautomatic exchangers. As a rule, the information about it is specified in a round mark next to the name of the exchanger in the list. If you notice a discrepancy, please tell us about it.


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💱 What is a floating exchange rate?

Choosing an exchanger on BestChange, you can notice that some of them have a mark “This exchanger does not fix the exchange rate in the order”. Let’s figure out what this means for a user.

This mark can be set in two cases:

🔒 If the trading pair is very volatile. Then the exchanger sets a short lifetime of the order or the maximum permissible deviation percentage in order to insure against sharp jumps in the rate. If the order goes beyond these limits, the rate will be recalculated up or down.
🔒 If the deal can take a long time — for instance, if the order is with cash or when the cryptocurrency’s blockchain is highly busy. Then the exchanger recalculates the amount at the rate that takes place at the time of the completion of the transaction.

Some exchangers set a particular time limit (for example, 10 minutes), during which the rate will be fixed. If the order isn’t paid during this time, then the fixing is cancelled. Also, sometimes the rate is recalculated after a considerable change of the market rate of the currency. Say, for 5%.

A bona fide exchanger must indicate the relevant information when creating an order —the conditions for changing the rate, the number of network confirmations for cryptocurrencies, the conditions for forming the rate (for example, according to the indicators of a particular exchange), the maximum amount of recalculation of the total amount, and so on.


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💱 How to choose a suitable exchanger?

In our monitor, we try to consider all indicators that can pay importance to the users. The rate is not always the most important thing. You also need to take into account minimal limits, reserves, requirements to the users, reputation and many other things.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing an exchanger on BestChange:
Duration of work and the number of positive reviews. We pay special attention to the reviews on our website, in order to make sure that they were left by real users, and that the representatives of exchangers timely answer to the complaints.
Total reserves. The higher this indicator is, the higher the chances that the exchanger is a serious one and will work smoothly,
Rating in payment systems (WebMoney, Perfect Money etc.), as well as the rating of the website on MyWOT.
Statistics — the most popular payment direction in the exchanger and dynamics of their demand.
Additional peculiarities, the most important of which you can see in the list in the form of green circles next to the name of the exchanger. These include the way of processing the order (manual/semiautomatic), the form of commission (fixed/floating) and many more.

Choose attentively, and then your exchange will be profitable and comfortable.


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💸 Is it possible to exchange cash?

Do you live in a city? Perhaps you would find it comfortable to buy or sell cryptocurrency for cash. This option has its advantages, for instance, maximum anonymity — it is harder to trace the transfer of cash than card transactions. Not all exchangers support this option, but still, there are plenty to choose from. Simply select payment direction on BestChange, indicating cash – rubles, euro, dollars – in the currency to give or to get.

How an exchange is being made:

1️⃣   Select the direction of exchange. Then on top of the list, indicate your city.
2️⃣   Select an exchanger, considering conditions – rate, reserves, verification requirements and other parameters. Click on it to go to its website.
3️⃣   Enter the amount of exchange and fill in other required fields.
4️⃣   Write to the exchanger’s online chat, tell the operator the ID of your order.
5️⃣   Agree on the date and time of visiting the office.

At the office, you will give the cash and will get cryptocurrency at your wallet (or vice versa). Fixing of the rate in this case usually happens at the moment of the actual exchange and not at the moment of creating an order.

Also, some exchangers offer an additional service — delivery of cash at the place of your convenience.


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💳 What is card verification, and what is it for?

BestChange monitor tries to warn users about whether this or that exchanger requires bank card verification. This requirement is not frequent, but still, pay attention to it if this detail is important for you. It's easy to notice — a round green mark with a schematic card next to the exchanger's name.

Card verification is needed to confirm your card ownership and make life difficult for fraudsters who use other people's means of payment.

What details you will need to provide:

🔑 Card number (or, as a minimum, first and last four digits).
🔑 Card holder's name.
🔑 Picture of the card with the exchanger's website or a paper with its URL on the background.

Is it safe? You can transfer the specified details completely calmly, they will not give potential fraudsters any benefit, even if the photo falls into their hands (for example, the exchanger is hacked). You must cover up the expiration date of the card and the CVC code on the photo, if it is indicated on the same side as the number as, for example, is on YooMoney. The reverse side of the card does not need to be shown at all.

The duration of verification depends on the workload of operators. It usually takes one day.


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💱 Why are exchangers in demand, and what role does the monitor play?

Operations with electronic money in everyday life go confidently ahead of cash for a long time. And considering that there are many ways of online exchange, it has become so easy to manage money as never before, you can do it even from the comfort of your home. And exchangers play an essential role in this whole infrastructure.

They are used for purchases on the internet, paying for freelancer services, private deals and many other cases. How in any of these situations can the monitor BestChange help?

💰 It helps to navigate what exchangers exist in general and how they differ.
💰 It selects reliable services that you can trust
💰 It provides not only full but also (and most importantly) relevant information about rates and exchange conditions.
💰 It saves time, helping promptly find services with the support of required directions.
💰 Tracks statistics for each exchanger, its activity, the popularity of specific exchange pairs.

Without exaggeration, the monitor is one of the most valuable tools for those who often change currencies and want to do it profitably and safely.


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