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[SPA] SPARTA – A Proof-of-Stake Cryptocurrency. Simple. Fast. Reliable.

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SPARTA is a new cryptocurrency that uses blockchain technology and was created by a team with 3 years of cryptocurrency experience and 6 years’ experience managing large projects. The team has united behind the idea of creating a new society of free and happy people.

The name SPARTA is derived from the words: “SPArk” + “Target”. SPARTA is a new spark in the cryptocurrency world. We seek to represent progress, development and forward movement. Our spark is “targeted” at creating new financial relations that are decentralized, honest, and fair.

SPARTA cryptocurrency is also named after the eponymous state in ancient Greece. Sparta exemplified the ideal state described by the philosopher Plato. We want to make SPARTA cryptocurrency as simple and clear as possible. Like the ancient Spartan city-state, SPARTA is striving to be ideal, but in the world of cryptocurrencies.

Our slogan: “Simple. Fast. Reliable”

“SPA” is the abbreviation for SPARTA tokens.

Features and Characteristics:

  • The fee is as low as possible and changes depending on the amount of time that has elapsed since the launch. It was introduced solely for the purpose of protecting against spam transactions.

  • Forging and proof-of-stake. The operation of the network can be supported by ordinary computers.

  • Worthwhile reward for forging. A miner who creates a block is rewarded with the sum of all the transaction fees in the block. If certain conditions are satisfied, a miner also receives a guaranteed reward in the form of newly created SPA tokens.

  • The reward per block changes every 500,000 blocks. The initial reward is 8,000 SPA for each block.

  • To protect against malicious users, tokens affect the ability to create blocks only one day after they have been credited (1,440 blocks).

  • Protection against 51 % attacks, nothing-at-stake attacks, and other malicious actions.

  • Transactions are deemed safe after 10 confirmations (10 minutes).

  • Blocks are generated once per minute.

  • There are 888 transactions in 1 block.

  • The network capacity is as follows: 14.7 transactions per second; 888 transactions per minute; 53,280 transactions per hour; and 1,278,720 transactions per day.

  • The total number of tokens will be 8,888,888,888 (~ 9 bln). Of these, 10% or 888,888,888 (~ 900 mln) are part of the premine. All coins will be issued for circulation on stock exchanges, and the proceeds will go toward growing the cryptocurrency.

  • The issue will not end before 2025.

  • A mnemonic seed (mnemonic phrase), a set of several unrelated words, is used to generate the address.

  • In the SPARTA network, addresses start with “SPA”. For example, SPA1APoGEhZF6spoqniQn8rBVAz2WgNoaUuw

  • Apella (APL) is the smallest fractional unit of the cryptocurrency, equal to one 100 millionth (0.00000001).


Create a wallet: https://wallet.sparta.top

Download the forging application: https://sparta.top/sparta-1.0.0.jar

SPARTA uses the proof-of-stake concept, which means that account balances are used for forging instead of computing power (as is the case with mining based on proof-of-work). SPA tokens (coins) are used instead of processors and video cards.

To start forging:

1. Create a SPARTA wallet and deposit SPA tokens in your account. A minimum of 888 tokens is required to start forging.

2. Run the special application on your computer. After the application is started, it automatically begins supporting the SPARTA network. When a block is created successfully, you receive a reward.

The chances for creating a new block are distributed among all network participants based on a special formula depending on the balance amount at their addresses. The more SPA tokens in the account, the more chances to create a block.

The reward for creating a block depends on the number of coins in the user account:

  • If a miner has between 888 and 999,999 SPA (inclusive) in the account, he or she receives only with the sum of transaction fees.

  • If the miner has SPA 1,000,000 or more in the account, he or she receives with the sum of transaction fees and newly created SPA tokens.

Thus, miners in the first category support the network, but miners in the second category also help the cryptocurrency grow by investing at the initial stage. Accordingly, these miners get more profit.

To avoid centralization, all miners with balances of 1,000,000 SPA or more have the same changes of creating a new block. That is, if one miner has SPA 1,000,000 and another has SPA 25,000,000, their chances of creating a block are the same.

Miners who have more than SPA 1,000,000 are recommended to divide their coins and forge on different servers and in different locations — countries, cities, etc. Doing this is much more useful for the SPARTA network. The SPARTA network automatically tracks and punishes unscrupulous miners using several computers with balances over 1,000,000 SPA in a single location to enrich themselves rather than develop the network.

A new block is created every minute. So a miner gets a chance to create new SPA tokens every 60 seconds. The reward for a block changes depending on the total number of the blocks created (i.e. based on the elapsed time).

Check out our website on https://sparta.top/about-sparta.html for more details on the reward for a block.


Our goal is to launch a new stage in the evolution of cryptocurrencies. SPARTA will let cryptocurrency technology more easily and quickly become part of our lives in order to create new financial relations that are decentralized, honest, and fair. This is the future we see!

With its clear advantages, SPARTA technology will bring cryptocurrencies to a whole new level. All of its benefits, convenience, and simplicity make it easy for everyone to use digital money. People can use SPARTA to gain independence from banks and easily make money from home.

In time, people will recognize the advantages of SPARTA cryptocurrency over conventional money and will begin to use it widely. As a result, financial relations in society will change radically and become honest and fair. Accordingly, the whole world will become honest and fair. This is the ultimate goal we are pursuing!

Road map:

  • Listing on exchanges and p2p platforms.

  • Listing on cryptocurrency monitoring websites (coinmarketcap.com)

  • Forging calculator.

  • Desktop wallet:

- MacOS,

- Linux,

- Windows,

- Chrome OS.

  • Localization of the website, wallet, and blockchain explorer into 11 languages.

  • Creation of a compiled node for all operating systems:

- Windows,

- MacOS,

- Linux,

- Chrome OS.

  • Real-time network graphs and statistics.

  • Wallet for mobile devices:

- Android,

- iOS,

- Windows,

- Blackberry.

  • Creation of our own hardware wallet or support for existing hardware wallets.

  • nLocktime transactions. They can be used and confirmed by the network only after a certain period of time. This is very convenient for decentralized exchanges.

  • Multiple signatures are an additional protection against scammers who try to steal wallet data to perform a transaction. A network participant can specify several other network trusted participants. When a transaction is created from the participant’s address, his or her proxies will receive a request to confirm or reject the transaction. In other words, transactions will not be approved without their permission. You decide whether your wallet requires multiple signatures.

  • Ability to use several addresses (hd-wallet) for one wallet. BIP-31/BIP-44.

  • Dynamic block resizing to support network scalability without a hard fork.

  • Ability to dynamically change the block generation frequency, so that network scaling, if necessary, will not require a hard fork.

  • Ability to dynamically change the number of transactions in 1 block, so that network scaling, if necessary, will not need a hard fork.

  • Local exchanges/offices to exchange cryptocurrency, job positions for promoting cryptocurrency through seminars and presentations.

  • Creation and operation of crypto-ATMs.

  • Development of a mini-computer with an automatic update system to serve as a home node.

  • Our own cryptographic wallets that can be used to withdraw and deposit fiat money through crypto-ATMs all over the world.

  • Support for VISA/MasterCard cards. The card balance will be displayed in SPA. But if the account holder wants to withdraw cash, funds will be converted automatically to fiat currencies at the current exchange rate. Such cards will be especially helpful in low-income countries with unstable national currencies, whose residents lack bank accounts.

  • Advertising platforms that award an SPA for guessing the CAPTCHA or performing some other action, similar to Bitcoin faucets, which give out a few Satoshi for comparable actions.

  • Popularization and introduction of cryptocurrency not only on exchanges, but also in other areas.

  • Software for “paper” wallets.

  • Atomic cross-platform transactions (swaps) between cryptocurrencies.

  • Additional network to safely synchronize and update wallet settings.

  • Ranking among the top 100 cryptocurrencies.

  • Preparation of other promotional materials, including 2 videos on cryptocurrency: a promo and technical details.

  • Creation of a .onion site and a node for the TOR browser.

  • Smart contracts and smart assets.

  • Crowdfunding for systems using SPA.

  • ICO platform using SPA.

  • Blockchain-based platform for decentralized peer-to-peer lending.

Resources, source code, and useful materials:


SPARTA and blockchain have infinite potential. With its clear advantages, SPARTA technology will take cryptocurrency to a whole new level. As a result, financial relations in society will change radically and become honest and fair. Join us now!

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Private and public keys

Each SPARTA user has 2 keys: a private key and a public key. What are these keys?

  • Let's consider the private key. When you create a wallet, you automatically generate a secret mnemonic phrase, which is a set of several random unrelated words. For example, a mnemonic phrase might be "force silence flight coward silent peace party drink trust weary doom also". This phrase becomes both your username and password for the wallet. It is used to generated your private key, which is not visible to anyone. Roughly speaking, you can think of your mnemonic phrase as your private key in the SPARTA network. You must safeguard this phrase and never tell it to anyone. Anyone who knows your mnemonic phrase can spend your SPA.


  • Now let's consider the public key. Your public key is your SPARTA address, which is used to receive transfers. Roughly speaking, this is like a bank card number. It's enough to receive coins in a wallet, but not enough to send coins to someone else. An address (public key) looks something like this: SPA1HpYNoLDcEsNhblwn

Anybody can create several wallets in the SPARTA network, which means that anyone can have several pairs of private and public keys.

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Forging (mining) and network security

Since cryptocurrency does not belong to any state, companies or banks, it is mined and its security is supported by users themselves through installation and running special software. The process of cryptocurrency mining and maintaining safe operation of the network is commonly referred to as mining, and those who are involved in this process are called miners.  

SPARTA uses Proof-of-Stake (PoS), so here this process is called PoS-mining, or forging. Mining and forging in essence are the same. The difference is that mining requires powerful computers while forging is not based on computer power, but on user account balances.

To support the operation of the SPARTA network, participants install and run special software, thus receiving a chance to create a new block on the SPARTA network. The probability of creating a new block is distributed among all network participants using a special formula that depends on their addresses balances. The more SPA tokens are in an account, the greater the chances of creating a block.

When a miner creates a block, he or she receives a reward. The reward consists of:

  • Fees on transactions within the block.
  • An additional reward of SPA tokens for creating the block.

The reward for forging depends on the number of coins in a user’s account:

  • If a miner has between 888 and 999,999 SPA (inclusive) in an account, he or she receives only the sum of the transaction fees.
  • If the miner has 1,000,000 SPA or more in an account, he or she is also awarded newly created SPA tokens.

Thus, miners in the first category support the network, but miners in the second category also help the cryptocurrency growth by investing at the initial stage. Accordingly, they receive more profits.To avoid centralization, each miner (balance of 1,000,000 SPA or more) has an equal chance of creating a new block.

You can find out how to make money on forging on our website: https://sparta.top/how-to-earn.html

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Want to know everything about us?
Read our Whitepaper

The SPARTA Whitepaper contains detailed information about our decentralized cryptocurrency. In this document you will learn about SPARTA’s mission, advantages, technical features details and our future plans. We recommend that you read the Whitepaper very carefully to gain an in-depth understanding of the SPARTA cryptocurrency.

The SPARTA Whitepaper: https://sparta.top/whitepaper.html

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SPARTA key benefits in brief

1.  Blockchain technology. The authenticity of any payment can be easily verified, and cryptocurrency cannot be forged or hacked. SPARTA is decentralized, so states and companies cannot influence operations inside the system.

2. Transfers to anywhere, any time. SPARTA transactions are performed 24/7. You decide when, to whom, and where to send the cryptocurrency.

3. Always the lowest fees. You pay minimum fees on SPARTA transactions. The initial transaction fee is 1 SPA. Unlike the fees for other cryptocurrencies, SPARTA fees are adjusted dynamically to remain as low as possible. The fee was introduced to protect against DDoS attacks.

4.  Security. SPARTA prevents various network attacks, giving fraudsters no opportunity to act.

5. Convenience and accessibility for everyone. Anyone can use SPARTA. SPA can be easily exchanged for fiat money at any time through exchanges and exchange platforms.

6. Proof-of-Stake Technology. Instead of wasting enormous computing power, user account balances are used to ensure network security. Thus, conventional computers and laptops can support the network. There is no need to buy expensive equipment or pay huge electricity bills.

7.  Worthwhile reward for SPARTA forging. You will receive the sum of all the fees on the transactions in a block. If certain conditions are satisfied, you are also guaranteed to receive a reward in the form of newly created SPA tokens. The size of this reward, which is initially 8,000 SPA per block, will change every 500,000 blocks.

8. Protection against inflation. In all, almost 9 billion coins will be created. Unlike fiat money and most cryptocurrencies, SPARTA is backed by a limited number of tokens and protected against inflation. All new SPA tokens will be mined in about 8 years.

9. High capacity, fast transactions. A new block is created on the SPA network every minute. SPARTA processes over 1,278,720 transactions per day, which means you can send money anywhere in the world quickly for a minimal fee. By comparison, Bitcoin supports a maximum of 300,000–400,000 transactions per day.

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Promote SPARTA with our promotional materials

Created to build new and completely decentralized financial relations, SPARTA is the most convenient and safest cryptocurrency available to everyone. Like any other product, SPARTA needs to be advertised.

Information must be disseminated as extensively as possible to make people aware of SPARTA and the idea behind it, and to encourage them to widely adopt cryptocurrency.

Please review our promotional materials. We would be pleased if you would share them with your friends, acquaintances, and followers. Post them on your website, blog, social media, etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

SPARTA's character and mission

Our goal is to start a new stage in the evolution of cryptocurrencies. SPARTA allows cryptocurrency technologies to more easily and more quickly gain broad adoption in our lives in order to create new financial relations that are decentralized, honest, and fair. This is our vision of the future.

For SPARTA and blockchain as a whole, the possibilities are endless. The main feature of payments based on a blockchain is that they enable transactions to be performed online without intermediaries. In the future, blockchain may be used not only for transactions, but also for recording, tracking, monitoring, and executing operations involving any assets.

Basically, we are dealing with a huge spreadsheet that records all assets and a global accounting system for performing transactions with those assets—without any restrictions on the type of assets, parties to the transaction, or geographical location.

SPARTA technology, with its clear advantages, will take cryptocurrency to an entirely new level. Thanks to all the advantages, convenience, and ease-of-use, everybody will want to and be able to use digital money. People can use SPARTA to gain independence from banks and easily earn money from home.

In time, people will recognize the cryptocurrency's advantages over traditional money and will begin to use it en masse. As a result, financial relations in society will fundamentally change, becoming honest and fair. Accordingly, the entire world will become honest and fair. This is our ultimate goal!

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Privacy and legal

SPARTA cryptocurrency was conceived and developed for creating fair financial relations among people. The cryptocurrency code is completely open, so anyone can use it.

SPARTA does not violate any international laws. So if cryptocurrency is not banned in your country, you may use it. We call to comply with the laws of the country of your residence.

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Money-making opportunity: trading on exchanges

You can make money on fluctuations in the SPARTA exchange rate. You trade SPA coins on exchanges and earn profits on the difference between your purchase and sale prices.

How does this work?

  1. When the exchange rate falls, you buy cryptocurrency.
  2. When the exchange rate increases, you sell it to other people at a profit.

It's basically like trading stocks, but everyone can do it and we dealing with SPA coins instead of company shares. The Internet is full of books and useful videos on stock trading. Anyone can become a trader and earn great money. This is your chance to start a new independent life!

You can already trade SPA in the following currency pairs:


We wish you prosperity in your investments and trades!

Exchange rate and trading volume:

  • Despite the overall negative trend in the cryptocurrency market, SPA continues to appreciate. Compared with last week's report, the exchange rate has increased by 41% to $0.00237 | 0.00000030 BTC.
  • Daily trading volume grew 1.5 times to $1,500,924.82 | 192.81848791 BTC | 642,728,293 SPA.
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Values of the SPARTA community

-        Independence. We strive to liberate people from dependence on banks and unnecessary costs. Everyone should be able to escape banks' financial control and significantly reduce transaction fees. We believe that if a person wants independence, he or she should have the right to obtain it.

-        Freedom. We want people to not be bound by any absurd restrictions. For example, everybody should be able to exchange money with their relatives in other countries without any problems. It is important that people have freedom not on paper, but in real life.

-        Fairness. All people should have equal rights—without any hierarchies or other kinds of subordination between people. We want to help everyone build equitable relationships based on objectivity and impartiality.

-        Honesty. We do not accept deception, fraud and corruption.  That's why we want to build new human relations, including financial relations, based on truth and adherence to principles.

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For cryptocurrency exchanges and listings

The purpose of the SPARTA cryptocurrency is to build honest and fair financial relations between people.

To achieve this goal, it is very important for SPARTA to gain the largest possible foothold in the cryptocurrency markets: we want to give everyone a convenient opportunity to trade SPA for fiat money and other cryptocurrencies, as well as a chance to earn money at auction and by investing. At the same time, we must also provide the ability to watch the cryptocurrency grow, check exchange rates, monitor dynamics, analyze its rating, and so on.

Accordingly, we are trying to have SPARTA added to various cryptocurrency exchanges / trading platforms / monitors and indexes. We would be happy to see SPA on your sites.

Essential information:

Cryptocurrency name: SPARTA

Symbol: SPA

Logo: https://sparta.top/logo/logo_200.png

Website: https://sparta.top/

Announcement: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2394796

SPARTA API - https://github.com/spartacore/sparta/wiki/The-SPARTA-API

Technology: Proof-of-Stake (PoS)

Block generation: 1 per minute

Transactions per block: 888

Total coins: 8,888,888,888 (~ 9 billion).

You can see the current number of coins in real time at https://stat.sparta.top/api/totalAmount

Users can participate in forging (PoS-mining). The chances of creating a block depend on the SPA balance in an account.

Instruction on launching a SPARTA node:


SPARTA is already traded on:

-       https://btc-alpha.com/exchange/SPA_BTC/

-       https://btc-alpha.com/exchange/SPA_USD/

-       https://sigen.pro/trading/SPABTC

-       https://sigen.pro/trading/SPALTC

The SPARTA team has retained 100,000,000 SPA to develop the cryptocurrency: https://blockchain.sparta.top/address/SPA14f1TuMbwGKSHqKGi1

Source code: https://github.com/spartacore/sparta

Blockchain: https://blockchain.sparta.top/

Web wallet: https://wallet.sparta.top/

Network stats: https://stats.sparta.top/

Follow us:

-        Twitter - https://twitter.com/SPARTA_core

-        Reddit - https://www.reddit.com/user/SPARTA_core

-        Facebook -


Please write to [email protected] with any questions about listing SPA tokens on cryptocurrency exchanges, exchangers, monitors, and indexes.

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How SPARTA can solve today's problems

We are trying to identify the best of what has been created and apply it in our operations. SPARTA can solve many problems. For example:

-        SPARTA allows everyone to access financial services regardless of their location and without having to get someone's permission.

-        People, not banks or other financial institutions, remain in control of their own funds.

-        Blockchain technology can help resist political tyranny by introducing decentralized cloud-based functions that were previously controlled exclusively by official organizations.

-        Many branches of the economy will be able to escape excessive regulation and licensing requirements imposed by hierarchical structures, lobbyists, and special interest groups. This will help create new business models that are not burdened by unnecessary intermediaries.

-        Blockchain-based records of all transactions and the inability to change these records may become the foundation for societal progress.

-        Each asset in the blockchain is coded with a unique identifier used to monitor, control, exchange, sell, or buy the asset.

-        Due to its economic, political, humanitarian and legal advantages, blockchain technology is becoming a powerful breakthrough capable of fundamentally changing most aspects of society.

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Description of SPARTA's main advantages:
Blockchain technology

The SPARTA cryptocurrency is built on blockchain technology. This is an enormous ledger that is available to everybody and that cannot be altered. It contains encrypted information about all transactions in the SPARTA network.

A blockchain consists of a chain of inseparable blocks (the pages of this enormous ledger). Each block contains transaction information. Each transaction is verified before it is added to the blocks. In other words, a block represents a group of several transactions.

Moreover, each block always links to the previous block. This means that each block contains encrypted information about the previous block, which means that it cannot be replaced or counterfeited. If an attacker tries to somehow replace an already-confirmed block in the middle of the chain with another block, the blockchain simply will not accept it. Why? Because it will always be different than the block that is being replaced and to which all other blocks are linked.

In the SPARTA network, a new block consisting of 888 transactions is created each minute. Accordingly, it takes one minute to confirm a transfer in the SPARTA network. During this time, the transaction is verified and added to the blockchain.

The SPARTA network is decentralized and new blocks are created by the users themselves. The block information is available to everyone. The blockchain technology makes it easy to verify the authenticity of each payment, and cryptocurrency cannot be counterfeited or hacked. Furthermore, governments and corporations cannot influence the operations within the system.

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Description of SPARTA's main advantages:
Transfers at any time to any part of the world 

Unlike bank transfers, operations with cryptocurrencies are executed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You decide for yourself when, to whom, and where to send money. There are no limitations here.

With the SPARTA cryptocurrency, you manage your own funds. There is no need to ask your bank for permission to use them. Nobody can freeze your account or block a transfer to someone from a particular country or region.

Suppose that in the middle of the night Ravi from India wants to make a transfer to his friend Ben in Australia:

  • With fiat money, Ravi would have to wait until morning, go to the bank, stand in line, fill out forms, pay a huge fee (likely at least 10% of the transfer amount), and then wait 3-5 business days for Ben to get the money.
  • With SPARTA, in the middle of the night Ravi can immediately send SPA tokens, which Ben will receive after 1 minute.

So if you need to send money to someone in another country, you can do it quickly, without paying huge fees, and without filling out piles of forms.

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Description of SPARTA's main advantages:
Always the smallest fee

A fee must be paid on each transaction. But this fee is insignificant compared to bank fees and the fees that apply to other cryptocurrencies. It is purely symbolic and only necessary to protect the network from spam transactions unlike, for example, the Bitcoin fee, which serves to enrich miners.

  • For example, suppose there's an evil user named Steve. Steve has 2 addresses in the SPARTA network, which he uses to move coins around. He transfers 1000 SPA from the first wallet to the second wallet. Then he transfers the coins from the second wallet to the first. And so on forever. Each transaction is verified and added to the blocks, but this behavior is entirely pointless. And thus Steve is simply creating an unnecessary additional load on the network. Thus, the fee discourages Steve from doing this, since he will have to pay for each transfer from one address to another. The fee also protects against similar attacks.

The network fee does not depend on the transfer amount or the user's location. The fee is the smallest possible and changes dynamically as time passes. The SPARTA network will always maintain the minimum possible fee for users.

For example, the current fee is 1 SPA. At the current USD exchange rate, this is less than 1 cent. But suppose that the SPA exchange rate grows significantly in time and 1 SPA is worth several dollars. In this case, SPARTA will simply lower the fee to, for example, 0.001 SPA, so that the fee is still no more than a few cents.

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Description of SPARTA's main advantages:

To secure the SPARTA network from attackers, the cryptocurrency uses a host of security techniques. Here are the 4 most important:

  • Attackers cannot transfer tokens from one account to another in order to boost their chances of creating new blocks. Tokens affect the ability to create blocks only after 24 hours have passed since they were credited (i.e. 1440 blocks have been created).


  • A transaction is considered safe after it has received 10 confirmations (10 minutes). Thus, an attacker would have to generate 10 consecutive new blocks and simultaneously have an enormous account balance. This situation is likely only if the attacker already possesses more than 90% of all funds in the network, which is virtually impossible.


  • The SPARTA network is inherently protected from 51% attacks thanks to its use of the Proof-of-Stake concept. Unlike cryptocurrencies that use Proof-of-Work, an attacker cannot create longer chains by out-computing other users in the network.


  • Attackers cannot resort to Nothing-at-Stake attacks, because the SPARTA network only allows the last 720 blocks of the chain to be altered. Any block placed below this threshold is automatically rejected.
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Description of SPARTA's main advantages:
Convenience and accessibility for all

The SPARTA website and wallet are as user friendly as possible. The features are simple. Anyone can figure out how to use them. SPA can be exchanged at any time for fiat money through exchanges or trading platforms. You can do this now on the SIGEN.pro platform, BTC-Alpha exchange or through the built-in exchange on our website https://sparta.top/.

So if you want to buy SPA, you can do so in a few clicks. And if you need money to buy stuff, you can easily trade SPA for fiat money or other cryptocurrencies. And you can do whenever you want.

Moreover, the SPARTA network has no social, national, government, religious, political, or gender limitations. It doesn't matter how old you are, what you do for a living, or what your level of education is. You don't need to study at a university, pass exams, or get a license. SPARTA is available to everyone.

SPARTA is used with equal success by people from countries around the world regardless of their gender, nationality, religion, social status, or political views. Cryptocurrency users are a diverse group with entirely different interests and traits.  SPARTA equalizes the rights of all users and unites them in what matters most: building free, honest, and fair financial relations.

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