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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

21/12/2015, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
23/12/2015, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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Results of "Tesla Supercar from RoboForex" offer


Dear Clients and Partners!
We’re pleased to inform you that the prize number and the winner of the unique"Tesla Supercar from RoboForex"offer were decided on December 18th 2015, at 11:00 PM (EET).

Prize number calculation algorithm

Under the Conditions of the offer (sections 4.2 and 8.7) the prize number is formed from the last digits of the Bid quotes for the following currency pairs EUSUSD, GBPUSD, USFCHF, and USDJPY on Metatrader4 Demo server of the MetaQuotes company. At the end of the trading hours on December 18th 2015, they were as follows:
• EURUSD: 1.0872[8]
• GBPUSD: 1.4917[4]
• USDCHF: 0.9914[9]
• USDJPY: 121.25[1]
Every client can make sure of this by opening a demo account in the MetaQuotes company, or by following the instructions listed in section 8.7 of Conditions of the offer. To help you, we have prepared a special video, which shows the pricing of Bid ticks on MT4 Demo server of the MetaQuotes company:



On the Roboforex-Fix trading server, the EURUSD.5Y, GBPUSD.5Y, USDCHF.5Y and USDJPY.5Y instruments' quotes represent the winning quotes - which can be checked by every client who logs in RoboForex-Fix trading server, using their Fix-account, or who opens a new one in his/herLive Account.
The Company congratulates the winner sincerely and thanks all clients, who took part in the offer to get Tesla S P85D supercar.
The RoboForex company's representatives will promptly contact the winner to award him with the main prize. Also, a full press release about the offer will be presented to all clients and partners of the Company.
We’d like to remind that you have only13 daysto benefit from our favorable Christmas offers. Hurry!
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Changes in trading schedule during Christmas and New Year holidays


Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re informing you that during Christmas and New Year holidays in European countries and the USA, the trading schedule will be changed.

Trading schedule on all instruments from December 24th to 28th 2015 (Christmas):

• December 24th, 2015 - trading stops at 6:00 PM server time.
• December 25th, 2015 - no trading.
• December 28th, 2015 - trading starts as usual.

Trading schedule on all instruments from December 31st 2015 to January 4th 2016 (New Year):

• December 31st, 2015 - trading stops at 8:00 PM server time.
• January 1st, 2016 - no trading.
• January 4th, 2016 - trading starts as usual.

Trading schedule on the USDRUB currency from December 30th 2015 to January 11th 2016:

• December 30th, 2015 - trading stops at 6:00 PM server time.
• From December 31st, 2015 to January 8th 2016 - no trading.
• January 11th, 2016 - trading starts as usual.

Please note, that because of significant reduction of liquidity on the market during the holidays, spreads for some trading instruments may be essentially expanded.

Starting January 11th 2016, all instruments will be available for trading as usual. Please, take into account these changes in schedule when planning your trading activity.


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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

28/12/2015, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
30/12/2015, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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Changes in trading schedule during New Year holidays


Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re informing you that during New Year holidays, the trading schedule will be changed in the following way.

Trading schedule on all instruments from December 31st 2015 to January 4th 2016:

• December 31st, 2015 – trading stops at 1:00 PM server time.
• January 1st, 2016 – no trading.
• January 4th, 2016 – trading starts as usual.

Trading schedule on CFDs on German stocks from December 30th 2015 to January 4th 2016:

• December 30th, 2015 – trading stops at 3:00 PM server time.
• December 31st, 2015 and January 1st, 2016 – no trading.
• January 4th, 2016 – trading starts as usual.

Trading schedule on CFDs on DAX from December 31st 2015 to January 4th 2016:

• December 30th, 2015 – trading stops as usual.
• December 31st, 2015 and January 1st, 2016 – no trading.
• January 4th, 2016 – trading starts as usual.

Please, take into account these changes in schedule when planning your trading activity.


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Tradable bonus up to 30% and no commission for funds withdrawal in January


Dear Clients and Partners!

RoboForex wishes you a Happy New Year! Let the fortune favor you in the New Year – set new trading records, increase your deposit and profit. Our New Year presents will help you in this: we're extending the periods of the most popular offers, so that you could benefit from your favorite programs and bonuses for the entire January of 2016.

Receive more bonus funds for each of your deposits

up to 115% from 100 USD

Classic bonus

Receive 50% for deposits
up to 100 USD.

Receive bonus

up to 30% from 100 USD

Tradable bonus

Receive 15% for deposits
up to 100 USD.

Receive bonus


The period of all offers is from December 1st 2015 to January 31st 2016.


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Take part in RoboOption contest and receive money prizes!


Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re pleased to inform you that on January 3rd 2016, the most essential contest on this winter will be launched - "Hot winter with RoboOption". Based on the results of the contest, the prize money of $2,016 will be distributed among 20 traders with the best trading results. If you’re ready to test yourselves in the race, all you have to do is to have an active* RoboOption trading account!


During the period of the contest, activity of all participants can be monitored by means of a special Rating. Who will be the first to "breast the tape"? It may be you! Open or activate your RoboOption account – the race is going to start on January 3rd!

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The rules of the contest can be found on "Hot winter with RoboOption" page of our website.

* - A RoboOption account is considered active if the owner passed the complete verification.


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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

11/01/2016, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
13/01/2016, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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Changes in trading schedule on Metals and CFD


Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re informing you that due to the public holiday in the USA, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, on January 18th and 19th 2016, metals and several CFDs will be traded according to the changed* schedule:

Trading schedule on metals (XAUUSD, XAGUSD):

• January 18th, 2016 – trading stops at 7:45 PM server time.
• January 19th, 2016 – trading starts at 1:15 AM server time.

Trading schedule on CFD on American stocks:

• January 18th, 2016 – no trading.
• January 19th, 2016 – trading starts at 4:30 PM server time.

Trading schedule on CFD on American indices (US500Cash, USTECHCash, US30Cash):

• January 18th, 2016 – trading stops at 7:45 PM server time.
• January 19th, 2016 – trading starts at 1:15 AM server time.

Starting January 20th 2016, the above-mentioned instruments will be available for trading as usual. Please, take into account these changes in schedule when planning your trading activity.

* - This schedule is for informational purposes only and may be changed.


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Interview with the winner of "Tesla supercar from RoboForex" offer


Dear Clients and Partners!
We’re pleased to present you an interview with the winner of our "Tesla supercar from RoboForex" offer. In the course of the conversation with the Company’s representative, Eugene told about emotions he had after receiving the prize, about his trading experience and affiliate activity. Watch it right now:


We remind you that "Tesla supercar from RoboForex" offer was held from March 23rd to December 18th 2015 for the clients of RoboForex Financial Group. After 271 days of tough struggle, the Prize number (8941) and the owner of the coupon, which matched the number, were decided. We’ve already told you how the Prize number was defined in one of our previous pieces of news.
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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

18/01/2016, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
20/01/2016, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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RoboForex (CY) Ltd is a participant and the Gold sponsor of "iFX EXPO"


Dear Clients and Partners!

During the last week of January, Hong Kong will host "iFX EXPO", an international exhibition. We’re pleased to inform you that this year RoboForex (CY) Ltd will act as a participant of the event, and as the Gold sponsor as well.


The Company’s successful operation on the Asian market has helped us to earn confidence of a vast number of traders over the last years. Participation in "iFX EXPO" is another step of our development and progress, and one more opportunity to strengthen cooperation with our clients and introduce the Company to a newer and wider audience.

During the exhibition, our Company is going to hold a seminar on
CopyFX investment platform

This year, we’ll introduce an updated and improved version of CopyFX investment platform, which helps users to get profit as time-effective as possible due to the proper investment of funds or their trading experience.

Speaker: Rostyslav Prus, RoboForex development manager in Asia

During the exhibition, RoboForex will present the products, which are already familiar to traders, and several new services of the Company, including Liquidity from RoboForex via FIX protocol.

RoboForex offers institutional brokers an opportunity to access liquidity via FIX protocol using the Bridge of the Company’s proprietary design. Also, we’ll offer our own web-terminal, WebTrader RoboForex, with an opportunity of branding (placing the logo of the institutional client).

More detailed information about the exhibition can be found on the official website of the event.


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Receive additional profit for your trading volume!

Dear Clients and Partners!

Do you know that you can earn not only a direct income from transactions you make when trading, but also some additional funds, which are paid by the Company as a part of its special programs? In such cases, the amount of your trading volume can help you to access special client services intended to make the trading process simpler or even more profitable.


Access to a remote server provides an opportunity of 24/7 trading and speedy connection to trading servers and your account. Read more

Up to 20% on available funds
Monthly payments on your funds, which are not used in trading. Payments may be up to 20% per cent per annum. Read more

"Rebates" program
Each month, receive up to 3 USD for a lot to standard accounts and up to 30% of the paid commission to ECN-accounts. Read more



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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

25/01/2016, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
27/01/2016, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


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FIX API and special trading conditions – for 3 months!


Dear Clients and Partners!

As a part of the Company’s promotion, RoboForex offers its institutional clients access to interbank liquidity and execution of all orders on special conditions. Receive access to liquidity from the leading providers viaFIX-protocol with order routing via MT4 Gateway and assess a brand new level of trading on the Forex market!

Trading conditions from RoboForex (CY) Ltd include the leverage up to 1:200, average spreads from 0 pips, a wide range of CFD instruments, and market execution of orders.

Submit an application to connect to FIX API or MT4-Gateway
and you’ll receive special conditions for the next 3 months:

• Free-of-charge quotes feeder from the world’s leading providers. After 3 months, the minimum monthly payment will be 1,000 USD.
• A single Rebates payment of 50% or 2,500 USD in case your total monthly commission paid to RoboForex is 5,000 USD.
• Decreased rates of brokerage commission – just 15 USD for the trading volume of 1,000,000 USD.
• Using MT4-Gateway, you can trade both currency pairs and CFD instruments.
• For brokers, easy connection to liquidity via MT4-Gateway with an opportunity to process up to 100 real orders per calendar day without buying the gateway.

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RoboForex is an official sponsor of a football team


Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re pleased to inform you that RoboForex Financial Group is an official sponsor of the Limassol Police Department football team. Supporting the participants of an amateur football league is the Company’s conscious step to help and promote local sport, which is sure to be a better way to invest funds than to hold expensive advertising campaigns. Moreover, our cooperation with the Police Department is another sign that the Company’s activity is completely transparent and that RoboForex is striving to operate honestly and legally in all spheres of the modern society.


At present, the team is participating in KOEP, a local nonprofessional league, and KOA tournaments for the Armed Forces of the Republic of Cyprus. So far, IPA Limassol Football Team ranks second in the standings with 5 wins; the team’s players have a serious attitude for winning this season and play each game with maximum efforts.

In order to be kept up-to-date of the latest success of IPA Limassol Football Team, including photo reports form games, visit the team’s website. We will follow the progress of the Cyprian footballers as well and would like to wish them more impressive wins!


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Rollover of Contracts for Difference on oil


Dear Clients and Partners!

We remind you that on January 28th 2016, Contracts for Difference on Oil Brent will be rolled over. As a result, the following actions will be performed:

January 28th 2016

• Trading session on Brent will be closed at 8:00 PM (server time).
• On January 29th, the balance on the accounts, which had open Brent positions at the time specified above, will be adjusted. The value of the balance adjustment will depend on the difference between the closing price of the expired future contract and the last price of the actual contract on Brent.

Additional conditions when rolling the contracts over:

• The above-mentioned information is valid only for positions on real accounts
• Positions on demo accounts (including contest ones) will be closed at 8:00 PM on January 28th 2016 at the last available price of the trading session

The schedule of the oncoming rollovers of Contracts for Difference can be found on "Contract Specifications" page of our website.


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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

01/02/2016, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.

03/02/2016, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.



RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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RoboForex has received "Best Retail Forex Broker" award


Dear Clients and Partners!



We’re pleased to inform you that RoboForex (CY) Ltd has once again won a prestigious award during "Mena 15th Forex Show" exhibition, where the Company has become a winner in the category "Best Retail Forex Broker".

Last year may be fairly considered as one of the most significant in the history of RoboForex Financial Group. New Bonus programs and services, quality improvement of trading conditions and Affiliate programs, and participation in international events all over the world – all these factors helped us to move to a new stage of development.

Mena Forex Show is the largest international financial conference in the Middle Eastern region, which took place for the 15th time. In different years, awards of the conferences were won by many leading international financial companies. RoboForex has won the award for the third time: earlier, the Company received "Best Standard Forex Broker 2014" and "Best Forex News & Analysis Provider 2013" awards.

It’s very important for us that RoboForex has won the recognition of the judging panel of such prestigious forum, and we’d like to thank all traders for their support.


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Funds withdrawal in Chinese yuans via China UnionPay


Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re pleased to inform you that China UnionPay payment system is now available for funds withdrawal. In the past, this payment system was available only for depositing funds to trading accounts. All withdrawals can be made in Chinese yuans, which allows using the currency that is familiar to you and avoiding any additional calculations because there is no need of currency conversion.

• Using China UnionPay, you can make withdrawals from 50 CNY with the fixed commission of 5 CNY.
• The maximum amount, which is allowed to be withdrawn per one transaction, is 50,000 CNY.

To use this new way of funds withdrawal, choose the corresponding system in the "Withdraw funds" section in your RoboForex Live Account and then follow the instructions from the system. More detailed information about commissions and the time required to execute applications to withdraw funds can be found on "Payment systems" page of our website.


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