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Information for Liberty Reserve users

Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re informing you that starting May 24th, 2013, Liberty Reserve electronic payment system has been experiencing serious technical difficulties:

  • The company’s official website is unavailable.
  • All operations are suspended.

As of today, we’ve disabled funds transfer via Liberty Reserve payment system in your Live Account. We will enable depositing and withdrawal as soon as the payment system resumes its operations. Until then, we suggest you use other payment systems, which are available in Deposit/Withdrawal section.

We are very sorry for inconveniences.


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RoboForex guarantees the safety of its clients’ assets

Dear Clients and Partners!

Taking into consideration the uncertainty about Liberty Reserve payment system, the RoboForex Company would like to inform its clients that:

  • The Company is aware of any risks of working with electronic payment systems, that’s why its clients’ funds transferred via these systems are kept in reliable commercial banks, where they are absolutely safe.
  • The Company guarantees its clients the safety of their assets on RoboForex accounts regardless of the final outcome of the incident concerning Liberty Reserve payment system.
  • The Company’s clients can use other payment systems for depositing/withdrawal, which are available in their RoboForex Live Account.

High level of safety of clients’ accounts and funds is the top priority for RoboForex, as the Company is trying to maintain it whatever the circumstances are.


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Favorable conditions for cTrader platform until the end of this summer!

Dear Clients and Partners!

The RoboForex Company is extending its offer with low commission for cTrader ECN platform until the end of this summer. Until September 1st, 2013, the commission will be $20 for trading volume of 1 million USD. At the same time, we’d like to remind you that there are still no requirements for minimum initial deposit for cTrader platform, so you can start your trading activity with any amount of money on the account.

cTrader trading platform is a state-of-the-art and powerful terminal, which is based on the NDD (Non Dealing Desk) technology. The technology enables direct market access (DMA) and provides almost instant order execution. To learn more detailed information about cTrader terminal, visit “cTrader trading platform” section of our website.

You can also assess the advantages of the platform online, without even downloading and installing it. Just follow the link:


Pay attention that before connecting to the terminal you need to open an ECN-Pro account in your Live Account.


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Benefit from the advantages of ECN accounts without any limitations!

Dear Clients and Partners!

The RoboForex Company is pleased to inform you about profound changes in trading conditions for ECN accounts. We’ve decided to cancel the limit for initial deposit for all types of ECN-Pro and ECN-Fix accounts.

The main advantages of ECN accounts is a direct access to the liquidity providers via Currenex. Order execution based on NDD (Non Dealing Desk) technology provides each trader with low spreads and high speed of order processing. Assess the quality and advantages of ECN accounts from RoboForex right now by opening a trading account for one of the three available trading platforms.

Benefit from fast order execution, trading without re-quotes, and the access to interbank liquidity using ECN (Electronic Communication Network) technology on favorable conditions with RoboForex!



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RoboForex webinars during the next weeks

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

04/06/2013, 15:00 - The mind of a winning trader.
06/06/2013, 15:00 - Top-Down Analysis. Trader's homework.
11/06/2013, 15:00 - Powerful price action patterns. Part I.
13/06/2013, 15:00 - Powerful price action patterns. Part II.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Affiliate commission rate will be changed

Dear Clients and Partners!

We are pleased to inform you that starting June 18th, 2013, affiliate commission rate for Fix-Standard & Fix-Cent accounts will be changed. The changes will affect “Agent” program, as well as all levels of “Webmaster” program. However, a small decrease of affiliate commission rate for the accounts with fixed spread will soon be compensated by new additional services for our partners and clients. These services will simplify the process of attracting new clients and help you to improve your affiliate statistics.

Right now, in your affiliate Live Account, you can find updated promotional materials, as well as the new way to attract clients – “Show random RoboForex banner”. In order to use it, you need to select the banner with appropriate size and file type and then copy HTML code to the page where you are going to place the chosen banner.

We have already published updated affiliate commission rate in "IB's commission" section of our website.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome Bonus 3.0: New version of our popular bonus program

Dear Clients and Partners!

By a popular request, we are very pleased to introduce a new version of our bonus program, "Welcome Bonus 3.0". Despite this version is a new one, the main advantage remains the same: new clients of the Company have an excellent opportunity to receive $15 bonus and start trading without their own investments.

However, there are some useful improvements:

  • Bonus can be transferred to any trading account with USD as an account currency: cent and standard, MetaTrader4 and MetaTrader5 ones. The only condition is that the account must not be of ECN type.
  • Each new client can receive two $15 bonuses, one for MetaTrader4 and one for MetaTrader5 accounts.
  • The last, but not the least! Those clients, who are already trading with the RoboForex Company, will benefit from the bonus program, because it’s them, who will provide new clients with coupons worth $15 each. After the coupon is activated, the owner of the coupon will receive a commission for each transaction made by the trader who received this coupon.

If your trading volume equals 5 standard lots, a coupon will be automatically given to you the next day. After receiving this coupon, you can give it to any person, who hasn’t received any bonuses from our Company and hasn’t become our client yet. The most important thing is not to waste time. Remember that each coupon expires in 30 days.

Information about coupons you’ve received can be found in "Welcome Bonus 3.0 Coupons" section of your Live Account.

To read more detailed description of the bonus program, visit "No Deposit Bonus" section of our website.


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Changes in trading schedule on Metals

Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re informing you that due to the celebration of the Independence Day in the USA, trading schedule on XAUUSD and XAGUSD will be the following:

03/07/2013 - closing time is at 6.30 pm. server time.
04/07/2013 - no trading.
05/07/2013 - opening time at 10 am. server time.

Starting July 5th, 2013 the above-mentioned instruments will be available for trading as usual.


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  • 2 weeks later...

RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

08/07/2013, 22:00 - Market Correlations.
09/07/2013, 15:00 - The mind of a winning trader.
10/07/2013, 22:00 - RSI Implications.
11/07/2013, 15:00 - Top-Down Analysis. Trader's homework.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

15/07/2013, 22:00 - 3 Drive Formations.
16/07/2013, 15:00 - Powerful price action patterns. Part I.
17/07/2013, 22:00 - StopHunting.
18/07/2013, 15:00 - Powerful price action patterns. Part II.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


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"Market Correlations", webinar by Dale Pinkert

Dear Clients and Partners!

On July 8th, 2013, Dale Pinkert, a successful independent trader and
world-famous expert in the field of financial markets, held a webinar
about market correlations, exclusively for the clients of our Company.
There is no need to introduce him; Dale Pinkert is well-known around the
world as an experienced specialist in the field of RSI and market
correlations. "Market Correlations" was the theme of his master class
for RoboForex traders.

In case you’ve missed this interesting event, we’re offering you to watch it on RoboForex’s official channel on


Dale Pinkert is a former member of The Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
His total trading experience on financial markets is more 40 years, and
his market forecasts were broadcasted by the world’s biggest TV channels
and radio stations.

Dale Pinkert’s main trading principle is “Never enter the market
because of the fear to miss a chance. There are always a lot of other
opportunities round the corner”. He considers psychology to be the most
important aspect of successful trading, as one of his most famous
phrases, which has become almost legendary, is: "Just like with real
estate, the main thing is location, location, and one more time
location, the same is here, trading is based on psychology, psychology,
and one more time psychology".

We’re also inviting you to take part in other webinars held by our
Company. Every day, many professional experts in different fields share
their experience and give their trading recommendations on a variety of
matters. To choose a particular webinar and register, go to the "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.

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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

22/07/2013, 22:00 - Forcasting The Week Ahead.
23/07/2013, 15:00 - The mind of a winning trader.
24/07/2013, 22:00 - Follow up Analysis.
25/07/2013, 15:00 - Top-Down Analysis. Trader's homework.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


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KingSize: a unique short-term contest for cTrader ECN accounts

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company's ContestFX project is offering you a new, short-term, and quite gambling Forex contest, “KingSize”, with prize money of $1,000. You have only two hours to prove that you’re better than the others and receive bonus funds as the prize, which may be used for real trading.

The main rule of the “KingSize” contest is the absence of complicated rules! You are one order away from the victory, but this order should be of a true King Size! The first participant to open the biggest order during two hours wins the contest.

“KingSize” is one of the few Forex contests, which is intended for unique professional cTrader ECN trading platform. The main advantages of the platform appreciated by the traders all over the world are speed trading, user-friendly interface, and direct access to interbank liquidity. You can test these advantages without any serious investments: the RoboForex Company cancelled all initial deposit limitations for ECN accounts. To learn more about this trading terminal, visit “cTrader platform” section of our website.

You can take part in the contest every Thursday, from 4 to 6 p.m. server time. No additional registration Is required; all you need to do is to open a single contest account and join any forthcoming competition by just a single mouse click.

To learn more about the contest and register to participate in it, please visit “KingSize” contest section of the ContestFX project website.

The “KingSize” contests starts at 4 p.m., 25/07/2013.


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Information concerning MetaTrader4 terminal

Dear Clients and Partners!

MetaTrader4 developers are informing the users that from August 1st, 2013, MT4 Client Terminals and MultiTerminals, which are older than build 500, will no longer be supported. However, this restriction does not apply to the mobile versions of the platforms.

Updates are the result of hard work, performed by the software developers in order to improve the terminals’ functional capabilities, which may help traders to increase their trading experience. We recommend you to check for updates on a regular basis, so that you could use the entire potential of MT4 terminal in your trading activity.

In order to avoid any inconveniences, we recommend you to download and install the latest build of the RoboForex MetaTrader4 terminal right now.


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Updated time of close of trading session

Dear Clients and Partners!

Due to the low liquidity received from liquidity providers at the end of trading session on Fridays, the RoboForex Company has made a decision to decrease trading session by 1 minute. Starting from July 26th, 2013, trading session on Fridays will close at 11:58:59 p.m., the same time it closes on other working days during the week.

More detailed information about trading conditions offered by our Company can be found in the "Contract Specifications" section of our website.


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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

29/07/2013, 22:00 - 3 Drive Formations.
30/07/2013, 15:00 - Powerful price action patterns. Part I.
31/07/2013, 22:00 - StopHunting.
01/08/2013, 15:00 - Powerful price action patterns. Part II.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

05/08/2013, 22:00 - Forcasting The Week Ahead.
06/08/2013, 15:00 - The mind of a winning trader.
07/08/2013, 22:00 - Follow up Analysis.
08/08/2013, 15:00 - Top-Down Analysis. Trader's homework.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

12/08/2013, 22:00 - Market Correlations.
13/08/2013, 15:00 - Powerful price action patterns. Part I.
14/08/2013, 22:00 - RSI Implications.
15/08/2013, 15:00 - Powerful price action patterns. Part II.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


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Communicative Bonus

Dear Clients and Partners!

Starting August 15th, 2013, the RoboForex official message board is pleased to offer you a new program, “Communicative Bonus”.

From now on, online message board communication is not only a pleasure, but may help you to make more profit, because you will be awarded for your messages with the money, which later can be used for trading.

To learn more detailed information about this program, please, visit “Communicative Bonus” section of our message board.

Many of our clients have rich trading experience, so now they can benefit from it by receiving additional profit for online communication at our message board!

The RoboForex LP Forums – profitable communication!


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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

19/08/2013, 22:00 - Forcasting The Week Ahead.
20/08/2013, 15:00 - The mind of a winning trader.
21/08/2013, 22:00 - Follow up Analysis.
22/08/2013, 15:00 - Top-Down Analysis. Trader's homework.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


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