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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

26/01/2015, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
28/01/2015, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

02/02/2015, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
04/02/2015, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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WebTrader is a new terminal for trading via web browser

Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re pleased to inform you about launching of beta-version of WebTrader RoboForex. This web terminal has been created by RoboForex specifically for the needs of the Company’s clients. WebTrader is fully compatible with MetaTrader4, doesn’t require installation, and allows to trade via any web browser. Add this link to your favorites in order to keep the platform always at hand:


WebTrader RoboForex is a fully functional trading terminal, which contains all necessary tools for successful and secure trading:

- Opportunity to trade under any operating system (Windows, Mac OS, Linux) via any up-to-date web browser, including most of the mobile OS browsers.
- Access to your MT4 accounts without additional authorization.
- Two types of charts: Japanese candlesticks and Line.
- 8 time frames for each instrument: from 1 minute to 1 month.
- Monitoring of open orders and account balance; opportunity to modify open positions and their StopLoss and TakeProfit levels.

You can read more about this web terminal in "WebTrader RoboForex" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

09/02/2015, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
11/02/2015, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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Results of RoboForex development in 2014

Dear Clients and Partners!

RoboForex financial group has reviewed the results of its development in 2014. The main results over this period are further growth and strengthening of trust to the Company and its projects on the part of our clients, which is confirmed by increase in the number of trading accounts they open, as well as the number of transactions and trading volume they make.

Growth rate over the past year:

- The increase in the total number of trading operations on real accounts is 29,3%
- The number of transactions in CopyFX system is now more than 2,000,000
- The total prize money within the framework of the project has reached 529,000 USD
- By the end of the year, the total trading volume at RoboOption has exceeded 1,000,000 USD

More detailed information about the result of 2014 can be found on "Results of RoboForex financial group activity over the year of 2014" page of our website.

Despite the difficult overall economic situation and the state of the Forex industry, RoboForex has managed to reach the numbers of growth rate targeted before. In conclusion, RoboForex financial group would like to thank each of its clients and partners for effective work that all of us did in 2014, and promises to make even more efforts to expand the list of services and improve them this year.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

16/02/2015, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
17/02/2015, 3:00 PM - RoboForex affiliate programs.
18/02/2015, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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Changes in trading schedule on Metals

Dear Clients!

We’re informing you that due to the public holiday in the USA, Presidents' Day, XAUUSD and XAGUSD will be traded according to the following schedule:

February 16th, 2015 - no trading.
February 17th, 2015 - trading starts at 9 a.m. server time.

Starting February 18th, 2015, the above-mentioned instruments will be available for trading as usual. Please, take into account these changes in schedule when planning your trading activity.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

23/02/2015, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
25/02/2015, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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CopyFX introduces to the users its corporate blog

Dear Traders and Investors!

The staff of CopyFX project is pleased to inform you that the project has launched its corporate blog, a new communication channel with the users of the system.

Every week, we’re going to tell you about changes that take place in CopyFX system, explain how the already existing functionality works, and share our ideas and plans. Besides articles about the system, we’re planning to publish investment strategies, trading tactics, and breaking news of Forex market.

You have an excellent opportunity to comment our entries using your social networks accounts and share the articles you liked the most with your friends and acquaintances.

You can subscribe to CopyFX blog on the subscription page or on the main page of the blog.


Our first article is dedicated to a very topical subject - Investors’ risk management in CopyFX system. Read it right now on our website!


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"Bonus March" – deposit bonus up to 85%

Dear Clients and Partners!

RoboForex financial group is giving you a pleasant surprise in March. Deposit your trading accounts via VISA/MasterCard cards or China UnionPay from March 2nd to 31st 2015 and receive deposit bonus up to 85% of the deposited sum. Now you have an excellent opportunity to increase your trading volume and profit.

"Bonus March" offer is:

- Bonus up to 85% of the deposited sum – just deposit the funds necessary for trading to your trading account and increase each your deposit by 85%.
- The offer is valid for all ways of depositing available in your Live Account made via VISA/MasterCard cards or China UnionPay payment system.
- The total amount of bonuses, which you can receive during the period of the offer, is up to 14 000 USD!
- You can receive the bonus when you deposit any type of MetaTrader4 Fix and Pro accounts (the offer is not valid for ECN and CopyFX accounts).

You can read more about the offer on "«Bonus March» - deposit bonus up to 85%" page of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

02/03/2015, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
04/03/2015, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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Changes in trading schedule on USDRUB on March 9th

Dear Clients!

We’re informing you that due to the public holiday in Russia, International Women's Day, on March 9th USDRUB will not be available for trading.

After March 10th, 2015, the above-mentioned instrument will be available for trading as usual. Please, take into account these changes in schedule when planning your trading activity.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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Changes in trading schedule on currency pairs and metals

Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re informing you that on March 8th, 2015, the USA will transfer to the daylight saving time. European countries will switch to the summer time on March 29th, 2015. Thereby, there will be some minor changes to the trading schedule.

From March 9th to 27th 2015, trade on metals (XAUUSD и XAGUSD) will be opened at 12:02 AM and closed at 11 PM server time, thus 1 hour earlier than now. From March 30th to October 23rd, 2015, trade on metals will be available within the operating range of the contract specifications.

Trading schedule on XAUUSD & XAGUSD:

From March 9th to 27th, 2015: 12:02 AM to 11 PM (EET)
From March 30th to October 23rd, 2015: 01:01 AM to 11:59 PM (EEST)

From March 30th to October 23rd, 2015, trade on USDRUB currency pair will be opened at 10 AM and closed at 7 PM server time, thus 1 hour later than now.

Trading schedule on USDRUB:

From March 30th to October 23rd, 2015: 10 AM to 7 PM (EEST)

We’d like to pay your attention that on March 13th, 20th, and 27th, 2015, trade on all currency pairs will be closed at 11 PM server time.

Please, take into account these changes in schedule when planning your trading activity.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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Fixed spread of 0 pips for RoboForex cent accounts

Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re pleased to inform you that starting March 11th 2015, all clients of the Company with Fix-Cent and Pro-Cent accounts will have an opportunity to trade the most liquid from the offered instruments with fixed zero spread.

It will allow traders to operate in the market knowing the cost of each transaction in advance, as well as controlling and predicting the total amount of their trading expenses. This offer should be interesting for those traders, who take initial steps on Forex market. Thanks to this innovation, they can learn to trade on real accounts without paying much attention to spread.

The cost of transactions will depend on the chosen instrument and be as follows:

EURUSD.z - 20 USD for one lot
GBPUSD.z, USDJPY.z, EURJPY.z - 30 USD for one lot
AUDUSD.z, EURGBP.z, NZDUSD.z - 45 USD for one lot
EURCHF.z, GBPJPY.z, USDCHF.z - 100 USD for one lot

Instant Execution mode will be used for Fix-Cent accounts.
Market Execution mode will be used for Pro-Cent accounts.

The instruments with zero spread are optional. You can both continue using basic instruments with spread, and trade optional ones on the same cent account.

Please note, that both already open and newly opened Fix-Cent and Pro-Cent accounts can be used for trading instruments with zero spread. If you don’t have any cent accounts yet, you can open one right now.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

09/03/2015, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
11/03/2015, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

16/03/2015, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
18/03/2015, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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Trader’s card: choose the best ones

Dear Traders and Investors!

This week in CopyFX blog, we’ll tell you about one of the most useful tools for choosing the Trader – his card. We’ll cover the information presented in the card, consider how this information can be used, and describe the easiest and most convenient way to subscribe to the Trader’s account. Don’t miss our new article in CopyFX blog - "Trader’s card: choose the best ones".


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Fixed spread of 0 pips for all Standard and Cent accounts

Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re pleased to inform you that starting March 18th 2015, trading the instruments with fixed zero spread will be available for MT4 Fix-Standard and Pro-Standard accounts, as well as for all MT5 standard and cent accounts. Thus, the Company has satisfied the requests of the clients to expand the list of supported trading accounts and platforms, that we received last week after the instruments with zero spread for MT4 cent accounts were made accessible.

New instruments with fixed zero spread are already available in the Company’s trading terminals and labelled as follows:

For MT4 Fix-Cent, Fix-Standard, Pro-Cent, Pro-Standard accounts - suffix .z
For MT5 Fix-Cent, Fix-Standard accounts - suffix .z
For MT5 Pro-Cent, Pro-Standard accounts - suffix .zm

Please note, that both already open and newly opened trading accounts can be used for trading instruments with zero spread. If you don’t have any Fix or Pro accounts yet, you can open them right now:

Open trading account

Thanks to the absence of spreads, the new instruments will allow our clients to predict the amount of their trading expenses for particular transactions and the total amount of commissions. You can find more detailed information about trading conditions for instruments with fixed zero spread in "Fixed spread of 0 pips for RoboForex cent accounts" news.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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Easing requirements for participants of Affiliate programs

Dear Partners!

We’re pleased to inform you that responding to your wishes, RoboForex has decided to change Affiliate program conditions. This is a logical response of the Company to constructive comments and suggestions, which we received from our partners, concerning the requirements of Affiliate program.

Affiliate program conditions will be changes as follows:

- Minimum requirements for the number of active clients for "Agent" affiliate program have been cancelled.
All participants, whose Affiliate program status was "Inactive", are automatically granted "Active" status.
- Minimum requirements for the number of active clients for "Start" level of "Webmaster" Affiliate program have been decreased from 5 to 3.
All participants of "Agent" Affiliate program, whose numbers match those required by the new conditions, will be transferred to "Webmaster" Affiliate program ("Start" level) after automatic daily checking.

Corresponding changes have been introduced to Partner Agreement, which can be found in "Partner Agreements" section of your Live Account.


RoboForex affiliate programs is an excellent opportunity to create your own business. The Company offers several different types of affiliate programs: for beginners of Forex market, website owners, experienced partners, etc. A wide range of tools for attracting new clients are available to our partners, including informers, which are very convenient to visualize up-to-date information.

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