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Changes of trading conditions for MT4 Pro-Cent accounts


Dear Clients and Partners!



We’re informing you that due to performance optimization of the server, which processes MT4-based Pro-Cent accounts, trading conditions for this account type will be changed starting February 8th, 2016. The minimum orders size will be increased from 0.01 to 0.1 lots.

The minimum step of the orders size for Pro-Cent accounts, along with existing parameters for MT4-based Fix-Cent accounts will remain intact, 0.01 lots. Trading conditions for MT5-based Pro-Cent accounts will not be changed.

Please, take into account this information when planning your trading operations and customizing the algorithms that are used in automatic trading systems.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Changes in trading schedule on Metals and CFD


Dear Clients and Partners!



We’re informing you that on February 15th, 2016, in observance of President's Day in the United States, trading in metals, as well as a number of CFDs will be traded according to the changed* schedule:

Trading schedule for metals (XAUUSD, XAGUSD):

• 15.02.2016 – trading is closed.

• 16.02.2016 – resumption of trading on the standard schedule.

Trading schedule for CFD on American stocks and indexes:

• 15.02.2016 – trading is closed.

• 16.02.2016 – resumption of trading on the standard schedule.

Trading schedule for CFD on oil:

• 15.02.2016 – trading is closed.

• 16.02.2016 – resumption of trading on the standard schedule.

Please take into account these changes in your work schedule.

* - This schedule is for informational purposes only and may be changed.



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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

15/02/2016, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
17/02/2016, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


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Trading Central analytics for all RoboForex clients


Dear Clients and Partners!
We’re pleased to inform you that from now on, all our clients have an excellent opportunity to use analytical materials from Trading Central, a prestigious analytical bureau. Technical analysis from this expert agency is available in Live Account, as well as in the form of trading indicators directly in MetaTrader4 and cTrader trading platforms.
RoboForex is one of the first brokers that made Trading Central widget for cTrader platform available to its clients. This innovative solution provides traders with "one click trading" with the help of the signals from Trading Central with recommended Take Profit and Stop Loss levels.

Use Trading Central analytics in the way that is more convenient to you:

Widget for cTrader
Access to integrated signals from Trading Central, "one-click" trading from the chart, one can easily modify Take Profit and Stop Loss levels for open positions, as well as enable and disable support/resistance levels on the chart with "TARGET" button.
Indicator for MetaTrader4
It operates automatically, the most important trend indicators in a "single-window" format (technical analysis strategies, forecasts, commentaries and detectors of key levels) can be easily combined with standard indicators and technical analysis tools.
Analytics in Live Account
Technical analysis for defining monthly and weekly trends, notifications for buying/selling based on signals from indicators on daily timeframe, and Japanese candlesticks analysis with indication of recommended direction for different instruments.

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RoboForex representative office in China



Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re pleased to inform you that RoboForex, represented by RoboTrade Ltd, has opened a Representative office in the People's Republic of China. From now on, our clients and partners from this region can address any questions they have directly to the Company’s Representatives, who will provide them with knowledgeable assistance about our services and products.

Presence in the region is a very important aspect for strengthening of our clients’ trust. Representative office in China gives us an excellent opportunity to create a "direct communication channel" with traders, investors, and partners of this region, in order to learn more about their interests and needs. We’re open to the public and will be glad to see you in our new Representative office.

"Our cozy office is located in a beautiful waterside city of Dalian. The Chinese office staff are professionally experienced and ready to solve any problem the client has using affirmative and flexible approach".


Project Manager of the Chinese Region

Qi Dali



Address: Zhongshan district, Dagong st. no.13, Tower 2, Unit 2 40-1, Dalian, China

Phones: +86 400 9972055, +86 411 39274005

E-mail: [email protected]

Opening hours: 10:00 - 20:00



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Changes in margin requirements for CFD



Dear Clients and Partners!

We’d like to pay your attention that starting February 22nd 2016, margin requirements for CFDs on American and German stocks will be changed. For the above-mentioned instruments, the new value of margin will be 5%. At the same time, the margin requirements for CFDs on indices and oil will remain the same, 1%. Other trading conditions for CFDs and indices will remain intact as well.

In view of the foregoing, we recommend you to modify open positions on your accounts and take into account these changes when planning your trading activity.



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Changes in trading schedule



Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re informing you that due to the public holiday in Russia, Defender of the Fatherland Day, on February 22nd and 23rd, USDRUB will not be available for trading.

Trading schedule on USDRUB:

• 22.02.2016 - no trading.

• 23.02.2016 - no trading.

Starting February 24th, 2016, the above-mentioned instrument will be available for trading as usual. Please, take into account these changes in schedule when planning your trading activity.



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Become the best trader in stocks in "Best stock trader" contest



Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re pleased to inform you that starting February 22nd 2016, RoboForex launches a new long-term contest to determine the best trader in stocks – "Best stock trader". Prove your dominance over competitors and receive prize money in the form of the bonus for real trading.



The contest is held on cTrader-based Demo ECN-Pro NDD accounts on the following instruments: iShares, EU Equities (UK, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, and Germany), and US Equities. The winner is the participant with the largest balance on the contest account by the end of the competition. The prize fund is shared between 10 best participants of the competition according to their final contest Ranking.

• The period of the contest: from 12:00:01 AM February 22nd 2016 to 11:59:59 PM April 8th 2016 (server time).

• More detailed rules of the contest can be found in "Best stock trader" section of ContestFX website.



We wish you successful trading and huge wins!



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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

22/02/2016, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.

24/02/2016, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.



RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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in cTrader platform



Dear Clients and Partners!

We’re pleased to inform you that RoboForex has expanded the list of the instruments for cTrader terminal by adding CFDs on stocks and iShares. Now you can vary your investments by adding assets of the global brands and companies such as Apple, Adidas, Volkswagen, Barclays, Facebook, and Tesla Motors to your trading. Investing in these instruments will help you to expand your trading opportunities and find the assets that are the most profitable for you.



Right now, new symbols are available on the demo-server only, but we’re planning to enable them for real accounts of our clients in the nearest future. More detailed information about new trading opportunities can be found on "Trading CFDs on stocks in cTrader" page.

All you have to do to start trading CFDs on stocks and iShares is to open a cTrader-based ECN-Pro demo account.





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Depositing trading accounts via the PayPal payment system.

Hi All, I just wanna know more about this and please me a message for more details. Looking forward to have business you guys. I am a newbie here and needs assistance. Thank so much!


Hello, all available system for deposit and withdrawal you can find here http://www.roboforex.com/operations/deposit-withdraw/ For now we do not support deposit/withdrawal via PayPal. Please, do not hesitate to contact with our Live Support https://my.roboforex.com/en/livesupport/ or by phone +65 3158 8389 for more details.



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RAMM-accounts from RoboForex: investments with full control of the level of risk


Dear Clients and Partners!



We’re pleased to inform you that RoboForex, represented by RoboTrade Ltd, offers you an opportunity to trade on RAMM-accounts, a new development in the investment field on the Forex market. RAMM (Risk Allocation Management Model) is an investment model, which is based on the higher risk management and proportional allocation of profit between traders and investors.

After opening a single RoboForex RAMM-account, you can work as both a Trader and an Investor and receive double profit!

The platform for trading on RoboForex RAMM-accounts is available at:



Features of the platform:

• Opportunity to choose the maximum acceptable risk, which can not be exceeded in most cases

• Unique mathematical model, which improves profitability of strategies based on the specified risks

• Automatic calculation of the transaction volume helps you to determine the required volume of the transaction and, based on it, build a strategy

Open a RAMM-account in just several steps: go to "Open RAMM-account" page of your Live Account and enter required information.


You can learn more about the service on "RoboForex RAMM-accounts" page of our website.

In the near future, RAMM-platform webinars will be available as well.

Follow our news!



Please note that right now the service is available to RoboTrade Ltd clients only.



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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

• 29/02/2016, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
• 02/03/2016, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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Highlights of the RoboForex participation in the "iFX EXPO" professional exhibition


Dear Clients and Partners!

We are pleased to announce that the RoboForex group participated and was the gold sponsor at the "iFX EXPO" professional exhibition, held in Hong Kong in early 2016.

With each passing year, RoboForex expands its presence in the Asian market, and participation in international exhibitions of B2B format of such a high level as "iFX EXPO", is an important step in this direction. Now it is one of the largest professional trade forums for the participants of the industry: technology solution providers, Forex and Binary Options brokers, Introducing Brokers and White Label partners from around the world.

RoboForex head of business development in Asia
Rostislav Prus

At the exhibition, our colleagues talked about the RoboForex affiliate program and prospects of development of a multi-level IB network in Asia, as well as introduced a new service - to connect RoboForex liquidity via FIX protocol.

During the exhibition, we held two free seminars on our investment platforms CopyFX and RAMM:

CopyFX Investment platform

CopyFX Investment platform – a technological service for copying transactions. The main feature of the platform - detailed statistics on the trading results of Traders and investment efficiency of investors. The flexibility of settings allows you to easily analyze the information and choose the most efficient traders. You will be able to make a profit with minimal effort and time by copying Traders or receiving a commission from the investors.

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RAMM investment system (Risk Allocation Management Model)

RAMM (Risk Allocation Management Model) is a completely new direction in the Forex market investments. The RAMM-platform allows investors to instantly set the level of acceptable risk, the limit of which a trader can not exceed, under normal market conditions. The integrated risk management system automatically selects the optimum size of the opening positions without reducing the level of profitability of your investment. Proportional distribution of profits and copying strategies with strictly identical price of execution of orders will allow you to get maximum efficiency from your investment without complicated calculations.


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The exhibition this year in Hong Kong, which was attended by over 2 500 people, was the fourth in a row, and in its list of sponsors includes about 75 companies. Thanks to the concluded forum, in just three days, we were able to significantly strengthen and expand business relationships with our Malaysian, Brunei and Korean partners.

RoboForex head of business development in Asia
Rostislav Prus

Photos from iFX EXPO:

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New WebTrader RoboForex mobile version is launched


Dear Clients and Partners!
We are glad to tell you that the updated version of the WebTrader platform is completely optimized for convenient and productive trading in all types of mobile devices. This was the result of long and laborious work of RoboForex experts on the interface, design and functionality of the portable version of the terminal. The trading process now will be comfortable even for the small screen resolution and diagonal devices owners, who previously faced some difficulties.

The full list of mobile WebTrader interface abilities:

• Working with all types of MT4 accounts
• The ability to view the current market price and spread size
• View instrument chart, multiple time-frames and chart types support
• The list of open transactions, recent information about account state and the sum of classical and transferable bonuses on it
• Opening and placing all types of orders, including pending ones, setting levels of Take Profit and Stop Loss
• Full history of all account transactions
• List of active bonuses with the possibility of selective cancellation



Please note that you can transfer from the mobile interface to the full version of WebTrader platform with the help of the icons in the upper right corner of the page.
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RoboForex webinars during the next week

Dear traders!

The RoboForex Company is offering you to improve you knowledge about Forex market and take part in our webinars that are specially intended for this purpose. Our online webinars are waiting for all those who want to become a market specialist and learn more about trading at Forex market. Join us!

The following topics will be discussed during our webinars in the nearest future:

• 07/03/2016, 8:00 PM - Forecasting The Week Ahead.
• 09/03/2016, 8:00 PM - Follow up Analysis.

You can register and find more detailed information on the topics and webinars schedule in "RoboForex Webinars" section of our website.


RoboForex is an international financial group. RoboTrade Ltd, an international regulated broker with "Trading in financial and commodity-based derivative instruments and other securities" license, is registered in International Financial Services Commission Belize. RoboForex (CY) Ltd, a European STP-broker regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC), is an official member of the Cyprus Investor Compensation Fund (ICF).

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