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OctaFX Trader now available for iPhone/iPad and Android!





Dear clients!

During the last several months we had a tremendous demand for mobile platforms! Indeed, in this century of mobile technologies it’s vitally important to always stay connected to your forex trading account. Whether you are on the go or not near your PC – OctaFX now is always with you!

If you have an iOS or Android device, you can access your account and trade right in it. You can also access advanced charting, analytical tools and the whole broad functionality of Metatrader 4 Mobile platform!


We have created a detailed yet easy

installation guide for you here!

Please feel free to use our MT4 Mobile platforms in your everyday trading! OctaFX has made yet another step to make your trading experience outstanding. Thank you for trading with us and being our clients!

Open account today and enter the world of requote-free trading and the fastest execution! Join OctaFX today!


OctaFX is proud to offer top-notch service level to its customers. Please stay tuned for the news and updates from OctaFX!



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OctaFX.Com - Deposit your OctaFX account with Moneybookers!



OctaFX is all about meeting the clients' needs and requirements. We are introducing the most popular account deposit options for our clients. We introduce now account deposit by Moneybookers (Skrill).

It’s never been that easy to deposit your account by Moneybookers. The deposit is instant and free!

To deposit your account by Moneybookers please


and follow the wise deposit wizard. Your account will be deposited in the shortest terms.

OctaFX is proud to offer top-notch service level to its customers. Please stay tuned for the news and updates from OctaFX!




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OctaFX.Com -Happy Weekend from OctaFX team!



OCTAFX is a top-notch service level forex broker. OctaFX provides forex trading services to clients all around the globe with Metatrader 4 trading software.

Open your real account today and start your profitable requote-free trading in 5 minutes!

OctaFX Trader now available for iPhone/iPad and Android!



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Current update of OctaFX King of the Road Contest!





Dear traders!

Currently in the contest Astralgold-com (1) from Australia leading with 121 Points.

King of the Road is an ultimate real contest where your win depends on your trading skills and profits!

This is not a lucky draw, no strings attached. But a real account contest where the strongest will drive a fancy Porsche car. Trade smartly, grow your account and gain your pips – that will bring you to the victory!





Register today for our outstanding King of the Road Real Account contest and join the battle for the coolest prizes in history! Those are:


  • 1st prize - Porsche Panamera
  • 2nd prize - A trip to Nice for 2 persons
  • 3rd prize - MacBook Pro Laptop
  • 4th prize - The new iPad
  • 5th to 10th prize - The new iPhone



Join the Contest NOW!


As usual, good luck everyone and let the strongest win!




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Policy statement and principles

Octa Markets Incorporated ("OctaFX") have adopted an Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance policy ("Policy") as set forth in the Board minutes, dated 15 of September 2011.

Scope of policy

This policy applies to all OctaFX officers, employees, appointed producers and products and services offered by OctaFX. All business units and locations within OctaFX will cooperate to create a cohesive effort in the fight against money laundering. Each business unit and location has implemented risk-based procedures reasonably expected to prevent, detect and cause the reporting of transactions. All efforts exerted will be documented and retained. The AML Compliance Committee is responsible for initiating Suspicious Activity Reports ("SARs") or other required reporting to the appropriate law enforcement or regulatory agencies. Any contacts by law enforcement or regulatory agencies related to the Policy shall be directed to the AML Compliance Committee.


It is the policy of OctaFX to prohibit and actively pursue the prevention of money laundering and any activity that facilitates money laundering or the funding of terrorist or criminal activities. OctaFX is committed to AML compliance in accordance with applicable law and requires its officers, employees and appointed producers to adhere to these standards in preventing the use of its products and services for money laundering purposes.

For the purposes of the Policy, money laundering is generally defined as engaging in acts designed to conceal or disguise the true origins of criminally derived proceeds so that the unlawful proceeds appear to have been derived from legitimate origins or constitute legitimate assets.

Generally, money laundering occurs in three stages. Cash first enters the financial system at the "placement" stage, where the cash generated from criminal activities is converted into monetary instruments, such as money orders or traveler's checks, or deposited into accounts at financial institutions. At the "layering" stage, the funds are transferred or moved into other accounts or other financial institutions to further separate the money from its criminal origin. At the "integration" stage, the funds are reintroduced into the economy and used to purchase legitimate assets or to fund other criminal activities or legitimate businesses.

Terrorist financing may not involve the proceeds of criminal conduct, but rather an attempt to conceal the origin or intended use of the funds, which will later be used for criminal purposes.

Customer identification program

OctaFX has adopted a Customer Identification Program (CIP). OctaFX will provide notice that they will seek identification information; collect certain minimum customer identification information from each customer, record such information and the verification methods and results; and compare customer identification information with OFAC.

Notice to customers

OctaFX will provide notice to customers that it is requesting information from them to verify their identities, as required by applicable law.

Required customer information

The following information will be collected for all new insurance and annuity applications:


  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Passport number and country of issuance
  • Alien identification card number or
  • Number and country of issuance of any other government-issued document evidencing nationality or residence and bearing a photograph or other similar safeguard.
  • Verifying information


Based on the risk, and to the extent reasonable and practicable, OctaFX will ensure that it has a reasonable belief of the true identity of its customers. In verifying customer identity, appointed producers shall review photo identification.

OctaFX shall not attempt to determine whether the document that the customer has provided for identification has been validly issued. For verification purposes, OctaFX shall rely on a government-issued identification to establish a customer's identity. OctaFX, however, will analyze the information provided to determine if there are any logical inconsistencies in the information obtained.

OctaFX will document its verification, including all identifying information provided by the customer, the methods used and results of the verification, including but not limited to sign-off by the appointed producer of matching photo identification.

Monitoring and reporting

Transaction based monitoring will occur within the appropriate business units of OctaFX. Monitoring of specific transactions will include but is not limited to transactions aggregating $5,000 or more and those with respect to which OctaFX has a reason to suspect suspicious activity. All reports will be documented.

Suspicious activity

There are signs of suspicious activity that suggest money laundering. These are commonly referred to as "red flags." If a red flag is detected, additional due diligence will be performed before proceeding with the transaction. If a reasonable explanation is not determined, the suspicious activity shall be reported to the AML Compliance Committee.

Examples of red flags are:


  • The customer exhibits unusual concern regarding the firm's compliance with government reporting requirements and the firm's AML policies, particularly with respect to his or her identity, type of business and assets, or is reluctant or refuses to reveal any information concerning business activities, or furnishes unusual or suspect identification or business documents.
  • The customer wishes to engage in transactions that lack business sense or apparent investment strategy, or are inconsistent with the customer's stated business strategy.
  • The information provided by the customer that identifies a legitimate source for funds is false, misleading, or substantially incorrect.
  • Upon request, the customer refuses to identify or fails to indicate any legitimate source for his or her funds and other assets.
  • The customer (or a person publicly associated with the customer) has a questionable background or is the subject of news reports indicating possible criminal, civil, or regulatory violations.
  • The customer exhibits a lack of concern regarding risks, commissions, or other transaction costs.
  • The customer appears to be acting as an agent for an undisclosed principal, but declines or is reluctant, without legitimate commercial reasons, to provide information or is otherwise evasive regarding that person or entity.
  • For no apparent reason, the customer has multiple accounts under a single name or multiple names, with a large number of inter-account or third-party transfers.
  • The customer is from, or has accounts in, a country identified as a non-cooperative country or territory by the Financial Action Task Force.
  • The customer's account has unexplained or sudden extensive wire activity, especially in accounts that had little or no previous activity.
  • The customer's account shows numerous currency or cashiers check transactions aggregating to significant sums.
  • The customer's account indicates large or frequent wire transfers, immediately withdrawn by check or debit card without any apparent business purpose.
  • The customer makes a funds deposit followed by an immediate request that the money be wired out or transferred to a third party, or to another firm, without any apparent business purpose.
  • The customer requests that a transaction be processed in such a manner to avoid the firm's normal documentation requirements.
  • The customer, for no apparent reason or in conjunction with other red flags, engages in transactions involving certain types of securities, such as penny stocks, and bearer bonds, which although legitimate, have been used in connection with fraudulent schemes and money laundering activity. (Such transactions may warrant further due diligence to ensure the legitimacy of the customer's activity.)
  • The customer's account shows an unexplained high level of account activity with very low levels of securities transactions.
  • Attempt to borrow maximum cash value of a single premium policy soon after purchase.
  • If the appointed producer:
  • Exhibits a dramatic or unexpected increase in sales (particularly of single premium contacts)
  • Has consistently high activity in single premium contracts in excess of company averages
  • Exhibits a sudden change in lifestyle
  • Requests client documentation be delivered to the agent



Upon notification to the AML Compliance Committee an investigation will be commenced to determine if a report should be made to appropriate law enforcement or regulatory agencies. The investigation will include, but not necessarily be limited to, review of all available information, such as payment history, birth dates, and address. If the results of the investigation warrant, a recommendation will be made to the AML Compliance Committee to file a blocked assets and/or a SAR with the appropriate law enforcement or regulatory agency. The AML Compliance Committee is responsible for any notice or filing with law enforcement or regulatory agency.

http://www.octafx.com/?refid=154' rel="external nofollow">



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Good news for IBs! Higher IB commission and more promo materials!





OctaFX values the effort inputted by IBs into their everyday work. Introducing brokers are integral part of any forex broker and we highly appreciate theit work. With this in mind OctaFX is now glad to announce really great news for all our existing and prospective IBs.

First of all, we have increased IB commission. It is now 30% of spread for all account types. Get more IB commission with OctaFX, bring new clients and build your stable and profitable IB business with OctaFX. Not to forget, each IB has an opportunity to become an OctaFX office director in his/her region. Now it has become even easier!

Secondly, all the variety of OctaFX promo materials is now available here. You are free to use banners in 4 languages and various sizes, promo texts, logos and many more. You can download or copy the banner codes from this page. You can generate or embed referral links into the banners right on this page. Now isn’t it just nice?


octafx-1.pngWe would like to thank all our IBs for their cooperation and for staying with us. We’d like to wish you all prosperity of your business!




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OctaFX.Com - No-Deposit Bonus 8 USD + 30% Bonus on each deposit





OctaFX .com

Octa Markets Incorporated is a worldwide recognized forex broker. OctaFX provides forex brokerage services to its clients in over 100 countries of the world. OctaFX uses the most up-to-date technology and knowledge to make your forex trading experience outstandingly convenient. Our top goal is the trust and satisfaction of each client's need and requirements. OctaFX sets the highest service level standards and maintains them as well as constantly develops new services and promotions.





We are Regulated:

Octa Markets Incorporated was registered in 2011 in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines under the license number 19776 IBC 2011. Company's legal and correspondence address is Cedar Hill Crest, P.O. Box 1825, Villa, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. OctaFX activity is supervised and regulated by the authorities of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines under the International Business Companies (Amendment and Consolidation) Act, chapter 149 of the revised laws of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, 2009, section 5(1). OctaFX acts in full compliance with international legislation and regulation standards. We strongly believe that honesty is the best policy. You can review the Customer Documents as well as AML policy and other important legal documents in Legal Agreements section of www.octafx.com.





Start your successful trading with OctaFX today


Customer Support and contact details



China Toll Free Phone 4001-200970

Indonesia Toll Free Phone 001-803-015-203-9780

Malaysia Toll Free Phone 1-800-815-304

Belgium +32 2792 4855

© 2012 Octa Markets Incorporated

Business license no. 19776 IBC 2011

Legal Address: Cedar Hill Crest, Villa, Kingstown,

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

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Due to growing demand OctaFX introduced swap-free accounts. Whether your beliefs or trading strategy requires swap-free trading, you can always open a swap-free account at OctaFX.

You can always apply for swap-free account at registration, no matter whether you choose Micro or ECN account. No overnight charges will be applied to your account. OctaFX respects various trading strategies and does its best to meet every possible client's requirements and expectations. To apply for a swap-free account please check the box "swap-free" when opening your account. Your account will be automatically assigned a swap-free status. Join OctaFX today and start your trading!


OctaFX is proud to offer top-notch service level to its customers. Please stay tuned for the news and updates from OctaFX!


Open account today and enter the world of requote-free trading and the fastest execution! Join OctaFX today!




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OctaFX.com-OctaFX Champion Demo Contest Current update!




Current update Champion Demo Contest a lot of contestants showing there keen interest in it and currently our top contestant raharjopra has piled up with +2 646.59 %. So, come and grab the opportunity and be the part of matchless traders.




As usual, good luck everyone and let the strongest win!

View round standings




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Round 6 of OctaFX demo contest started





Dear traders!

We are proud to announce that Round 5 of OctaFX Champion Demo Contest is now over! It’s been a fascinating month, where leaders’ grid changed every day dramatically! The intrigue was there till the very last day. And the most successful traders have proven their leadership and won the contest!

Stay tuned for the official Award Ceremony later on this week. We will introduce the winners to you, talk to them about their success and what key factors in their trading helped them win. In the meantime, we are happy to announce that Round 6 of OctaFX Champion Demo Contest has officially started today!

From now on, over 900 strongest traders of the world will be competing for the amazing prizes of this contest, namely:


  • 1st prize gets 500 USD
  • 2st prize gets 300 USD
  • 3st prize gets 100 USD
  • The last place gets another 100 USD


The last place gets another 100 USD

The results and winners will be announced after October 27, 2012 00:00 (GMT+2).


octafx.pngOctaFX would like to sincerely wish good luck to everyone and let the strongest win his/her prize with OctaFX!




Free 8 USD bonus is now easier to receive!





Dear clients!

We would like to inform you that 8 USD free welcome bonus conditions have been changed since 01.10.2012. The changes are intended to make you receive the bonus easier and faster and also to provide higher security level.

Here are the main changes:


  1. You don’t need to verify your account any more. The bonus is now deposited into your account INSTANTLY and you don’t have to wait for verification. You also don’t need to verify your account upon withdrawal.
  2. A wise system introduced to prevent multiple bonus accounts registrations. It also works instantly. We do not tolerate multiple bonus account opening.
  3. We would like to ask about some feedback about our services during withdrawal. You opinion matters, so please help us improve our services.



Please feel free to

open a new welcome bonus account on the bonus page. We would like to thank you for trading with OctaFX and being our client.




Start your successful trading with OctaFX today



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Current update of King of the Road Real Contest from OctaFX!





Currently our top list contestant belong from Australia Astralgold-com with 113 Points. Many traders combating each other to get grand prize.

OctaFX valuable members, since you know OctaFXoffering the best platform for trading as well running numerous contests so, by this clients can use their experience and skill and get big prizes from OctaFX.


Join King of the Road Real contest today and win one of our outstanding prizes!

OctaFX wishes you luck and let the strongest win to become a true King of the Road!



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Indonesian local deposits now available!





Dear clients!

We have had a tremendous demand for BCA/Mandiri/BNI deposit/withdrawal option, so we did our best to introduce it. Since 01.10.2012 you can deposit and withdraw from your account via local banks in Indonesia, namely BCA, Mandiri and BNI.

It works as simple as this:


  • Open a real OctaFX account
  • Make a transfer to OctaFX bank account (you can find details in your Personal Area)
  • Create a deposit request in your Personal Area
  • Done, your account is credited!


OctaFX is all about making your experience outstanding. All the payments have bank conversion rate, we do not charge any additional fees or manipulate the exchange rate! We only use actual bank exchange rates. Money transfers within the bank are instant.

Please feel free to deposit your account via local banks in Indonesia!






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OctaFX.com-Feel free to ask question



We invite you to be part of OctaFx for your success future, OctaFx offering 30% each deposit

bonus as well 8USd no deposit bonus, fast server no re-quoutes guaranty so, join right away to became

successful trader.

Feel free to ask any question about OctaFx. we are glad to serve you the right way. :)

We are here to help 24/7 because its our pleasure to server you!




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OctaFX.com-OctaFX Champion Demo Contest Current update!




Current update Champion Demo Contest a lot of contestants showing there keen interest in it and currently our top contestant suranga571 has piled up with +2 163%. So, come and grab the opportunity and be the part of matchless traders.




As usual, good luck everyone and let the strongest win!

View round standings




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OctaFX.com-Happy weekend from OctaFX team



OCTAFX is a top-notch service level forex broker. OCTAFX provides forex trading services to clients all around the globe with Metatrader 4 trading software.

In today's world forex trading has become one of the most efficient ways of investment. You can start your online forex trading today with OCTAFX. OCTAFX is a world leading forex broker. Please feel free to browse our economic calendar. It contains important information on EURUSD, USDJPY, GBPUSD, USDCHF, EURCHF, AUDUSD, USDCAD, NZDUSD and other currency pairs and trading instruments. We offer most up-to-date market news and market research. OCTAFX also offers no deposit forex bonus. You can trade microlots and 0.01 lots with OCTAFX.

Open your real account today and start your profitable requote-free trading in 5 minutes!




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OctaFX.com-8 USD Bounce Rules





Since thousands of clients are applying for Octa-welcome Bonus these days, OctaFX is glad to announce we made the bonus rules easier, safer and convenient for our clients.

Enjoy the freedom of trade!

Now bonus is credited to a special bonus account with even better trading conditions! Now you can enjoy 1:500 leverage with Welcome account, 0.01 lots (microlots) and unique OctaFX lowest spreads in the market!

Promotion rules


  • No agent commission is credited for trading on bonus accounts.
  • It is necessary to verify your account to receive a bonus.
  • A special welcome account is opened for bonus trading. Bonus can not be added to another account type (Micro, ECN or IB).
  • Welcome account conditions are equal to Micro Swap Free account conditions.
  • You can not deposit a welcome account.
  • It is required to trade 8 standard lots to make the bonus withdrawable.
  • It is required to finish 2 standard lots to withdraw profit for welcome account.
  • We will return 16 USD after 8 standard lots are finished in a bonus account. So your 8 USD bonus will become withdrawable and we will grant you 8 USD more.
  • So-called "reverse trading" on bonus accounts is strictly prohibited. "Reverse trading" denotes opening the same position in reverse destinations on 2 or more bonus accounts. E.g. open 0.01 lot BUY on EURUSD in one account and 0.01 lot SELL on EURUSD in another at the same time. The Client acknowledges that such accounts will be blocked, bonuses and profits will be canceled.
  • Maximal leverage for non-deposit bonus accounts is 1:500.
  • Minimal and maximal volume for welcome account is 0.01 lot.
  • Maximal number of simultaneously open positions is 3.
  • Opening multiple bonus accounts (including those registered for relatives. etc) is prohibited. In case of IP address or personal data partial or complete match, or other signs of accounts belonging to the same person, such accounts will be blocked, bonuses and profits will be canceled.
  • The bonus may be cancelled anytime. In this case 8 USD will be charged from your account.
  • Bonus can't be canceled.
  • ANY IP match between 2 accounts regardless of trading style, name, email, country, etc will be considered as multiple bonus account. Such accounts will be blocked, all withdrawals will be rejected.
  • Each client can have only one bonus account.
  • OctaFX may reject s client's bonus application(s) at anytime without prior notification or providing reasons for such decision.
  • OctaFX reserves a right to change, update or cancel this promotion with notification in the Company news.
  • Certain countries may be restricted from getting a bonus




Open account today and enter the world of requote-free trading and the fastest execution! Join OctaFX today!




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Current update of King of the Road Real Contest from OctaFX!




Currently our top list contestant beanheo (2) leading with 114 Points. Many traders combating each other to get grand prize.

OctaFX valuable members, since you know OctaFXoffering the best platform for trading as well running numerous contests so, by this clients can use their experience and skill and get big prizes from OctaFX.



Join King of the Road Real contest today and win one of our outstanding prizes!

OctaFX wishes you luck and let the strongest win to become a true King of the Road!

Join Contest Now !



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OctaFX.Com - Our Client's Funds Security is Our Top Priority





Our client's funds security is our top priority. With OctaFX you can be absolutely sure your deposits are secured in every possible way. Here are some of the measures we take to ensure funds protection:

Segregated Accounts

In accordance with the international regulation standards OctaFX uses segregated account to keep protected customers' funds segregated from the company's balance sheets. This makes your funds secure and untouched.

SSL-protected Personal Area

We use highly secured technology to protect your personal data and financial transactions. SSL-secured Personal Area is protected with 128-bit encryption, which makes your browsing safe and your data inaccessible to any third parties.

Account verification

OctaFX recommends you to verify your account by submitting your personal ID scan and an address proof. This simple measure will make sure your transactions are authorized and secured.

Secure withdrawal rules

Since a withdrawal from a real account requires an email confirmation, no one can ever access your account but yourself. It is also required that you use the same payment details for deposits and withdrawals. Thus, under no circumstances can OctaFX transfer your withdrawal to an unauthorized third party.

3D secure Visa/Mastercard authorization

We apply 3D secure technology when processing credit and debit cards. This technology makes all the Visa/Mastercard transactions transparent and safe.

Advanced protection

OctaFX technical environment is monitored 24/7 by a dedicated team of highly professional security engineers and technical specialists. They have developed and maintain top level protection, so any data loss, damage or other technical issues are highly unlikely.





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A newer faster server in Asia!





Dear traders!

OctaFX is all about making your trading convenient! We are expanding our services geography and range all the time. Due to rapidly growing demand we are announcing the new faster server for our clients in Asia-Pacific Region.


Since the server is located in Malaysia, it means faster connection, even faster execution and great forex trading experience! Try it today!

Please note that you don’t have to change anything in your MT4 software setup. Your MT4 will automatically connect to the fastest server in your area.


OctaFX would like to wish you fast profits on a fast server!





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