Hi brother or sister,
My name is Danny. I'm 28 years old. Have two daughters age 4 and 7 I think. I do not see them at the moment, because I fucked up.
I just can't stop working on creating the lifestyle that I deserve. I do not wan't fame or riches. Just some food and a place to sleep.
In the evening I have a fixed sum that I can use to buy a cup of coffee, at Starbucks. I would be happy if I could just make a difference
and see the change that one can put into another humans life. Enough about this sentimental crap.
With the two divine hands that I have. I can create websites, graphics, write articles / books / info graphics and everything else. I can
write front and back-end code. I can do so many things. The only thing I really care about is my writing. I am not the next Hemingway yet.
But, oh boy, I love to write. It is the highest form of magic that I can shoot out from my fingertips.
I have some ideas as to how I can take around 15 people into my network and help them with everything they need.
You just need to have an idea and some willpower.
Light, Life & Love