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Found 3 results

  1. Aztec Group geweest in de onroerend goed banking voor drie decennia; maar het heeft ook veel gedaan in de dienstverlening in de sector van ontwikkeling en bouw, welke soort onroerend goed gaat: appartementen, kantoorgebouwen, industriële complexen, grote winkelcentra, zelf-opslag en gastvrijheid gebouwen. Inzicht in de criteria die nodig zijn in de juiste aanpak om te investeren in deze specifieke projecten, is een expertise die Aztec door vele jaren ervaring heeft verworven. En zo is het met het hebben van de due diligence vereist door hun ondernemerschap en institutionele cliënten. Hoe Aztec dit bereiken? Een bedrijf dat zich toelegt in de onroerend goed werken binnen een klimaat van snelle verandering en innovatie. Bouw en ontwikkeling van de infrastructuur, in het algemeen, hebben veranderd het gezicht van de wereld, met name in de stedelijke gebieden. Dit is niet te spreken van de grootschalige maatschappelijk werk projecten die door institutionele organisaties betrokken bij het leveren van essentiële hulpprogramma behoeften, zoals macht, watervoorziening, vervoer en communicatie. Zonder te houden op de hoogte met de innovaties en toekomstige trends die deze sectoren ondergaan of zal ondergaan, zal een bedrijf als Azteekse niet zitten kundig dienen haar klanten trouw en efficiënt. De eenvoudige innovaties in communicatie en informatie technologie vereisen bepaalde aanpassingen in het fysieke ontwerp van huizen en gebouwen die zal het huis niet alleen mensen, maar ook de apparatuur en facilitites dat de technologie zal opnemen. En we hebben niet zelfs gesproken over de essentiële soorten materialen en innovatieve ontwerpen nu beschikbaar vanwege de noodzaak om structuren duurzame en vriendelijk voor het milieu. Dat is de reden waarom de Aztec heeft haar positie als een vernieuwer gehouden door het zien van de mogelijkheden namens hun klanten, zelfs voordat ze aan zowel hun klanten als hun concurrenten blijken. Overwegende dat telecommunicatie gadgets snel veranderende zijn te houden in stap met de snel veranderende behoeften van de consument en de toepassing van technologie onlangs ontdekte, erkent Aztec het belang van ook het vinden van manieren om nieuwe ideeën, nieuwe ontwerpen en nieuwe technologie integreren in de onroerend goed en de ontwikkeling van de industrie. Dit is de enige manier het eerlijk kan beweren dat het heeft geleid tot de best mogelijke service aan haar klanten. Waar, elk bedrijf wordt ernaar gestreefd om dat doel aan klanten behoeften kunnen voldoen. Echter, alleen degenen die hebben het initiatief en de vooruitziende blik op te nemen van de subtiele en ongezien veranderingen in de industrie kunnen volledig begrijpen de beste manier waarin klanten zal worden bediend voorbij hun verwachtingen. Service in het onroerend goed is gegroeid snel niet alleen in volume met de overeenkomstige bevolkingsgroei, maar ook in termen van de efficiëntie, evenals de innovativiteit vereist door discriminerende clients. Met de dalende kosten van materialen ter vervanging van traditionele materialen, zoals beton, staal en hout, zijn even of zelfs duurzamer en meer belangrijker, gemakkelijker en minder duur om te installeren en te onderhouden, institutionele gebruikers en consumenten zijn geleidelijk kiezen te volgen de tendens naar innovatieve en economische keuzes. Samen met deze veranderingen in de onroerend goed en bouwindustrie komen ook innovaties in beheer, verwijdering, verhuur en onderhoud van eigenschappen. Aztec zorgt ervoor dat het haar klanten door het voortdurend bijwerken van haar expertise en vermogens langs alle belangrijke aspecten van de industrie zal dienen.
  2. Actively Serving the Construction Industry through Innovation Aztec Group has been in the real estate banking for three decades; but it has also done a lot in providing service in the development and construction sector, whichever type of property we are talking about: apartments, office buildings, industrial complexes, shopping malls, self-storage and hospitality buildings. Understanding the criteria needed in the right approach to investing in these particular projects, is an expertise that Aztec has acquired through many years of experience. And so it is with having the due diligence required by their entrepreneurial and institutional clients. How does Aztec accomplish this? A company engaged in the real estate works within an environment of rapid change and innovation. Construction and infrastructure development, in general, have transformed the face of the globe, particularly in the urban areas. This is not to mention the large-scale civil work projects undertaken by institutional organizations involved in delivering essential utility needs, such as power, water supply, transportation and communication. Without keeping abreast with the innovations and future trends that these sectors undergo or will undergo, a company like Aztec will not be able to serve its clients faithfully and efficiently. The simple innovations in communication and information technology require certain adaptations in the physical design of homes and buildings that will house not just people but also the equipment and facilitites that will incorporate the technology. And we have not even talked about the essential types of materials and innovative designs now available because of the need to make structures sustainable and friendly to the environment. That is why Aztec has kept its position as an innovator by seeing the opportunities on behalf of their clients even before they become apparent to both their clients and their competitors. Whereas telecommunication gadgets are rapidly changing to keep in step with the fast-changing needs of consumers and the application of newly-discovered technology, Aztec recognizes the importance of likewise finding ways to incorporate new ideas, new designs and new technology into the real estate and development industry. This is the only way it can honestly claim that it has delivered the best possible service to its clients. True, every company seeks to achieve that goal of satisfying clients' needs. However, only those which have the initiative and foresight to incorporate the subtle and unseen changes in the industry can fully comprehend the best manner in which clients will be served beyond their expectations. Service in the real estate has grown rapidly not just in volume with the corresponding population growth but also in terms of the efficiency as well as the innovativeness required by discriminating clients. With decreasing costs of materials to replace traditional materials, such as concrete, steel and lumber, which are equally or even more durable and, more importantly, easier and less costly to install and maintain, consumers and institutional users are gradually choosing to follow the trends toward innovative and economical choices. Along with these changes in the real estate and construction industry also come innovations in management, disposal, rental and maintenance of properties. Aztec makes sure that it will serve its clients by continually updating its expertise and capabilities along every significant aspect of the industry.
  3. The past and still ongoing global economic crisis has brought to the forefront the importance of real estate in providing the foundation for growth as well as decay in the human environment. Being an industry that utilizes land as the basic commodity and source of value, aside from the appurtenant physical or civil works development that is created, real estate establishes a great resource for financial and economic opportunities for many people. Yet, land alone does not have intrinsic value for the prospective developer. One needs the capital to invest in assuring the maximization of the value the land can produce. Enter Aztec Group which has provided the means to achieving that economic goal. With its simple and unassuming blog design and layout, one can glean how focused and committed Aztec Group is to the essential task they have set out to do: providing comprehensive real estate investment banking service. Founded by Ezra Katz in 1981, Aztec specializes in "facilitating the acquisition, disposition, financing and capital needs of real estate projects for institutional investors, entrepreneurs and commercial developers as well as offshore clients". Considered for a long time in the industry as the leading real estate capital markets intermediary and banking firm in the southeast of the U.S., Aztec has more than $10 billion worth of business transactions within the past twenty years. Delivering productive solutions to real estate clients for three decades now, Aztec Group has gained the reputation for its professional knowhow in the following areas: · Property acquisition and disposition · Conventional brokerage · Primary and mezzanine debt-sourcing · Equity sourcing · Debt re-financing · Arranging joint-venture partnerships Among the clients that Aztec Group has developed during its long existence are developers, respected investors, entrepreneurs, operators and financial institutions, whether national and international. Armed with its multiple-disciplinary approach in dealing with most types of properties all over the United States, Aztec has delivered a comprehensive approach to finding specialized solutions to various real estate needs. Moreover, Aztec's expert group of real estate professionals keeps in step with the latest developments within local and regional markets to maintain an up-to-date grasp of the dynamic forces and events within the real estate industry. Only through this can Aztec assure its clients that nothing is left to chance and that all decisions and recommendations are based on due diligence and well-researched evaluation.

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