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  • New to Top Gold Forum? Read the rules, please.

    First, let me congratulate you for taking action and registering on the Top Gold Forum 🥳. Find out now what we have to offer and how you can maximize your membership benefits.

    Things you should know:

    1. We have zero tolerance for SPAM. That's right: When you are caught spamming the forum with self-advertising, making multiple, useless posts, adding copy-paste messages to insert links, or mass contacting users, we will ban your account and delete all your posts. Consider yourself warned: We are a community based on mutual respect. Please read the posting rules here.
    2. If you represent a business or offer a service, add your company and then consider upgrading to a verified company account so you will get the official status, insert links, and advertise on TGF. Check all the growing opportunities for business here
  • Tips to make the most of your account!

    There are plenty of benefits you are entitled to by having a GF account. Let us show you what you can enjoy and how to make the most of your GF account:

    1. Show other community members that you're serious about your GF account and you can be trusted. So, create an excellent Gold Forum profile. This way, you will get your questions answered faster, you will get more referrals for the opportunities you present to the community, etc. Here is a tutorial on how to create an excellent GF profile.
    2. Earn GF Coins for creating new topics, adding posts to other topics, and referring friends to GF. The GF coins are the currency of our community, and you can withdraw them to cash.
    3. Check our Top Recommended Services section, enjoy discounts and bonuses, and vote for your favorite.
    4. Refer your friends on TGF so you can win our ref contests and get TGF Coins (that you can redeem for cash) for each active member you're referring to our community. Here is a tutorial on how to get your ref link and collect referrals.
    5. Participate in our fun and earn contests with prizes in cash. You can see all of them in the Win Cash Forum.
    6. Check our main sections of the forum (Crypto, Forex, Gold, or Affiliate marketing), look for income-generating opportunities, and engage in the ones that are the best for you and your skills and risk type.
    7. Read our latest articles about money-making and comment with your opinion.

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