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  1. Voice Is Power. Great leaders communicate their drive, passion and commitment not simply in their rhetoric, but embody them in the tones of their voices, through their body language, in the very sinews of who they are. As Arthur says, "People do not say to an individual, 'Your voice is tense or your voice is anxious.' They may, however, say, 'You are tense or you are anxious.'" The following tips will help you communicate confidently, effectively and authentically at all times: 1. Communication is not merely data. Please do not deliver as you type. Be strategic and mindful. 2. 'The meeting begins before you walk in the room'. Do not bustle, carry your Self in Conscious Awareness embodying the leader you want to be known as. 3. Always embody the axiom: 'It is not only the message, but the messenger that matters'. It is not merely what we say, but how we say it. 4. Never aspire to competence. To be competent is to be proficient. Rather, aspire to excellence -- a commitment to being exceptional. 5. In Communication Mastery/Integrative Leadership leaders ennoble. They do not subjugate. Treat everyone with respect. 6. Leadership excellence begins with 'leading by example'. 7. Create a Persona Statement -- your personal brand. This will form the basis of how you want to be known, not merely in what you do but who you are. 8. The routine is never routine. To become a great Champion in sport or in life requires 'not just reps' but quality reps. 9. Our mouth is not 'our mind outloud'. Be strategic. 10. "Breath is fuel." If it is important enough to say, it is important enough to breathe before you say it. It is the trigger that shifts your communication from unconscious/habitual to Conscious Awareness. You do have a choice in how you are known. When you integrate your deeper Self through your voice you will fulfill your Vision and become a truly extraordinary Leader. This is Vocal Leadership.
  2. Is anyone befuddled by the fall from grace of so many leaders? Is anyone befuddled by the choices some leaders make as if nobody is watching? Is anyone captivated by the word befuddled? OK, maybe that last one is just me. Let's be very clear. Part of the challenge for leaders is that they are all human. And as humans, we are all flawed. That being said, what is effective leadership? Is it a title? Is it achieving goals? Is it inspiring others? Is it seeing a unique vision? Leadership is a combination of practical skills and personal values that, when used together; create an atmosphere in which people feel valued and motivated to pursue a clear vision. It's like Kung Fu meets Feng Shui (that works much better phonetically than in writing). I've spent a lot of time thinking about leadership over the past year, as I just finished my term as president of the National Speakers Association, the association for professional speakers, trainers and consultants. Ironically, our acronym is NSA -- but we're not the ones who listen, we're the ones who talk! In my role as president, I was the chairperson for the board of directors, appointed and oversaw nearly 40 volunteer leaders, and was an ambassador to 38 chapters here in the U.S. and to nine international associations all over the world. So, I got a good dose of leadership experience. The following are some concepts that I rediscovered during the past year. 1. Leadership is not always what you do but how you do it. I've seen people in leadership roles who have a great vision for where their organization needs to go but the way they manage the process and the way they treat people becomes a barrier to their success. Leaders who embrace humility, graciousness, and attend to their people, will not only achieve more but have more support along the way. (Note, this did not apply to Steve Jobs. Just saying.) 2. Effective leaders know their limitations. Most leaders have specific gifts and skills. They can't be good at everything. An effective leader recognizes limitations and attracts other people to compliment his/her skills. 3. Great leaders have a sense of humor. There are many examples of leaders using humor to engage others, disarm conflict and lighten the mood. President Ronald Reagan, Tony Hsieh of Zappos, and First Lady Michelle Obama have used humor effectively in their leadership roles. A leader who has a sense of humor, especially about themselves, appears more confident and attracts confidence from others. 4. Leaders do what needs to be done. An effective leader is willing to do what needs to be done to move the organization forward. Whether this requires having difficult conversations with a staff member, covering for a colleague who is ill, or making the right decision rather than the easy decision, a leader who does what needs to be done is a leader worth following. 5. Leadership is a service and not a destination. Sometimes people seek a position of leadership for the position itself. They may desire the power or the acclaim that goes with the position. However, a leader that seeks to serve rather than to be served will always be more effective. 6. With great power comes great responsibility. This classic line from Spiderman reinforces the idea that leaders must own their responsibility during the good times and the bad times. Leaders who relinquish responsibility to avoid taking blame usually dig a much deeper hole for themselves. Leaders who step up to their responsibility generate more trust and respect. There are a lot of leadership books on the market today. But one of the best indications of effective leadership is not just what is accomplished but how the people being led to those accomplishments view the leader and the process.

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