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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/22 in Posts

  1. Latest two extractions of money winners, folks 🙂 In closing, please look at our sponsor, ROOBET! Between December 1st and 25th! You could win fantastic prizes like the new iPhone 14 Pro 512 GB, an iPad 10th Gen 256GB, a pair of AirPods Pro, or an Apple Watch 8! How to pick one for yourself? Join ROOBET if you haven't done so yet. Make sure you've made at least one deposit to your account. Your profile must have a level 2 verification. Betting on any game across Roobet, regardless of odds, wager, or win amount will add your name to Santa Roo's list. Placing More bets will increase your odds of winning. --> Join ROOBET and increase your chances of winning! <--
    3 points
  2. Congrats to all the winners! In other news, guess who attended the World Cup final...
    3 points
  3. I'm really happy to participate in this contest and won from it's exact score as well as top 10 😜... Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 to the winners... More blessings to the admin and sponsor Roobet.
    2 points
  4. No problem. It was really fun to participate in this great contest 🙂
    2 points
  5. Супер! Супер! Супер! ⚽ Искренне поздравляю всех, кто участвовал в этой замечательной теме и делал свои прогнозы! Каждый получил свою порцию адреналина, а кто-то и хорошие призы. 👋Большое спасибо спонсору ROOBET за возможность провести этот конкурс. 🥰 Поздравляем @DoubleCycleBiz с солидной и заслуженной победой. Ребята на 2 и 3 месте тоже молодцы, ваши ставки многократно сбывались. 🏆 Я в футболе не разбираюсь, делал ставки по наитию, но иногда и угадывал. Это было очень интересно и захватывающе. Всем успехов и дальнейших побед в жизни! Надеюсь, что на форуме будет больше конкурсов. ☺️
    2 points
  6. The prize has been received. Thank you, MrDennis!
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Congrats to the winners! It was fun. At least I have managed to stay in the top 10.😁
    2 points
  9. Спасибо за викторину! The amount of 0.5 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U17701077-U161XXXX3. Memo: Викторина от Profit-Hunters BIZ.. Date: 16:42 19.12.22. Batch: 497220872.
    1 point
  10. The amount of 0.1 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U1777->U2302. Memo: API Payment. Викторина в чате Profit-Hunters BIZ.. Date: 16:42 19.12.22. Batch: 497220952.
    1 point
  11. The prize for December 10 th has been received! Thank you once again, MrDennis! 🥳
    1 point
  12. The prize for December 14th has also been received! Thank you once again, MrDennis!
    1 point
  13. Спасибо за бонус к баунті The amount of 0.1 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U1330-U222. Memo: Оплата bounty-программы от портала Profit-Hunters biz, рандом-бонус в чате баунтистов . Date: 12:55 18.12.22. Batch: 497063157.
    1 point
  14. pmp87 I apologize to you. It was a great contest! I was just lucky!! 🤘 Admin, Thank you for such a wonderful contest ⚽️🥳
    1 point
  15. Here is our top after the final Congratulations @DoubleCycleBiz on winning this contest. Send me your USDT account to send you the $100 prize. Congratulations @pmp87 and @Yusra, for placing in 2nd and 3rd place. Today I will also do the final extractions and send the daily prizes. Congratulations @BuggyMan, for predicting the exact score of the final! Top of Winners [Final] 29 points --- @DoubleCycleBiz 28 points --- 27 points --- @pmp87 26 points --- 25 points --- 24 points --- 23 points --- @Yusra 22 points --- @nxanth 21 points --- 20 points --- @Zark 19 points --- 18 points --- @Cristina c. 17 points --- @Warfare, @Imperfect 16 points --- @WebGoldMiner, @LailaTarot 15 points --- 14 points --- @Tonkovic, @scorw,@Fredde77 13 points --- @DailyMoneySaving 12 points --- @ZeroHour, @XtraProfit 11 points --- @upvega, @BuggyMan, @Lara2016, @EuChangeLTD, @Hunter 10 points --- @Cyberhope,@OrigamiMag 9 points --- @Thaixx88, 8 points --- @fahadaziz, 7 points --- 6 points --- 5 points --- @LibertyCrypto 4 points --- @Galina1006,@sikder,@bogdan26 3 points --- @1Shot1Opportunity, @Incredible-Earnings.com,@bidyut 2 points --- @widhie75,@Pracca 1 points --- @Chokri29, @Upayhyip Admin,@psv1964,@Monetize.info, @Hyipwork, @Apu, @Therewith,@venemex, 0 points --- @Vlad,@acmediagroup, @scyth68,@Networks,@IgorKu, @B8host, @decub Folks, Look at the grand campaign of our sponsor, ROOBET! Between December 1st and 25th! You could win fantastic prizes like the new iPhone 14 Pro 512 GB, an iPad 10th Gen 256GB, a pair of AirPods Pro, or an Apple Watch 8! How to pick one for yourself? Join ROOBET if you haven't done so yet. Make sure you've made at least one deposit to your account. Your profile must have a level 2 verification. Betting on any game across Roobet, regardless of odds, wager, or win amount will add your name to Santa Roo's list. Placing More bets will increase your odds of winning. --> Join ROOBET and increase your chances of winning! <--
    1 point
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