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  • 🔥Earn 15% or 20% Recurring Commissions

    When you sign up for the Top Gold Forum affiliate program, you become part of a team promoting one of the best online money-making online communities.

    You help people earn more money online, and companies advertising their services in exchange for up to 20% recurring commissions you can cash out immediately to crypto (USDT)!

    🔥TopGold Forum Affiliate Program details

    Here are all the details about our affiliate program, including commissions, features, benefits, and earning examples. Sign up, promote Top Gold Forum, and make instant commissions when ready.

  • Affiliate Program Details

    Check below the benefits of our affiliate program. Questions? Contact us.

    1. Get enrolled automatically when you get a TGF account;
    2. Earn generous recurring commissions (15% or 20% for premium);
    3. 365-day affiliate cookie + lifetime after signup for ALL purchases;
    4. Access creative banners and emails optimized to convert;
    5. Enjoy rapid monthly payments (in crypto or fiat);
    6. Reliably track commissions and create unique links;
    7. You’ll be promoting a growing community;
    8. Priority support is direct from our support team;
    9. You can get branded discount coupons;
    10. You can join for free and start earning!
  • Affiliate Program Earnings Example

    1. Bring on a company that purchases an $397 annual subscription. You receive $59.55. Premium users receive $79.4. Each time, they renew.
    2. Bring on a member who purchases a $39 annual subscription. You receive $5.85. Premium users receive $7.8. Each time, they renew.
    3. You refer an advertiser who purchases an $1866 advertising package. You receive $279.9. Premium users receive $373.

    Our Best Converting Products

    Verified Company Representative - $397, 728x90 Banner - $397, Kickstart Affiliate Program - $1866, Business review - $1297

  • Access TGF Affiliate Program

    Note: You need at least a FREE TGF account to access the affiliate program. Register here.

  • 📖 TGF Affiliate Program FAQ

    1. Who can join and earn with the GF Affiliate program?

    Everyone interested in affiliate, crypto, and making money online can join TOP Gold Forum and will be automatically enrolled into the affiliate program. It is not necessary to upgrade to a paid subscription to earn. But if you get a premium subscription, you will make more. (20% commissions vs. 15%).

    2. What kind of commission am I eligible for?

    You will earn 15% recurring commissions whenever someone you refer purchases a premium subscription or an advertising product. If you are a premium GF member, you will earn 20% recurring commissions.

    3. Do I get a commission on renewals?

    Yes, we pay lifetime recurring commissions. That means anytime a user renews their membership, makes a new purchase, or extends an existing one, you will receive your commission, too.

    4. How to get started?

    The first step is to get a free TOP Gold Forum account here. Then, you can decide if you upgrade to a premium subscription or start as a free member. Premium members receive 20% recurring commissions, while free members receive 15%.

    Access your referral stats by going to Account Settings \ Referrals, get your unique affiliate link, and start promoting it. You will be notified whenever you generate a new signup or commission.


    5. What promotion methods aren't allowed?

    • You can NOT use your affiliate link for your purchases
    • You can NOT use any form of SPAM to promote Top Gold Forum
    • You can NOT do PPC bidding on the Top Gold Forum brand or any variation.

    6. When will I get paid?

    There is a waiting period of 30 days so that we can protect ourselves from chargebacks on orders using credit cards or wire. We process the payments on the 15th of the month by Crypto.

  • Access the TGF Affiliate Program

    Note: You need at least a FREE TGF account to access the affiliate program. Register here.

  • 📧 Contact us

    If you want more details about our affiliate program, or you'd like to get in touch with us, please fill out the contact form or email us directly at contact{@}topgoldforum.com, and we will get back to you in a maximum of 24h.

    Last page update: March 1, 2024

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