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Guest CommexFX
BRICS and the USD

The annual summit of BRICS is always accompanied by a lot of discussions about the changes in the current system of global economy which is currently dominated by the US dollar. However, the recent meeting of BRICS leaders announced two concrete steps to signal the end of the USD hegemony in the international trade. The foremost is the establishment of $100 billion fund to compete with the International Monetary Fund and the other step is to create a development bank with initial capital of $50 billion. The BRICS countries are gaining more economic power with the passage of time but they need more political callout to match it. The financial system established and supported by western powers and dominated by the USD.

Under the current financial system the BRICS have to trade in the unstable USD. As a result, their economies keep on swinging with the fluctuations in the USD. From the perspective of forex traders, it is vital to know the extent to which the BRICS will affect the USD in the foreseeable future in order to make safer deals. It has been argued that the current financial system is outdated and ill-suited for the future economic powers. As you know, the forex trade is the way currency exchange rates are established and set. The BRICS are trying to trade in currencies other than USD. This practice can alter the current balance in international trade that, in turn, will affect the forex trade.

In addition to the development bank and a pool of $100 billion reserves, the BRICS are making a series of currency related agreements to gain control over the financial imbalances involving developing countries. Currently this function is being performed by the IMF. Russia, one of the two economic giants in the BRICS, has recently announced that it is looking to sell its petroleum and gas products for rubles because of the damage done by dollar monopoly in the global energy trade. On the other hand, China is looking to establish its currency ‘Yuan’ as the currency for international trade and has achieved success to some extent. Therefore, the USD is expected to be affected by these moves in future. The close association of BRICS may accelerate the process as their economic power increases in near future.

The clear indications from Russia to shift away from the USD provide a clear insight into prospective impacts of BRICS on the USD. This process has been enhanced by the US and the European sanctions against different countries because they readily accept to trade in the regional currencies. Another crucial element in this regard is the strong economic alliance between BRICS countries. As far as the impacts of BRICS on USD is concerned, it has the financial power and influence to establish a currency that can challenge the USD as an alternative for international trade. However, ground realities show a complicated and problematic scenario to make it happen as the BRICS are not ready to commit the necessary resources for this purpose.

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Guest CommexFX
Profitable Forex Strategies and Techniques

Most Easily Adaptable but Profitable Forex Strategies and Techniques

Due to the extremely high chance of making thousands of dollars within few hours, large and large numbers of people are becoming part of the Forex Market on daily basis. However, not all of these new entrants get the success. Not even the experienced traders get it quickly. The key to success in Forex market is to come up with profitable Forex strategies and techniques to make the money. Above all, people are required to be the patient throughout their experience as a Forex trader. There are only few financial partners doing their businesses in Forex Market by providing the clients with best risk management and strategies to invest their money through.

What are Profitable Forex Strategies and Techniques?

It is not easy for a beginner or even an experienced person to carry out the Forex transactions in profit. A reliable financial partner like CommexFX is always required to get the guidance from. Following techniques and strategies are helping almost all the people in Forex market for their universal nature.

Be Patient While Setting Goals

It is not like you enter the Forex market and start earning from the very first day. You might get to see some profits in starting moments of your experience. But these will not long last as Forex market keeps on changing the rates all the times. So it is necessary for an investor to remain patient throughout his or her Forex experience and must get the offers from the platforms like CommexFX.

Analyze the Situation Well

It is essential for the investors to analyze the market trends both technically and fundamentally. This analysis cannot be done by inexperienced individuals and services of the famous brokers are always required. These professionals let the people know about the profitable Forex strategies and techniques and help them to turn the impossibilities into possibilities.

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Guest CommexFX
Best Forex Risk Management Strategies in Forex Trade

How to Get Best Forex Risk Management Strategies in Forex Trade?

On one side where Forex Market provides the people with a daily trading volume of about three trillion dollars, then on the other hand it may cause huge losses too. One has to come up with a very smart Forex risk management strategy in order to earn money successfully. However, one cannot earn the money or can get the profits all the time in his/her every single move. This is a platform where one has to deal with the risk in order to get the profits. It is all about winning or losing in this trade. But how to come up with the portfolios that provide the best risk strategy is based on the experience of investors and traders.

Role of Brokers in Forex Risk Management

A financial partner or a broker can be as beneficial as your true friend, and it can be as bad as your worst enemy. All that an investor is required to do here is to look for the most reliable and trustworthy financial partner. They must look for the one that has earned the best repute in the Forex trade market. A partner like the CommexFX makes your Forex trading very easy and beneficial for you. It becomes easier for the individuals to trade in the Forex market on the basis of suggestions by these brokers.

Best Investment Portfolio by Brokers

There would be no exaggeration in saying that an individual with a fresh exposure to Forex trading cannot make up the best portfolio for the investments. Financial partners like CommexFX provide the people with best Forex risk management strategies that turn out to be very successful even after the major decisions by leading contributors. At one point, if you lose in one currency, but you get the huge profits in the other that your net profits come out to be huge in the end.

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Guest CommexFX
FX Trading Account

Role of Financial Partners in Opening an FX Trading Account

Forex Market has been the world’s largest market for the trade of currencies from all over the world. With a trading volume of almost three trillions per day, this platform provides many facilities to the investors and traders that are a part of this market. However, it provides the people with a chance to start their trading experience with a practice FX trading Account through which they lose nothing and learn the skills of trading successfully in various scenarios. People can get these practices account opened with the Forex Market and can get to know the trends of market at different times.

Where to Open FX Trading Account?

People can get the FX trading account on their individual basis as well. However, they are always recommended to open an account with a reliable broker dealing in this market so that it may guide them at times. CommexFx is the best financial partner in this regard for the traders of the Forex market. The strategies and policies adopted by this firm have always been proving successful for many years. People can get their accounts opened through CommexFx in order to get the safe investment strategies and portfolios.

Requirements for Account

There is only the basic information required in order to get an FX trading account. One does not have to go into any sort of complexity during this. Especially this process becomes much easier when you get the assistance from a reliable broker or financial partner. Your financial partner like CommexFx recommends you the size of initial investment by you. Moreover, it helps in getting the maximum leverage that will be suitable for your investments. In this way, a financial partner in the Forex Market helps you right from the beginning. People are always recommended to get their trading accounts opened through CommexFx for safe and profitable transactions in Forex Trade.

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Guest CommexFX
What Do the Term Bulls and Bears Mean?

Bulls and bears are very common terms that one may get to hear during the trade in Forex market. A bullish trend refers to the increasing prices of one currency or in the overall market. On the other side, the bears refer to the currencies that are experiencing the decline in their prices due to small volume of trade. People can make advantages of trading in these bulls and bears by making the investments at right time. CommexFx has been providing the assistance to the people for many years in identification of bulls and bears in the market.

What Are Bulls And Bears and How To Identify Them in Forex Market?

Forex market is where providing the investors and brokers with huge profits against minor investments, then on the other side it is also making the sluggish people go penniless. In such a vigilant and competitive environment, one has to be very active all the time to watch for the bulls and bears in the market trends of the Forex market. To identify such trends in either the whole market or in any of its sector, one has to be in contact with his broker on frequent basis.

Role of Financial Partners in Identifying Bulls and Bears

It is not easy for the people belonging to different fields of the life to monitor the market trends all the time. They have to manage their chores as well and this might make them lose some potential profits that could have been made in few moments of the day. This is what your reliable financial partner just like CommexFx does for you. It lets you know instantly whenever it happens to be a chance to earn profits by trading in various currencies. Their role is to identify the bulls and bears in the market and take advantage of these trends by taking appropriate measures.

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Guest CommexFX
ECN Forex Brokers with MT4

What Makes Investors Choose ECN Forex Brokers With Mt4?

Forex market is now becoming the point of focus of almost every person who intends to invest his money in securities and capital as well as in money market. Being the largest money market, Forex market offers the people with extremely convenient platforms and facilities like ECN Forex brokers with MT4. A large number of brokers are listed on this platform that and are offering their clients with transparent, clear, and extensive information to take the investment decisions with confidence.

Characteristics of ECN Forex Brokers with MT4

There are large numbers of traits that are linked with the brokers belonging to this category. These brokers make the information readily available to the people in their clientele. Even all of the offers and asking or bidding prices made by the investors are made accessible to all the members of this category. Anyone can get to see the information and can make appropriate decision based on the information available on this. In this way, all the investors linked with the ECN Forex Brokers with MT4 can avail the freely available information which plays a pivotal role in risk management and decision making.

Advantages of ECN Forex Brokers with MT4

Forex trade is not that easy to do as it may seem to be. One has to be very vigilant in order to reap the advantages from this platform. However, if you are associated with any of ECN Forex brokers with MT4, then you can really make this experience exciting for you. One such broker is the CommexFx that makes the trading experience of investors wonderful. All the investors that are registered with the CommexFx can make the decisions after the guidance and support of this financial partner. This is a strong recommendation to all the people to open up their accounts with CommexFx in order to feel the differentiating advantages in this field.

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Guest CommexFX
Demo Trading Account

Outstanding Benefits and Minimal Requirements of Demo Trading Account

With the rising fame of the Forex trade, there are large numbers of people that are getting the practice for this trade by using demo trading account. Forex market provides the individuals with all the resources to make them perfect for the online Forex trade. For this purpose, it has allowed a large number of official financial partners like CommexFx to let their clients start with a free demo account for Forex trade. Utilizing the facility of this account, one can become a professional trader and investor by updating him or her-self with market trends all the time.

Why One Must Use Demo Trading Account?

Mentioned below are large numbers of the benefits that are associated with the demo trading accounts:

• One is not required to invest his/her money.

• Can be opened for free with leading brokers.

• These provide the people to observe the market trends.

• Buying and selling prices can be seen live.

• One gets the experience of Forex trading without investing a single penny.

• One can trade 24 hours a day throughout the 5 working days of Forex trade.

• It provides the people with up to $100,000 of virtual money.

Requirements of Demo Trading Account:

In order to open up a demo trading account with the leading financial partners in Forex market, one has to provide only the basic information. There are no hard and fast rules for signing up with Forex market through demo accounts. However, in order to get the best practices and skills, one is suggested to get the demo trading account opened with a reliable and trustworthy financial partner like CommexFx. Such a reliable financial partner makes the trading experience memorable with the best strategy formulation to cope with the risk. In this way, one not only gets the access to the largest money market in the world, but also gets the hands on in developing the best risk management strategies.

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Guest CommexFX
Automated Forex System Trading

What Is Automated Forex System Trading And How Is It Beneficial?

Forex trading is now providing the millions of people with an automated Forex system trading in which people can utilize a pre-programmed trading system for their Forex trade. There are large numbers of advantages that can be availed with these automated trading systems in Forex market. However, before going for an automated trading system, one has to understand how it works.

Concept of Automated Forex System Trading

An automated Forex system trading is the trading in Forex market that is executed on the basis of computerized programs. These programs are designed and developed on the basis of best strategies for the trading. One can get this program developed according to his or her own trading approach. This would be a customized automated trading in Forex market. On the other hand, one can also get the pre-programmed automated systems that can be installed on the computer. These automated systems can run on the basis of robotic Forex trading. In addition to this, these programs can also be designed on the basis of signal based trading.

Advantages of Automated Forex System Trading

Investors can reap the numerous advantages out of these automated trading systems for their online Forex trade. These trading systems keep the people in touch with the largest money market all the time through their computers. Moreover, on the basis of automated Forex system trading, large numbers of trading transactions can be made that are unable to carry out otherwise. It signals the people with best offers and strategies that can be taken on for profitable investment decisions. CommexFx is the best and reliable entity that provides the best automated systems to its clients. However, there are likely chances of a fraudulent trade as well through these automated trading systems. But still, people can take the advantages and make the money online with the help of these automated trading systems in the Forex trade.

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Guest CommexFX
What is Stop Losss

What Is Stop Loss – A Brief Introduction to Stop Losses and Their Utilization

Online Forex trade is not only about making the money in short time, but also it entails the best risk management strategies to shield you against the potential losses. Whatever your investment size is, Forex trade provides you with the equal opportunities to get the controlled risks and benefits in order to be on the safe side. You might be thinking about what is stop loss in this regard. Stop loss is one such strategy offered by the Forex trade that allows the investors to cap their maximum level of loss that they can bear. Just like the take-order strategy, this strategy is also widely used by millions of traders and investors in foreign exchange market.

What is Stop Loss and How It’s Beneficial?

There are large numbers of people that are asking about the meaning of stop loss and its utility in the foreign exchange. A stop loss is the risk minimization strategy that allows the people to put a defined limit for the maximum loss that they are ready to bear. For example, if an investor trades USD/JPY at 109.5674. Then he can put a minimal limit of 107.4500 for the execution of the order without letting it go further down. In this way, an investor puts a limit on the amount of losses he or she is willing to bear against any order.

Role of Financial Brokers

If you are the one who has the question “what is stop loss?” in your mind then you must get the professional assistance from entities like CommexFx. CommexFx provides the investors and its clients with exceptional services for their risk management strategies. It lets them know the best investment portfolio suitable for them, the best risk tolerance level for them, and the threshold points for the execution of the order. This threshold point defines the suitable combination for the profits as well as losses of an investor.

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Guest CommexFX
Foreign Exchange Trading Platforms

What Are Characteristics Of Best Foreign Exchange Trading Platforms?

In order to give boost to the monthly income, many salaried individuals are now investing their money in Forex trade. The reason of this investment is that Forex trade is providing the people with an absolute platform to generate the money with the small amounts. However, one has to be very careful and cautious in doing this trade as it may drain all the resources if one does not monitor its trends regularly. There are great numbers of foreign exchange trading platformsthat provide the people with facility of conducting the Forex trade through proper channel.

Important factors related to foreign exchange trading platforms:

In order to start the foreign trade, one has to look for some of the outstanding characteristics in the platform that one chooses for him. Following are the important factors that one is required to give attention to before choosing the one:

• If is it free to avail? What are the additional features it provides after charging any sort of fee?

• Technical indicators it offers.

• Interface for the orders and types of orders that are made available to all.

• Does it support back testing the strategies?

• Has it API for the additional programming?

• Does it provide the historical data as well?

Why to Look for the Best Foreign Exchange Trading Platforms?

On the basis of above mentioned characteristics, one has to select the best platform to carry out the Forex transactions most effectively and profitably. CommexFx, in this regard, makes the bestforeign exchange trading platforms available to its clients. One can open up his or her account with CommexFx so as to get the best financial partners for their online trade in this market. In this way, one can not only give boost to his or her earnings but also can get the best returns out of the savings that he or she possesses.

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Guest CommexFX
ECN/STP forex broker

The foreign exchange market is the decentralized market, where different currencies of different countries are traded. The forex market is increasing at the high pace, because of the less volatility than other type of markets like stock and commodity market. The major players in this market are large commercial banks and it also function as the market makers in the forex market, so it is also known as the interbank market. Small players do not have enough access with the interbank market, so the forex brokers helps them to directly connect with the real market to trade with the best competitive bid/ask rates.

Thus the forex brokers use two types of models that are ECN (Electronic communication network) and STP (Straight through processing) and are also known as the ECN and STP broker respectively. Both are also known as the non dealing desk, as there is no intervention and the broker can place their client orders without any hindrance.

The ECN broker uses the electronic system, where the quotes from their clients are directly displayed to the market, where all other traders are also trading with each other. The ECN brokers just matched the quotes from their clients with various liquidity providers who are connected to the network and process it. This gives the client to trade on the real market prices, thus there is no chance of arbitrage. So, the ECN brokers earn profits only from the commission charged to the user of the network. There are some fixed commissions per transaction, so more the trading volume by their client, more commission ECN brokers will get.

The STP brokers are somewhat similar to the ECN brokers with the very slight differences. On receiving the orders from their clients, the STP brokers will place this orders to the liquid providers. Now here the different STP brokers are connected to the different liquid providers, so getting access to the limited liquid providers. Such brokers earn profits by charging commission and increasing the spread. The brokers increase the pip of the bid/ask quotes given by their liquid provider by few points and place this quotes to the client, and thus the difference between the pip of liquid providers and the broker is brokers profit.

There are various ECN and STP brokerage companies across the world and each brokerage company has different schemes and programs. There is the quite noticeable difference in the commission rates between different ECN and STP brokers. So select the brokers, where you can get more benefits. The selection of brokers is very tricky, as all STP and ECN brokers are not genuine. Some brokers route their client orders to the artificial market, instead of the real market. So, there is the need of proper research and have to go through the reviews of the company and whether they are using such models before starting with them. You can go with either ECN or STP brokers depending on your requirements, as both are having their own benefits.

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Guest CommexFX
Choosing a Forex Trading Platform

Nearly twenty years ago, there was only one trading platform: ‘The Phone’. Trading was not difficult. All you had to do was pick up the phone, call your broker and tell him what you would like to trade. Currencies, stocks, bonds and commodities; all the investment type trades were done through this approach. Fast forward two decades, and the scenario is different.

Brokers are still around, however the platform has changed – now the whole thing is done online through software called ‘trading platforms’. With a large number of brokers and alternatives available, it can be a difficult to find the right one.

There is a great variety of forex trading platforms and choosing the right one is quite difficult for beginners. However, you have to consider quite a few factors before diving into markets, mostly when you are a beginner. Let’s discuss about the options.

MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader5

MetaTrader is an electronic trading platform generally used by online retail foreign exchange traders. Built by MetaQuotes, a Russian company, back in the early 2000’s, the several versions of MetaTrader have made reliable followings among forex traders.

MetaTrader4 is the most popular trading platform in the industry right now for a couple of reasons. First, MT4 is powerful but comparatively easy to use, and there are thousands of YouTube videos presenting how to make use of it. Next, MT4 permits you to employ custom trading indicators and program to trade automatically, making it very popular among active traders and those looking for auto-trading signals.

As MetaTrader4 is surely a good platform to trade on and has an extremely large number of users, it is not without its problems. Basically, the infrastructure of MT4 platform itself is getting older – although MetaQuotes often updates the software, it is considering a decade old and the latest MetaTrader5 has yet to see extensive adoption among brokers.

MetaTrader is not supposed to be your best option if you never think of using automated trading. However, if you want a simple, flexible, handy trading platform with lots of useful indicators and trading tools accessible for free, MT4 is a better way to go.

C Trader

A latest competitor to the world of forex trading platforms is cTrader, another broker agnostic platform. Although not almost as extensive as the MetaTrader platforms, cTrader is popular among more trendy traders mostly because it possesses faster execution times than MT4, has a professional and apparent interface, and because it shows what’s called ‘liquidity in second tier’.

In the MT4 platform only one price for a particular currency pair is displayed. That price is the best offered price for a selected pair. With second tier liquidity you can get not only the best offered price, but also the second and third available price. This ensures more simplicity into the marketplace and is effective when opening large orders.

C Trader is gaining steam in the forex industry and is certainly a solid platform, but it is only been accepted by a small number of brokers. If you are in search of a platform that provides a good selection of useful trading tools, multi-tiered liquidity, and fast execution, cTrader should obviously be a best choice for your forex trading platforms. If you are more concerned in automated trading, or if you don’t do technical analysis effectively while trading, cTrader is perhaps going to be overkill.

Now What?

So now you have it – a swift rundown of just a couple of the dozens of forex trading platforms out there. Now, whether you are a novice trader or an old professional, industry standard platforms like MT4 are always an excellent platform to trade. If you want more powerful and more sophisticated pricing, you may want to consider something like C Trader.

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Guest CommexFX
Forex Trading Education: Things you should know

How difficult is it to generate profits while trading the Forex market? How many days does it take to really be able to make earnings trading the Forex market? In this article we will try to shed light on some of the most important aspects of Forex trading.

Trading the Forex market has many advantages over other financial markets, among the most significant are: 24hrs market, high liquidity, better execution, and others. Investors and traders find the Forex market as a new diversifying opportunity because of these advantages. Does this signify that it is easy to earn money trading the Forex Market? The answer is not at all.

Forex brokers have the same opinion that 90% of traders end up losing capital, 5% of traders end up at break even and only 5% of them get consistent profitable results. With this information given, I do not think trading to be a simple task. However, is it difficult to master any other endeavor? I do not think so, suppose writers, musicians, or even other industries, the success rates are about the same.

So, now that we know it is difficult to gain consistent profitable results, a must question would be, Why is it that some traders are successful while others fail to trade profitably in the Forex market? There is no complicated answer to this question, or a guideline to follow to achieve regular profitable results.

What we all do know is that successful traders think in a different manner. That is right; they do not go after the crowd, although they are an independent part of the crowd.

A few things that divide the Successful traders from the rest are:

Education: They are splendidly educated in the matter; they have preferred to learn every single and significant aspect of forex trading. The successful traders know that each and every trade is a learning experience.

Forex trading system: Successful traders have an effective forex trading system. They have the patience to follow it accurately, because they know that only the trades that are followed by a good system have a better rate of success.

Price actions trading: They have included price actions into their trading strategy. They know price action has the power.

Money management: Everyone knows that money management in forex trading is a significant aspect of success. After all, you cannot be successful without funds in your trading account.

Trading psychology: Successful traders are aware of every psychological matter that affects the decisions while trading in the market. They have accepted the reality that every single trade has two possible results, not just the winning side.

These are the most significant aspects that influence the success rate of Forex traders.

We realize now that it is quite difficult to gain profits trading the Forex market, but it is not impossible. We also talked about the most significant factors that influence the rate of success of Forex traders. However, how much time does it take to get consistent profitable results? It fluctuates from trader to trader. For some, it may perhaps take a life time, and they still won’t get the desired results, for some others, one or two years are enough to obtain consistent profitable results. The answer to this question may vary, but what I would like to make clear here is that trading profitably is a development, it is not something you can do in a short period of time.

Trading effectively is no easy task; it is a development and could take years to get the desired results. There are a few things; however, every trader should take in consideration that could accelerate the process: having an effective trading system, education, using money management properly, being conscious of psychological matters and discipline to follow your trading strategies and your trading plan, among others.

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Guest CommexFX
STP broker forex – Straight Through Processing

The forex market being the largest market in the world, the investment in the currency trading is continuously increasing. As there is always risk associated with the trading, well versed knowledge regarding going trends in the forex market is very essential. There are many other factors that need to be regarded while trading. Thus to avoid the risk due to the unawareness to the trading system, trading through the broker will bring many benefits to the trader.

The broker using the model name STP (straight through processing) is known as the STP broker. The STP brokers act as the mediator between their client and their connected liquid providers which can be bank, another broker or any investor, etc. This is the electronic process, where the client places their order to the broker and in turn brokers will directly place their client’s quotes to the liquid providers. The broker will then find their appropriate liquid provider and ask the liquid provider to execute the deal. The brokers earn profits through the fixed commission charged by them for the single trading. Thus the more trading volume carried out by the client, the more commission will be earned by the client. The commission charges vary as per the different STP brokers.

Sometime, the STP brokers also acts as the market maker in which they try to manipulate the ask/bid rate obtained from their liquid providers to gain some profits. They will find the liquid provider with the appropriate bid/ask rates and change the pip value of the given quotes by few units say 0.3 to 0.5, before presenting that quote to their clients. The difference in the increase of the spread will be the profit for the STP brokers. Thus adding the mark up to the received quotes, there is the scope of getting the varying spread every time.

As the STP brokers can process the clients order without any intermediation, they are considered as the non dealing desk brokers. So there will be no delay in the processing of the clients orders and will provide the transparent trading system, where the clients are assured that their orders are routed to the real market, instead of artificial market. Also due to the less processing time, there is also the less risk of settlement. This is the main reasons behind the selection of the STP brokers by the clients. Also through the STP brokers, the clients can get the chance to trade on the competitive bid/ ask rates, due to the presence of wide range of the liquid providers who can also provide client more liquidity.

Thus there are many benefits of trading through the STP broker. Certain brokers also provide other services like everyday market trends, guide to trade, etc. But along with the benefits, it is also need to take care that the STP broker, you are selecting is the true STP broker. Because there are many brokers available in the market, which does not transfer the clients order to the true market. Thus the selection of STP broker should be done very carefully.

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Guest CommexFX
The Future of the Forex Industry after the Swiss Franc’s Cap Sudden Drop

In the financial sector, having a fluctuating currency which is not only predictable but also unstable is one of the greatest aims. When there is a sudden drop in the value of a currency, a number of negative effects on the market follow.

This is exactly what happened on January 15, 2015 when the Swiss National Bank (SNB), removed the cap that had been placed on the franc against the euro. But what are the consequences of this action? What is the future of the forex industry? Let’s discover the answers to these questions in this article:

One of the industries that will be hit the hardest by this move is the Swiss export industry. The exporters have suddenly found themselves in an undesirable position as their products command less competitive rates in the overseas markets compared to what they commanded before the cap dropping. This has led to the drastic decrease in the price of shares and hence resulting in losses by the stockholders.

This move has also laid fertile ground for the central bank’s opponents who are most likely going to oppose any such drastic moves in the future. This has already been experienced in the past when in December of last year, a referendum was held in order to convert a majority of the bank’s foreign exchange into gold which is more stable. Even though the initiative failed, the latest move by the bank has given the opponents enough power for any future campaigns.

The SNB’s monetary policy will have a ripple effect on major financial institutions in other countries. It will make markets quite skeptical on whether such policies in other institutions will stand the test of time. It would therefore discourage investors from pumping their money into the forex industry. With reduced investor confidence, less money will flow into the forex industry thus decelerating growth in the sector and effectively slowing down economic growth in other sectors as well.

Another prominent predictable effect of this move is the fall of the Swiss stock market. Most investors were shocked and caught off guard by this action and have continued to sell their equities and shield themselves by running from the franc itself or gold. Even those who are still holding onto their equities are mostly doing so in anticipation of the stabilization measures they expect from the SNB as well as the European Central Bank to undertake.

This move may also work against the strides made so far in the recovery of the global economy from the 2008-09 recession. According to the International Monetary Fund, this action may result in the Eurozone and Japan being held in a world of slow growth and low inflation for prolonged periods of time.

This would be a blow to the health of the global economy whose growth is still too brittle, too low and too lopsided to withstand such situations. So, the forex industry needs to pay a lot of attention in making itself successful.

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Guest CommexFX
Going Short or Long –Strategies for Successful Trading Decision

The Forex market is fast becoming a focal point for millions of new entrants due to its unique and extremely beneficial qualities. We are seeing a wave of people that have learnt how to make clever investment choices in order to benefit from the market. However, going long and going short are two strategies in Forex that may take slightly longer to grasp, but once a thorough understanding has been reached you will be able to make clear and crucial decisions in order to be profitable. Below we will examine the two main strategies mentioned in detail in order to clarify.

Going Short

This trading strategy is when we sell the base currency in order to buy it at a later stage when the price begins to drop, thus gaining return from the transaction. For example, if the current GBP/USD is 1.5345 meaning we pay 1.5345 Dollars for one Pound Sterling, and we have $1000 dollars, we would sell the Dollars in order to purchase the Pound Sterling. This is carried out when one anticipates the cost will once again drop in a short period of time. Once the price drops for example GBP/USD drops to 1.5350, this implies that more Dollars can be purchased with the same amount of Pounds that we obtained in the beginning. In other words one can keep the additional Dollars as profit, which he simply earned by considering the dollar as the base currency.

Risk in Short Position

As with all financial markets, forex has the same amount of risk involved. One can expect the risk of prices going in the exact opposite direction than originally expected, causing you a loss instead of profits. For example, if the GBP/USD gets to 1.5340, one would not even get the same amount of Dollars that he sold initially. This strategy is only profitable if prices drop.

Going Long

In the Forex Market, going long refers to buying of currencies with the intent of reselling them at a later stage once the price increases. Should one notice an increasing trend of a currency for a long period of time, then buying would be the correct option and keeping the trade open until we see the price reach its maximum point before reversing. For example, GBP/USD is showing an increasing trend for the past few hours or days and the current price is 1.5400 and it is increasing in price, then you can sell the Dollars to purchase the Pounds and wait for the prices to get to the desired level. You could sell when the price gets to 1.5500 and that yields you more Dollars than your initial investment.

Risk in Long Position

There is the risk of the price declining once you have purchased the currency. In this situation, your loss would equal the difference in the price at the point which you bought the currency and the price at which you are selling it. Regardless of which position you open or the investment in Forex market, all you have to know is the market trend and the economic conditions of the base currency.

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Guest CommexFX
The Future of the Forex Industry after the Swiss Franc’s Cap Sudden Drop

In the financial sector, having a fluctuating currency which is not only predictable but also unstable is one of the greatest aims. When there is a sudden drop in the value of a currency, a number of negative effects on the market follow.

This is exactly what happened on January 15, 2015 when the Swiss National Bank (SNB), removed the cap that had been placed on the franc against the euro. But what are the consequences of this action? What is the future of the forex industry? Let’s discover the answers to these questions in this article:

One of the industries that will be hit the hardest by this move is the Swiss export industry. The exporters have suddenly found themselves in an undesirable position as their products command less competitive rates in the overseas markets compared to what they commanded before the cap dropping. This has led to the drastic decrease in the price of shares and hence resulting in losses by the stockholders.

This move has also laid fertile ground for the central bank’s opponents who are most likely going to oppose any such drastic moves in the future. This has already been experienced in the past when in December of last year, a referendum was held in order to convert a majority of the bank’s foreign exchange into gold which is more stable. Even though the initiative failed, the latest move by the bank has given the opponents enough power for any future campaigns.

The SNB’s monetary policy will have a ripple effect on major financial institutions in other countries. It will make markets quite skeptical on whether such policies in other institutions will stand the test of time. It would therefore discourage investors from pumping their money into the forex industry. With reduced investor confidence, less money will flow into the forex industry thus decelerating growth in the sector and effectively slowing down economic growth in other sectors as well.

Another prominent predictable effect of this move is the fall of the Swiss stock market. Most investors were shocked and caught off guard by this action and have continued to sell their equities and shield themselves by running from the franc itself or gold. Even those who are still holding onto their equities are mostly doing so in anticipation of the stabilization measures they expect from the SNB as well as the European Central Bank to undertake.

This move may also work against the strides made so far in the recovery of the global economy from the 2008-09 recession. According to the International Monetary Fund, this action may result in the Eurozone and Japan being held in a world of slow growth and low inflation for prolonged periods of time.

This would be a blow to the health of the global economy whose growth is still too brittle, too low and too lopsided to withstand such situations. So, the forex industry needs to pay a lot of attention in making itself successful.

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Guest CommexFX
Bankers or Thieves?

The financial sector, especially the banking subsector; has a lot of players involved. However, not all these ply their trade in the honest manner they should. This leaves many people wondering if they are actually bankers or thieves in disguise.

This article seeks to address this question by focusing on a number of illegal activities that have been done in the past and are still being perpetuated by some banks, albeit under the table. These include:

Charging Negative Interest Rates

Normally, depositors usually expect the money that they deposit in banks to gain interest over the period of time that it is kept there. However, this is not the case when some banks decide to do just the opposite: they charge for depositing money with them.

This has been done in the backdrop of economic instability such as the current situation in Switzerland, where the Swiss National Bank is charging a -0.25% interest on large depositors. This and similar moves by such institutions discourage investors, as it passes the burden of poor economic policies by the regulators on the bank clientele.

Trading Toxic Debts

This is another activity done by banks that very much disadvantages investors and reduces their confidence in the institutions. It has been likened to corporate gambling.

The practice involves loaning out money to people or companies that have little chance of paying back the debt at all or with interest. This may lead to an economic crisis and massive financial loss.

Creating Fake Investment Sectors

This is a practice that is against international security laws and involves inducing investors to make sale or purchase decisions based on fictitious information, thus leading to the investors losing their money or stock.

False Financial Reports

Often, financial institutions have been found to produce and present fake financial reports that are either aimed at hiding some illegal activities that go on in them, or to portray themselves as being in a better financial position than they actually are.

Money Laundering

Moving money from the underground to the mainstream economy as well as tax evasion maneuvering acts are sometimes executed with the help of banks which pass the money through their chains. This works against the mainstream economy as the appropriate tax money is not injected into the economy. It also serves as a means of funding criminal activities.

A case study is how it has just been alleged that HSBC was involved in a tax evasion scheme that saw its CEO shelter millions of pounds in a Swiss Bank account.

Running Away From Taxes

The banks themselves have sometimes been involved in illegal activities aimed at shielding them from taxes. One such example is the BMP scandal which exposed massive irregularities in the sector.

Ponzi Schemes

The Ponzi scheme involves banks paying dividends to older investors using the capital that has been invested by newer investors instead of the profits that they have rightfully earned.

One of the well-known example of such activity was the massive Ponzi scheme at Goldman Sachs investment bank, where the conglomerate was ordered to pay up to $10 million as claim to all the investors who had fallen victim to the fraud.

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Guest CommexFX
Benefits of Using a Forex Trading System

Trading in forex being mainly a speculative practice, can be quite demanding on the trader. However, not all people wishing to do so may be financial experts or adept at analyzing the complex forex data. All they want is to place their currency where there can be maximum returns with little effort. This is where forex trading systems come in. They help you do all the hard work.

Benefits of Using a Forex Trading System

There are several benefits associated with utilizing these systems for trading in forex. Some of these include:

Quick analysis- Since these systems are computerized, they are able to do complex market analysis in the twinkling of an eye. This saves the trader a lot of time and energy which could have been used if they did it manually. Furthermore, these analysis are highly accurate and are displayed in graphs or tables that are easy to synthesize.

Trends- the systems are able to model possible future trends in the forex market by use of historical and current data. This enables the trader to get a rough picture of how the market may fair, thus enabling them to make the best moves and employ the most effective strategies in response to this output.

Unlike us humans who can get carried over by emotions such as greed and fear, a forex trading system places trading orders purely by analysis of data to come up with the best. This ensures that you only trade in shares which will most likely rake in profits.

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Forex Trading Systems

Many people wishing to start using or even those already using these systems have a lot of questions regarding them. If you are one of them, have no worries, for you will find this section extremely helpful as all these queries will be answered in a very clear and detailed manner.

How Do They Work?

This is the most basic question that most people have concerning the systems. These systems simply operate by analyzing the forex market activity. It identifies market signals that lean toward the inbuilt profitability parameters. It then automatically broadcasts an alert signaling a buy or sell before making the trade.

Who can Use them?

The software just like many others out there are not limited to professionals in the financial sector or IT gurus. Even newbies in stock trading will find the software really useful in enabling them to make trades.

What Currencies do the systems Trade In?

The systems are designed to trade in the major currencies that are used in global commerce. These include the US dollar, Pound Sterling, the Euro, and the Japanese Yen among others.

Do they have User Support?

The best forex trading systems come with a comprehensive user support center that will offer you any technical or service related assistance in case you get stuck. Furthermore, most have online help platforms on their websites to solve all your problems. This is especially useful to beginners and newcomers.

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Guest CommexFX
Forex Vs Spread Betting

Trading in shares on the stock market is one of the most important activities in the global economic sector today. This is due to the fact that it not only enables companies to raise capital, but also gives the traders an opportunity to get a piece of the profits gained by the companies whose shares they invest in.

For traders, there are two directions they can choose to go when investing in shares: Traditional forex trading or spread betting. These methods have a number of similarities and differences that may act as a guide to the trader depending on their needs. In the next paragraphs, we discuss some of these aspects with an aim of comparing and contrasting the two.


The logical point to start at would be to define each method since by definition, they are quite different. Forex trading involves buying and selling of the shares of the companies listed on a given forex market.

Spread betting on the other hand refers to speculative betting on such shares by placing a bet whose outcome depends on whether the future price of the shares increase or decrease.

Leveraged trading

Given that spread bets are leveraged products, it makes it possible for a trader to gain exposure to large share values by investing with only a fraction of that value. For instance, to spread bet on Vodafone shares, a trader needs to invest about 5% of the stock value for that number of shares only.

In forex trading, the trader has to invest the exact amount of money that is needed to purchase a certain number of shares. In this context, it requires more capital than its counterpart.

Commissions charged

Forex trading of shares usually attracts commission which is a percentage of the total stock value traded; it is charged by the stock brokers.

Spread betting however does not attract any commission charges whatsoever. The trader gets to earn the whole amount of cash of the stock they invested in.

Capital Gains Tax and Stamp Duty Charges

For spread betting, the trader is neither required to pay any stamp duty charges nor any tax on the capital gains.

Forex trading does not attract stamp duty but the trader is charged a capital gains tax. However, losses are considered as tax reductions.


Spread bets do have expiry bets that are fixed to specific timelines. After these dates are reached, the investment is no longer active.

Forex trading do not have any expiry dates (except binaries, options and forwards), thus enabling traders to hold onto and gain from the shares for decades.

Physical Ownership

Stock traders gain physical ownership of the company thus the ability to attend AGMs and hence participate in the formulation of company policies. The more shares one holds, the more influence they have.

Spread betters do not have such privileges since it is simply speculative.

Profit Gains

For stock traders, one can only gain profit when the value of their shares appreciate. They suffer a corresponding loss when the price falls.

Spread betters have the ability of going both long and short- and can therefore bet and gain from either a fall or a rise in share value.

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