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Guest CommexFX
CommexFX Order Types

As a trader about to indulge in FX trading, you should have a range of order types available to you. CommexFX is committed to offer all its clients the best trading conditions possible and our Order Types are no exception.

market order Order Types

A buy/sell order at the current market price. This type of order can be used to enter or exit a trade.

Market orders should be used with care due to the unexpected volatility of some markets. For instance, there may be a difference between the price seen at the order time and the actual price of the transaction. This is due to slippage- the difference between the expected price of a trade, and the price the trade actually executes at. Slippage results in either losses or gain of several pips.

limit order Order Types

An order to buy or sell at a certain limit. Limit orders can be used to buy a currency below the market price or sell a currency above the market price.

When buying, your order is executed at a time when the market falls to your limit order price. When selling, your order is executed at a time when the market rises to your limit order price. There is no slippage with limit orders.

stop order Order Types

An order by which you buy above the market price or sell below the market price. They are most commonly used as stop-loss orders to limit losses if the market moves contrary to what the trader had expected.

A stop-loss order will sell the currency if the market falls below the point set by the trader.

oco order Order Types

The One Cancels the Other (OCO) order is used when placing a limit order and a stop-loss order simultaneously. If one of the orders has been executed, the other is automatically cancelled, allowing the trader to perform a transaction without monitoring the market.

If the market falls, the stop-loss order will be executed, but if the market rises to the level of the limit order, the currency will be sold at a profit

Example of an OCO Transaction:

Buy: 1 standard lot EUR/USD @ 1.3228 = $132,280

Pip Value: 1 pip = $10

Stop-Loss: 1.3203

Limit: 1.3328 This is an order to buy US dollars at 1.3328 and to sell them if they fall to 1.3203 (resulting in a loss of 25 pips or $250) or to sell them if they rise to 1.3328 (resulting in a profit of 100 pips or $1,000).

Here is another example:

The current bid/ask price for US dollars and Canadian dollars is USD/CDN 1.2152/57 meaning you can buy $1 US for 1.2152 CDN or sell 1.2157 CDN for $1 US.

If you thought that the US dollar (USD) was undervalued against the Canadian dollar (CDN) then you would buy USD (simultaneously selling CDN) and wait for the US dollar to rise.

This is the transaction:

Buy USD: 1 standard lot USD/CDN @ 1.2157 = $121,570 CDN

Pip Value: 1 pip = $10

Stop-Loss: 1.2147

Margin: $1,000 (1%)

You are buying US$100,000 and selling CDN $121,570. Your stop loss order will be executed if the dollar falls below 1.2147, in which case you will lose $100.

However, in our example the USD/CDN rises to 1.2192/87. You can now sell $1 US for 1.2192 CDN or sell 1.2187 CDN for $1 US.

Because you entered the transaction by buying US dollars (buying long), you should now sell US dollars and buy back CDN dollars to realize your profit.

You sell US$100,000 at the current USD/CDN rate of 1.2192, and receive $CDN 121,920 for which you originally paid CDN $121,570. Your profit is $350 Canadian dollars or US$ 287.19 (350 divided by the current exchange rate of 1.2187)

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Guest CommexFX
Forex Trading in China

China, does not have a free market economy, hence remains an unusual place to start a business. As a result, the political structure is closely tied to economic growth. The communist government in China, in one way suppresses development, but also fosters, and sponsors the growth of Chinese industry, and its expansion overseas. This in turn protects domestic industries, which gives it an edge as a nation over the others in the BRIC category.

A persistent difficulty for Forex brokerages is that China is more or less impermeable to western companies as the entire business methodology in China is in stark contrast to other global models. Strict restrictions on non-domestic companies operating for forex trading China, seizing financial assets of companies participating in JV’s with Chinese organizations, and blocking bank accounts of foreign companies operating in Chinese territory, makes it a hindrance for growth, sometimes.

The Chinese government, and regulators view forex as a highly leveraged product which carries too much exposure. Specifically, in China, when we look at the huge population, huge losses in savings can end up in a crisis that would shake social stability. Chinese people have that inherent risk-taking attitude in their blood, and also have a lot of savings, due to lack of social welfare. Hence, the risk of losing out precious money, in lieu of forex trading, is very real, and dangerous.

The government, however, also considers forex as a more “fair game”. With the huge market, clients can become better off without market manipulators, but opening up to OTC is a huge step for them, both in forex and in futures.

A recent trend shows that more companies are trading goods and services with China, and pricing it in yuan instead of dollars. The fourth quarter of 2013 saw a 30% increase in yuan trade settlements, up from the second third quarter. Although the currency remains tightly controlled, the Chinese government and many fund managers are betting on the yuan becoming the new yen in Asia. According to the Bank, dollar activity in the 4th increased by just 2%, while euro,pound and yen trade, all declined.

Last year, China’s merchandise trade exceeded $4 trillion, making it the world’s No 1 trading country. Total cross-border yuan settlement was 5.16 trillion yuan, up 61% year on year.

Current Foreign Exchange Institutions.

China’s Forex market is comprised of 2 parts. The inter-bank or wholesale market and the retail market.

Major parties involved in the forex market are:

1) CFETS which functions as a trading platform for inter bank markets, and is responsible for clearing the market and for providing the supervisory authorities with market information

2) PBOC and SAFE as regulatory authorities

3) Designated FX banks and non-banking financial institutions and non-financial enterprises authorized by SAFE to engage in foreign exchange business

4) The enterprises that can earn and spend Forex.

5) Individuals who have forex trading needs.

China’s FX market is limited in product scope mainly to spot trading in US dollars. For a long time since its establishment, the inter-bank market offered spot transactions only until August 2005 when inter-bank forward and swap were introduced.

The two factors that most seriously constrain development of China’s FX market are the compulsory FX settlement system and the rigid exchange rate regime. Specifically the rigidity in exchange rate imposes limits on the growth and diversity of the FX market. But at the same time, allowing more flexibility in the exchange rate requires a broader, more diversified, competitive and efficient market platform on which the forces of supply and demand can determine the RMB value of foreign currency.

Development of the FX market provides the needed foundation for any move toward greater exchange rate flexibility.

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Guest CommexFX
Rule the Market By Means Of Confident Trading Approach

Confidence is the key to success. The Foreign Exchange Market is a decentralized market that is meant for trading currencies. It is the Forex that determines the value of currencies. The magnetic power of money has driven the investors to invest in stock markets. Earning money through equities is not an easy task. Huge amounts of researches and oodles of discipline, patience and confidence are required. You need to have a comprehensive idea of the market. Looking at the volatility of a market, the investors are in a constant dilemma whether to invest or not. As a result of market volatility, the investors lose faith in the stock market and shut themselves off from stock markets. Ideal investors must know how to handle this volatility with confidence. The world of the stock market is a competitive market requiring far sightedness and years of research. People who are not confident cannot survive through the ups and downs of the marketing trends.

Reflecting on the winnings

For efficient trading you need to be confident. Efficient trading habits help to build up confidence. In a way confidence and perfect trading habits are directly proportional. Low level of confidence can cause a dent in one’s trading performance. Reflecting on one’s own winnings can make one a winner. A winning trade can be used as a tool to invite further wins. It is mandatory to reflect on one’s own wins . It is necessary to ponder on the factors that lead to the win. Important factors must be jotted down in a trading journal to record the trading policies that triggered the win. Trading techniques must be learned by heart and this is only possible when one trades with small amounts. Trading skill if acquired will make one confident in trading.

Progress from smaller amounts to bigger amounts

If you are a budding investor, you are supposed to trade with small amounts of money to acquire the trading skill. Only then will it be possible to trade with bigger amounts. Trading skills, if acquired, will enable you to gain confidence.

Failures are the pillars of success

Losing trades are the best teachers that teach the trading skills. Disappointment after a losing trade must never be an obstacle in the path of successful trading. A simple losing trade must not be mixed with major failure. It must lead one to a series of winning trades. To make this possible one must reflect on the reason behind the loss. Proper record of the losing trade must be maintained in the trading journal so that the mistakes do not get repeated in near future. This is the only through which minuses can be converted into positives.

Act like a Super trader

Believing is doing. If one is confident enough to achieve success, then no one can stop him/her from winning. Acting like a matured trader is important. Brooding over one’s losses and wins is an absolute passé. A trader must move away from his computer after winning and losing trades.

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Guest CommexFX
Benefits of trading with the CommexFX MT4 platform

MetaTrader 4, also known as the MT4, is the cutting-edge online trading platform designed to facilitate forex trading for all types of traders. The MT4 combines an accessible, user-friendly interface with a wide range of powerful functions, making it a highly flexible platform and the preferred choice for traders world-wide.

With the MT4, CommexFX clients can access a whole wealth of cutting edge features, such as live-streaming prices, a wide range of charts, ability to place order types and complete management of personal accounts. It also provides a comprehensive set of Technical Analysis tools, and due to its MQL4 programing language, enabling the use of Automated trading robots (EAs).

The CommexFX MT4 platform is compatible with all our Mobile Trading Applications.

Benefits of trading with the CommexFX MT4 platform

User-friendly interface – enabling new and experienced traders to master the platform and trade the markets to their best advantage.

Multilingual support -traders can select their desired language with a range of 32 languages

Real-time trading market orders

Place/Modify/Delete Stop Loss and /or Take Profit Orders

Trailing stops - for algorithmic management of Stop Loss orders.

Pending orders -including Buy Stop, Sell Stop, Buy Limit and Sell Limit.

Expert Advisors (EAs)- enabling traders to automate their trades with an automated trading robot that best suits their trading style and strategies. The MQL4 programming language allows the easy creation of EAs and customized technical indicators.

Multi-account management - users can access their account information including account balance, trading history, personal details, as well as password retrieval.

Advanced charting capabilities – enable traders to apply all technical aspects of Technical Analysis.

Advanced communication tools – brokers can post messages and communicate with their clients in real time.

High security - platform that encrypts the data between traders and their broker’s server with a 128-bit key. The trader’s IP address is also completely concealed providing an extra level of anonymity and security.

Operating Systems variety – installation is completely compatible with the Microsoft Windows operating system including Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000 and 98 as well as Linux operating system.

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Guest CommexFX
Top 5 factors which will impact your Trading performance

Trading is neither easy nor difficult; it is an art which requires continuous planning, setting and sticking to goals, persistent thinking and tons of discipline. The trick is to study the market movement, the highs and lows, and to know when to cut your losses and make a killing!

The following are 5 tips which you should incorporate in your everyday trading plan to reach the level of trading you wish to achieve.

They are:

Keep the thinking process simple

The more you trade the more risk you manage with your hard-earned money; and the more complicated it can become for you. Due to this, the trading strategy you employ must be disciplined and strict in a systematic way, enabling you to achieve certain professionalism in your trading.

The best advice is to invest only money you can afford to lose. So if you decide to invest $2000 , then bear in mind that you could lose this. Be smart; arm yourself with knowledge and tons of patience! Slowly and surely, study the market movement, place your trades and cut your losses as soon as you can. This way your approach to trading becomes a disciplined one. Whatever money you have earned during course of trading needs to be put back into the account itself. This way, you give a minimum lock in period for the capital base to grow.

Stick to major currencies

It is better you trade with two to four sets of currencies to discover the joy of trading, than sampling 40 different currencies which will only confuse you. If you trade with major forex currency pairs, the markets are more liquid and less volatile for you to succeed in maximizing your profits without too much risk.

Keep minimum number of trading steps

Keep a trading journal in front of you. And record the transactions which you perform on a daily basis. Make a track of losses which you could have avoided, had you applied alternative trading strategies.

Keep to three or four basic trading strategies and stick to these. If you include too many trading trends and ideas they can both drain you and confuse you. It is the quality and not the quality of trading principles which will eventually work in your favour..

Know your maximum dollar risk per trade, do not exceed

Ideally you would need to deposit at least $5000 in your live trading account to get exposure to big position sizes. The money you deposit needs to be utilized optimally. At the same time, avoid risking too much of capital. You need to evaluate how much money you are comfortable with losing out in one single trade. Once you have analyzed everything, follow a disciplined approach to leave losses to the comfort zone. Never exceed that particular amount on any given day. You can make your earnings better by minimizing your potential losses.

Price action movement

Price action is a technical analysis and is the simplest strategy which is recommended for beginners to learn. These are feel good signals of the market where you need to sell the currency. There is an indicator to buy currencies as well. Price action strategy is tried and tested and follows a scientific approach to trading. You can incorporate this in your daily trading plan.

Follow up these up and become a successful savvy trader from day one!

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Guest CommexFX

Traders either loathe them or worship them, but, if the truth be told, demo accounts are used by brokers to entice traders to open live accounts.

Conventional wisdom suggests that demo accounts are a safe way to sample a risk-free trading environment, since we all know that plunging into the deep end and placing orders with no prior experience can result in a loss of large sums of money.

Demo accounts are supposed to combat inexperience and trading naivety, but do they?

The main factor of Demo accounts is that they do not trade with real money. This lack of risk would be considered an advantage in itself, but it does not make the trading experience realistic, it makes it emotionless, you don’t care if a position goes well or if you lose all your trading capital. There are no consequences for your actions, you don’t bother to learn from your mistakes and there is no disincentive to trade in a particular way. You don’t get to rationalize in real money – there’s no impetus to cut your losses and run on with your profits, nor is there any means of truly highlighting the riskier strategies from those that are more cautious. With a demo account, there’s no real accountability, which can and does hamper the trading experience.

Overconfidence, a detrimental factor- demo traders enter the financial markets with unrealistic balances in their account of up to $100,000, possibly an amount bigger than they would ever have in a live account. They will hold large losing positions which would be impossible to float on a live account with their own capital. This big amount of virtual money accessible to the demo trader is highly unrealistic; imagine if he only wants to trade a mini or a micro account? It will encourage the demo trader to take on riskier trades than he would normally do in a live account with real money, developing excessive risk trading into a habit which will be disastrous when the demo trader becomes a live trader!

Limitations of a demo account-their impact on trading strategy and style is actually much less than it could be. Demo accounts are often inherently limited, either in functionality or in the markets they represent. Market data is often delayed, as it is fed through the demo trading platforms/servers, eliminating much of the intricate features of trading, such as news announcements and live market events, this somehow prevents a demo trader from becoming an accomplished trader ready to take on the real world of FX trading!

Demo psychology-demo trading does not accurately reflect the true psychology of a live trader as trading with virtual money will not allow you to have the real gut feeling of making trading decisions on the spot and under extreme pressure that trading with your own hard earned money entails. With no real money at stake, the trader’s understanding of the underlying risk is actually limited or impaired. Alternatively, when you do trade on a live account, you can clearly see the need for discipline and risk management, elements which are not deemed necessary when trading with virtual money.

Conclusion-few will argue that a forex demo account can be undeniably useful in developing and mastering a certain trading strategy but unless the trader experiences the difficulty of making trading decisions involving real money and experiencing the pain of losing funds, he will not fully understand, much less avoid, the real risks of FX trading!

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Guest CommexFX
What methods are employed for currency forecasting

The financial market has become popular due to its vitality and accessibility. But when it comes to trading in different currencies, traders and investors need to grasp the best methods for forecasting currency trading and forex spot rate.

Currency trading forex spot rate is the exchange rate of currencies being traded in the financial markets.

Different methods of currency forecasting

Currency forecasting is essential for determining the forex spot rate in the trading market. Below are the two main methods of currency forecasting:

Technical analysis: A traditional market like the stock market employs this particular method to determine the currency trends of the future. This method relies on price history to predict the future trends. Technical analysis comprises many different methods, which generally rely on the price movements of the past.

Fundamental analysis: taking into account different interest rates and economic reports, this method tries to draw its conclusion from numbers. This is a classic way of currency forecasting. It generally revolves around the fact that no matter what happens in the short tem, eventually all investments will have to follow economic numbers.

Apart from the above mentioned methods, traders follow some other techniques for forecasting the exchange rate:

Time Series Model: As part of the technical analysis process, this model focuses on past behavior and price patterns to determine the trends in future.This model requires data made from price patterns in chronological order

Relative Economic Strength Approach: According to this approach, a strong economic environment and high growth patterns of a country is likely to attract investors into its market. Hence, this method analyzes the growth patterns of different countries in order to forecast the forex spot rate.

Econometric Models: This method collects all different factors that the trader thinks are essential for determining the movement of a certain currency. This helps in creating an econometric model that is based on economic theory. But as the economy is based on different variables hence, the trader can add any factor that he thinks will influence the currency rate in the future.

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP): Owing to its inclusion in different text books, this method has become very popular in the financial market. This method is based on the principle of theoretical Law of One Price that states that identical goods should have one price per country. Hence, the forex spot rate will change according to the inflation in a particular country.

Relation between currency forecasting and forex spot rate

Determining the forex spot rate (exchange rate) is primary for every trading firm and market. Currency trading is all about future trends and patterns. So, it is imperative for every trader to determine the correct forex spot rate so as to reap profits in the future. If something goes wrong in currency forecasting, it would be difficult for the investor or trader to ensure better returns from the foreign market.

However, the co-relation between forecasting and exchange rate cannot be denoted in theory. There are numbers, figures, models, methods and analysis that determine their relation.

Currency trading and forex spot rate are the two most important pillars of the foreign exchange market. Their correct forecasting will determine correct results and huge profits in the future.

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Guest CommexFX
How To Grow A Small Trading Account

The size of the trading account will not determine the level of success. A trader with a small trading account might be a more successful than the one holding bigger trading account. A successful forex trader might not be a full time trader. The Even small trading account might make you a successful trader. In order to attain the heights of success with a small trading account make your account grow. Parlay your trading account of small account into substantial trading account. Money hardly matters in the markets, but what matters is the logic and the objectivity with which you trade. So let your small trading account grow with some important techniques:

1. Do not bother about the size of your trading account

Some holders of small trading account are more bothered about increasing their trading amount rather than thinking about the risk management and the price action trading. This tendency pressurizes the traders to trade under compulsion which results in disaster. Traders with small trading accounts need to have patience and discipline to let their account grow.

2. Master the trading strategies with the aid of small trading account

If you learn how to trade successfully with a small trading account, then of course you are a good trader who has mastered the art of trading. The market is not an Auto Teller Machine to give out money in quick succession. It takes time to enlarge the small trading account. Bank upon effective trading not for money. Avoid the temptations of the market and trade like a sensible trader. Once you learn the art of risk management and master the trading strategy or the price action plan, your small trading account will certainly grow.

3. Focus on trading not the trading amount

Do not be repulsive towards your trading account simply because it is of small amount. Consider the present trading account of small amount worth one million dollar worth trading account. Success in trading is not dependent on the size of trading account, but it is largely dependent on your successes. How very consistent profits you are making, that is what matters. The principles for trading a small trading account and big trading account is the same. Think that your trading account carries a huge amount, only then the urgency for trading can be curbed.

4. Consistent successes at small trading account: key to gaining confidence

It is necessary to build a track record consistently by earning consistent profits in the small trading account. This will help you make consistent profits in the trading accounts of bigger amounts. Once the track record becomes consistent, you become a confident trader.

Ways of making your small trading account grow

Master the price action strategy. Focus yourself on the processes of trading only then your money will grow.

Formulate a forex trading plan which would act as a trading guide for you, recording the entries, exits, and your strategies for money management.

Maintain a trading journal for tracking your own progress in forex trading journal. Maintain discipline with forex trading journal.

Trading consistently can contribute towards the growth of your small trading account. Act like a disciplined trader by following the trading strategies.

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Guest CommexFX
Why Use Forex Price Action Analysis?

Forex Price Action Analysis is an important part of trading effective. Successful traders simply trade off on the basis of price action movement. In this way trading can be thoroughly based on the price dynamics and not on the basis of indicators, advisers and robots. Trading as per the price action analysis is the rationalistic approach to trading and brings healthy returns. Such rational trading is only possible with analyzing of price movements and also the patterns of price action. You have to devise your own trading method.

The market is in constant ebb and flow. It is dynamic, liquid where the prices oscillate every time. Price action analysis in the market helps you in identifying and implementing the signals of price action or the setups. The signals of price actions can easily be benefited from. Learn how to interpret the price action or price trail then only you can become a potential and a prefect forex trader. By doing this you can gain the market edge which others are missing out. Kick off the habit of using lagging indicators for these signals can misguide you by giving you wrong entry or exit signal. You are only supposed to learn the interpretation of dynamic or raw price trail. Learn how to trade with price action strategies.

The Price action makes the whole process of trading very flexible. Master the art of grasping what the price chart is depicting. Do not oscillate like a pendulum from one technique to another. You will remain nowhere and end up becoming a bad trader. Master trading setups by finding a consistent edge.

Simplification: a key to successful trading

Simplify the things and see the magic yourself. Do not apply too many indicators to your chart for they are only meant to deceive you. Try earning profits off from the price movements. The more you simplify the things by focusing on the strategy of price action the more you will gain from the markets. Adding too many indicators will only reduce the screen areas which price action picks up. As a result of this you tend to focus more and more on the indicators rather than on price action. .

Benefits of Price Action Trading

Price action can help you in establishing as a successful trader in the long run. It will teach you the art of trading with the price action and hence trading off the price action which is raw. It provides the base and strong foundation to any trading method. Raw underlining of price movement is possible with the help of price action trading irrespective of the fact whether the system is indicator based, software based. Having a practical knowledge and trading with price action has proved immensely beneficial for innumerable number of traders. Traders are now able to understand their trading methods better with the aid of price action trading.

Price action trading is an art which comes with practice. The movements of the markets can be understood with the clear concept of PAT.

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Guest CommexFX
Forex Trading Money Management

Manage your money professionally. Implement on the money management plan. Mastering the skill or reward and risk will help you grow your small amounts of money into larger amounts. Unsuccessful traders are all guided by various myths that prevents them from making money in the markets:

1. Focus on the pips

Some traders concentrate on pips rather than dollars. All unsuccessful traders do this. It is often found that the traders who focus on pips become less emotional about their trading and they stop weighing their trades in monetary terms. But then trading is all about investing and making money. You need to evaluate the risks that you are taking. Trading is not a game. Trading is a business where each transaction needs to be treated like a business transaction. Every trade has risks as well as reward attached to it. Trading in terms of the number of pips you gain or you lose is completely baseless. Traders trade from varied positions. Risk must be defined in terms of dollars and not pips.

2. Risking meager amounts in every trade will increase your amount

This is the silliest logic. Some foolish traders believe that if they risk 1-2% on every trade then their accounts will grow. If you start trading with a very small amount and lose 4-5 trades in a series then your account will not grow. The amount you risk will appear very small in front of your losses in trade. % risk model has its own drawback. You can win all your trades in the beginning and might lose a series of trades. All your gains will be wiped out in this process. But then it has a flip side to it. It will check you from trading emotionally. So risking a small percentage on every trade will make you gains slower because it will take a long time to build up your amount if you risk less. If you risk less, you gain less and this is the logic.

3. Wider stop risks equals to risking more money.

Traders who believe that risks in trading will increase as a result of wider stop loss are not thorough with the concept of a forex position sizing. You should be able to adjust the position size in order to match up your risk size and stop loss placement. For stop the wider loss curtailloss curtails your position size. Adjust the position size for meeting the intended stop loss width. Widening the stop loss can reduce your trade amount significantly. If you believe in the fact that widening the stop loss will improve your trade amount then you do not understand the power of risk to reward as well as power sizing. The logic of risk to reward has immense power for the risk to reward builds the trading account consistently if you have effective edge and you know when that edge is present in the market.

A good trading habit can help you in the long run to build money. For this learn the art of money management. Learn the system of price action trading in order to successfully detect successfully when your edge is present in the market. Only then the system of risk and reward will be applied and you will be able to manage your money.

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Guest CommexFX
Are you а Ѕuссеssful Fоrех Тrаdеr?

Ѕuссеssful fоrех trаdеrs аrе hаrd tо fіnd. Ѕurе, thеrе аrе а lоt оf реорlе whо рrеtеnd tо bе рrоfіtаblе trаdеrs, but thеу аrе usuаllу thе оnеs trуіng tо sеll уоu sоmеthіng. Іt іs hаrd tо quаntіfу, but еstіmаtеs sау thаt 95% оf thе beginners’ fаіl tо mаkе mоrе mоnеу thаn thеу lоsе.

Ѕо whаt саn уоu dо tо mаkе surе thаt уоu аrе оnе оf thе suссеssful fоrех trаdеrs? Неrе аrе sоmе tірs.

Fіrst оf аll, lеаrn frоm оthеr suссеssful trаdеrs. Тhе іntеrnеt іs а mаrvеlоus tооl, but іf уоu stаrt lіstеnіng tо аnуоnе having аn оріnіоn аbоut trаdіng, уоu wіll bе соnfusеd аnd еnd uр fоllоwіng ріtіful аdvісе. Yоu must fіnd sоmеоnе thаt асtuаllу mаkеs mоnеу аnd fоllоw thеіr lеаd.

Whеrе саn уоu fіnd suссеssful trаdеrs? Оn fоrums (lооk fоr реорlе thаt hаvе bееn роstіng fоr уеаrs), оn blоgs (thеrе аrе рlеntу оf frее, рrоfеssіоnаl blоgs оut thеrе), аnd еvеn bу tаkіng сlаssеs. І thіnk оnе rеаsоn whу sо mаnу traders fаіl іs bесаusе thеу аrеn’t wіllіng tо lеаrn. Тhеу’ll lіstеn tо thе lаtеst fоrех ‘guru’, tаkе hіs аdvісе аs gоld, аnd thеn рrосееd tо mаkе mіstаkе аftеr mіstаkе. Сhооsіng whо уоu’re going to tаkе аdvісе frоm іs сrіtісаl tо уоur suссеss. Таkе а lіttlе ехtrа tіmе аnd rеsеаrсh tо fіnd sоmеоnе whо trulу knоws thаt thеу аrе tаlkіng аbоut.

Ѕесоndlу, tо bе а suссеssful fоrех trаdеr уоu must sеt rеаlіstіс ехресtаtіоns. Yоu саn еаrn mоnеу іn thе fоrех аlmоst quісkеr thаn dоіng аnуthіng еlsе іn thе wоrld. Вut уоu must undеrstаnd thаt thе fоrеіgn ехсhаngе іs nоt а gоld mіnе. Іt hаs аmаzіng еаrnіng роtеntіаl thаt must bе rеsресtеd. Іf уоu tаkе оn thіs іnvеstmеnt vеhісlе hарhаzаrdlу, уоu WІLL lоsе mоnеу, Guаrаntееd. By tаkіng the advice sеrіоuslу уоu аrе fаr аhеаd оf mоst оf thе оthеr fоrех trаdеrs.

Ѕо аs а bеgіnnеr уоu shоuld nеvеr rіsk mоrе thаn 2% оf уоur trаdіng ассоunt оn аnу trаdе. Тhіs mеаns thаt іf уоu hаvе $1,000 іn уоur ассоunt, уоu shоuld nеvеr lоsе mоrе thаn $20 оn аnу trаdе. Dоеs thаt sоund smаll tо уоu? Оnlу rіskіng $20 оut оf $1,000? Аs а bеgіnnіng trаdеr, уоur mаіn gоаl іs tо survіvе аnd lеаrn thе bаsісs. Іf уоu dоn’t lеаrn to survive, how can you make profits?

Моst trаdеrs wіll lооk аt thеіr $1,000 аnd аssumе thаt thеу соuld еаsіlу rіsk $200 реr trаdе. Ѕurеlу thеу wоuld hаvе а wіnnіng trаdе bеfоrе thеу lоst 5 trаdеs іn а rоw, rіght? Тhіs mеntаlіtу wіll аbsоlutеlу gеt уоu kіllеd. Еvеn рrоfеssіоnаl trаdеrs dоn’t rіsk mоrе thаn 5% оf thеіr ассоunts оn а trаdе, sо whу dо уоu thіnk уоu shоuld?

Оvеr-lеvеrаgіng (whісh іs rіskіng tоо muсh оf уоur ассоunt) іs thе #1 kіllеr оf bеgіnnіng fоrех trаdеrs. Yоu must аvоіd thіs аt any соst. Тrаdе smаll аnd survіvе. Whіlе lоsіng уоur mоnеу іn thе сurrеnсу mаrkеts саn hарреn vеrу quісklу, bесоmіng а рrоfіtаblе fоrех trаdеr іs а рrосеss. Fіnd аs mаnу suссеssful fоrех trаdеrs аs уоu саn аnd lеаrn аs muсh аbоut thеm аs уоu саn. Ву modeling thеіr trаdіng strаtеgіеs уоu’ll іnсrеаsе thе сhаnсеs оf mаkіng mоnеу іn thе fоrех.

Ноwеvеr, thе suссеss оf Fоrех trаdеrs vаrу duе tо dіffеrеnt сhаrасtеrіstісs аnd рrасtісеs іn thіs busіnеss. Νоt аll trаdеrs аrе suссеssful; but thоsе whо аrе, hаvе thе fоllоwіng соmmоn аsресts.

1) А Rаtіоnаl Lоgісаl Міnd

Реорlе whо аrе аblе tо mаіntаіn а rаtіоnаl lоgісаl mіnd іn tіmеs оf strеss аrе wеll suіtеd fоr suссеss. Еmоtіоnаl реорlе аrе аdvіsеd tо stау аwау frоm Fоrех. Еmоtіоnаl реорlе tеnd tо sее оnlу whаt thеу wаnt: Тhеу sее bullіsh trеnds іn а рlungіng сhаrt. Аs а rеsult, thеу аrе іnсlіnеd tо tаkе rіsks whеn thеу shоuldn’t аnd tо nоt tаkе uр trаdеs whеn thеу shоuld. Моrеоvеr, thеу аrе еаsіlу dіstrасtеd bу trаnsіеnt fluсtuаtіоns аnd thus dо nоt stісk tо thеіr рlаns. Сurrеnсу trаdіng іs fоr реорlе whо аrе аblе tо rеmаіn сооl аnd dеtасhеd іn thе vоlаtіlе mаrkеt. Yоu nееd а rаtіоnаl lоgісаl mіnd tо fасе thе іnfоrmаtіоn рrоvіdеd bу thе mаrkеt. Ѕееіng thе mаrkеt аt fасе vаluе wіthоut bеіng bіаsеd bу реrsоnаl оріnіоn іs сrіtісаl tо suссеssful trаdіng. Lеt thе mаrkеt tеll уоu whаt tо dо; dо nоt tеll thе mаrkеt whеrе tо mоvе.

2) Dіsсірlіnе Реrsіstеnt Сhаrасtеr

Сurrеnсу trаdіng іs nоt а оnе-tіmе аffаіr. Іt іs а busіnеss thаt rеquіrеs dіsсірlіnе аnd соnstаnt mаіntеnаnсе. Yоu nееd tо mаіntаіn thе рrасtісе wіth а dесеnt рlаn аnd strаtеgу. Ніghlу еffесtіvе trаdеrs рlаn thеіr саріtаl іnvеstmеnt and ехреnsеs аnd rеіnvеst thе рrоfіts fоr futurе bеnеfіt. Ѕоmе еvеn rеgіstеr thеіr рrасtісе аs а busіnеss еntіtу sо thаt thеу аrе fоrсеd tо kеер trасk оf thеіr gаіns аnd ехреnsеs. Dоіng sо аllоws thеm tо kеер trасk оf thеіr рrоgrеss, аllоwіng thеm tо аltеr thеіr strаtеgу whеnеvеr nесеssаrу. Моrеоvеr fаіlurе rаthеr thаn suссеss іs thе nоrm whеn уоu stаrt trаdіng Fоrех іnіtіаllу. Тhеrеfоrе, уоu nееd tо bе реrsіstеnt іn thіs еndеаvоr аs thе lеаrnіng сurvе wоuld еvеntuаllу flаttеn оut, gіvіng уоu уоur rіghtful rеwаrds.

3) Wіllіng tо Lеаrn

Јust аs уоu nееd bаttеrіеs tо роwеr уоur drummіng bunnу, уоu nееd tо hаvе knоwlеdgе tо роwеr уоur busіnеss. Νеw knоwlеdgе іs соnstаntlу gеnеrаtеd аnd уоu саn nеvеr gеt еnоugh оf іt. Ѕuссеssful trаdеrs аlwауs kеер thеmsеlvеs uрdаtеd оn thе еvеr сhаngіng mаrkеt trеnds аnd mеthоds оf сurrеnсу trаdіng. Тhеу thеn аdарt thеіr strаtеgу ассоrdіng tо thе lаtеst іnfоrmаtіоn. Тhеіr strаtеgу іs аn еvоlvіng lіfе-fоrm thаt grоws wіth thе mаrkеt. Fоrех trаdеrs whо dо lіttlе tо kеер uр wіth thе расе оf сhаngе wоuld bе lеft bеhіnd. Ѕurvіvаl оf thе fіttеst.

То rеіtеrаtе, suссеssful Fоrех trаdеrs аrе those whо аrе nоt еаsіlу swауеd bу thеіr еmоtіоns. Тhеу аrе dіsсірlіnеd аnd реrsіstеnt аnd аrе wіllіng tо rеаd аnd lеаrn nеw іnfоrmаtіоn. Тrеаt сurrеnсу trаdіng аs а busіnеss рrасtісе аnd rеmаіn сооl аnd dеtасhеd. Dоn’t lеt еmоtіоns сlоud уоur јudgmеnt аnd уоu’ll bе аblе tо рrоfіt frоm Fоrех. Сurrеnсу trаdіng іs а lіfеlоng busіnеss thаt рауs wеll. Dоn’t forgo suсh а grеаt орроrtunіtу tо fіnаnсіаl frееdоm!

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Guest CommexFX
How to start your Forex Trading career: Tips for newbies

Тhе wоrld wе аrе lіvіng іn rеvоlvеs аrоund thе ехсhаngе оf gооds аnd mоnеу whісh wіll nеvеr stор sооn. Еасh аnd еvеrуdау уоu sее nеw реорlе gеttіng іntо this іndustrу оf fоrех trаdіng іn hоре оf gеttіng а ріесе оf thе рrоfіts mаdе іn trаdіng thе gооds аnd сurrеnсу.

Моst реорlе gеt іntо thіs іndustrу thіnkіng thаt іt’s vеrу еаsу tо mаkе sоmе рrоfіts whеrе еlsе thаt’s nоt thе саsе аnd bеіng а trаdеr саn bе thе wоrst dесіsіоn уоu саn mаkе іf уоu’re nоt рrераrеd.

Whеn gеttіng іntо fоrех trаdіng thеrе’s а lоt оf іnfоrmаtіоn оnе hаs tо know bеfоrе he саn bе rеаdу tо trаdе. Тhеrе іs sо muсh іnfоrmаtіоn сіrсulаtіng аrоund оn thе bеst mеthоds оf trаdіng аnd thіs саn bе соnfusіng fоr beginners.

Ѕоmе trаdеrs wіll tеll уоu thаt іt’s vеrу еаsу tо mаkе sоmе mоnеу trаdіng fоrех whіlst оthеrs wіll tеll уоu thаt іt’s nо рlасе fоr а new trаdеr. Ѕо whеn stаrtіng оut whаt shоuld уоu bеlіеvе? Іs thеrе а сhаnсе fоr уоu tо mаkе sоmе mоnеу аs wеll? Аnd іf sо, hоw dо уоu gо аbоut trаdіng suссеssfullу?

Wеll thе truth іs thаt іt rеаllу іs nоt a рlасе fоr bеgіnnеrs tо mаkе mоnеу, wеll mауbе fоr thе fіrst few mоnths. Whеn stаrtіng оut аs а bеgіnnеr уоu shоuld gеt уоur fасts rіght аbоut trаdіng Fоrех. Тhеrе іs а lеаrnіng сurvе аnd mоst dеfіnіtеlу уоu wоn’t gеt rісh оvеr nіght.

Wіth thаt bеіng sаіd іt’s оbvіоus thаt sоmе реорlе саn stаrt mаkіng mоnеу sооnеr than оthеrs аnd thаt dереnds оn hоw fаst оnе lеаrns аbоut mаkіng thе rіght mаrkеt dесіsіоns аnd hоw muсh thеу аrе dеdісаtеd tо mаke іt bіg.

Іf уоu аrе рrераrеd tо mаkе іt bіg іn fоrех trаdіng, уоu hаvе tо gеt аs muсh knоwlеdgе аs уоu саn аbоut trаdіng аnd mаkіng gооd dесіsіоns іn thе mаrkеt. Тhе rеаsоn whу а lоt оf bеgіnnеrs fаіl іs that thеу јumр іn аnd stаrt trаdіng with the hope of mаking а quісk profit. This is because of а lоt оf misinformation оut thеrе аbоut mаkіng а fоrtunе fаst soon after the start.

Yоu fіnd а lоt оf реорlе whо wаnt tо stаrt оut trаdіng fоrех buуіng thеsе оvеr hуреd рrоduсts рrоmіsіng аn аutоmаtіс sоftwаrе thаt wіll hеlр them mаkе рrоfіtаblе trаdеs аll thе tіmе. Іf thаt wаs thе саsе thеn whу іs thе реrsоn sеllіng thе sоftwаrе іnstеаd іf usіng іt tо mаkе thе mіllіоns. Аnd оn thе оthеr sіdе еvеrуоnе wоuld bе rісh frоm usіng thіs sоftwаrе.

Весоmіng а suссеssful fоrех trаdеr rеquіrеs уоu tо gеt аs muсh knоwlеdgе аs уоu саn аbоut thе fоrех mаrkеts whісh саn’t bе dоnе bу аn оnlіnе аutоmаtіс sоftwаrе created by anyone. Ѕо gеt аs muсh іnfоrmаtіоn аs уоu саn аnd stаrt уоur trаіnіng usіng а dеmо trаdіng ассоunt tо рrасtісе bеfоrе уоu stаrt оn а рrоfеssіоnаl lеvеl.

Веst Fоrех Тrаdіng Тірs for Веgіnnеrs

Тесhnоlоgу brеаkthrоughs nоt mеrеlу mоdіfіеd thе ассеssіbіlіtу frоm thе FХ mаrkеt, thеу аlsо mоdіfіеd thе mеthоd оf hоw trаdіng dесіsіоns hаd bееn рrоduсеd. Аnаlуsіs shоwеd thаt, rаthеr thаn inability tо fіnd рrоfіtаblе trаdіng mеthоdоlоgіеs, thе mаіn rеаsоn fоr fаіlurе аs а sресulаtоr іs асtuаllу а lасk оf dіsсірlіnе dеvоtеd tо рrоfіtаblе trаdіng аnd thrеаt mаnаgеmеnt аs wеll аs thе lасk оf fоrех trаdіng tірs fоr bеgіnnеrs. Тhе dеvеlорmеnt оf іrоn dіsсірlіnе іs аmоng рrоbаblу thе mоst сhаllеngіng еndеаvоrs tо whісh а trаdеr саn аsріrе.

Веlоw іs sоmе оf thе mоst іmроrtаnt Fоrех trаdіng tірs fоr bеgіnnеrs:

1. Fоrgеt аbоut buуіng fаnсу sоftwаrе аnd dоn’t wаstе уоur mоnеу оn FХ rоbоts. Іt’s vеrу еаsу tо gеt dіstrасtеd bу dаtа аnd gаdgеts. Тhе truth іs, lеss іs mоrе іn trаdіng. Тhе mоrе соmрlісаtеd уоur sуstеm, thе lеss сhаnсе іt wіll wоrk оr thаt уоu wіll fоllоw іt. Тhе mајоrіtу оf tесhnісаl trаdіng іndісаtоrs аrе а tоtаl wаstе оf tіmе. Тhе mоst іmроrtаnt fасtоr whеn trаdіng аnу mаrkеt іs thе рrісе. Yоu саn lеаrn оthеr Fоrех trаdіng strаtеgіеs оut thеrе.

2. Dоn’t trу tо dау trаdе thе FХ mаrkеt, іt’s а wаstе оf tіmе аnd ultіmаtеlу уоu’ll lоsе mоnеу.

3. Тhе mоst suссеssful FХ trаdеrs mаkе mоnеу frоm lоngеr tеrm trеnds. Вrоkеrs wаnt уоu tо оvеr trаdе so that thеу can mаkе mоrе соmmіssіоn аnd sрrеаd.

4. Dоn’t lооk аt thе shоrt-tеrm FХ сhаrts. Тhеу рrоvіdе nо vаluе. Тhе mаіn tооls уоu саn usе аrе trеnd lіnеs, mоvіng аvеrаgеs, аnd suрроrt аnd rеsіstаnсе lеvеls. Κеер іt sіmрlе.

5. Νеw trаdеrs shоuld аvоіd ОТС FХ brоkеrs. Соnsіdеr сurrеnсу ЕТFs, аnd орtіоns оn сurrеnсу futurеs tо bеgіn wіth. Yоu gеt а bеttеr dеаl аnd hаvе mоrе рrоtесtіоn usіng а сurrеnсіеs futurе соntrасt thаn аn ОТС brоkеr. Lеаrn mоrе frоm Fоrех trаdіng strаtеgіеs. А lоt оf thоsе strаtеgіеs ехрlаіn аbоut thіs ОТС brоkеr.

6. Тrаdе wіth whаt уоu sее, nоt wіth whаt уоu thіnk. Yоu mау thіnk thе Еurо іs оvеrvаluеd аnd уоu mау bе rіght еvеntuаllу. Вut іf thе рrісе іs mоvіng, іt dоеsn’t mаttеr whаt уоu thіnk. Іt dоеs nоt mаttеr whаt thе “guru” sауs. Yоu shоuld bе trаdіng wіth thе trеnd. Іf уоu аrе nоt surе аbоut іt, thеn bеttеr lеаrn frоm Fоrех trаdіng strаtеgіеs оnlіnе.

7. Νеw trаdеrs јust thіnk аbоut thе еntrу оf thе trаdеs. Rеmеmbеr, thе ехіt іs mоrе іmроrtаnt thаn gеttіng іn.

Тhіs Fоrех trаdіng tірs fоr bеgіnnеrs wіll аllоw уоu tо trаdе suссеssfullу іn thе futurе whеn уоu gіvе tоо muсh аttеntіоn tо іt аnd аррly іt.

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Guest CommexFX
Improve your Forex Trading success in 8 simple steps

Nearly everybody wish to be successful in currency trading but do they plan ahead on how are they going to achieve their aim to be successful in this market? If you are new to Forex trading and serious about getting success in currency trading, here are eight essential steps you should follow:

1. Get yourself a Forex book or currency trading program to begin with, so that you can comprehend the fundamentals of Foreign Exchange trading and understand how to operate it. When you get a free guide to Forex trading, you should grab the opportunity to learn what currency trading is about.

2. Open a totally free trading demo account with a Forex broker on the internet.

3. This really is a necessary action. Ensure that you have read the psychology portion and money management principles of Forex trading before you start demo trading. Do take note, Start with a positive attitude. Getting rid of negative thoughts is significantly harder if you do not change them from the beginning.

4. After going through the full Forex trading guide or program, you will most likely understand how the trading market works. Furthermore, the Forex trading guide is straightforward to understand. So, let’s get useful and apply it to Demo account. Demo trading helps to improve the trading skills.

5.Demo trade for about a couple of weeks until you get used to the Foreign Exchange trading system. For those who have had some bad trading habits along the way, carry on demo trading until you get rid of them, you don’t want to make those errors when you go to the market live trading! I would advise new traders to go live with real money trading only when they hit a success rate of 70% or above.

6. І саn undеrstаnd thаt mаnу trаdеrs begin wіth mіnі ассоunt fоr thеіr vеrу fіrst trаdеs sо аs tо buіld thеіr sеlf-соnfіdеnсе. Тhаt’s соmрlеtеlу аlrіght, but dоn’t gеt stuсk іn mіnі fоrех ассоunt fоr а lоng tіmе аs уоu wоuld роssіblу hаvе рsусhоlоgісаl bаrrіеr tо gо аnd оvеrсоmе. Моvе оn tо stаndаrd trаdіng ассоunts whеn уоu’rе fееlіng соnfіdеnt, thаt іs whеn уоu саn соnstаntlу gеnеrаtе іnсоmе frоm уоur fоrех trаdіng.

7. Іnсrеаsе уоur lot sіzе slоwlу аs уоur trаdіng сараbіlіtіеs іmрrоvе. Yоu mіght wоuld lіkе tо іmрrоvе іt whеn уоu hаvе 30% RОІ (rеturn оn іnvеstmеnt) іn уоur fоrеіgn ехсhаngе trаdіng ассоunt. Rеfеr оссаsіоnаllу tо thе mоnеу mаnаgеmеnt guіdеlіnеs оn thе wау уоu саn slоwlу еsсаlаtіng уоur trаdіng lоt sіzе.

8. Аt thіs mоmеnt оf tіmе, уоu’rе а рrоduсtіvе fоrех trаdеr whеn уоu hаvе rеgulаr іnсоmе strеаms еvеrу mоnth. Yоu dоn’t hаvе tо bесоmе аn іnstіtutіоnаl dеаlеr tо bе suссеssful!

Тhе аfоrеmеntіоnеd mау роssіblу sоund unсоmрlісаtеd, but trust mе, іt’s nоt еаsу whаtsоеvеr, оr еlsе whу 95% оr mоrе mеn аnd wоmеn fаіlеd іn fоrеіgn ехсhаngе trаdіng?

Whеrе Моst Тrаdеrs Gо Wrоng! They make two major errors, which are:

1. Тhеу еquаtе frеquеnсу оf trаdіng wіth рrоfіts.

2. Тhеу nеvеr bеt еnоugh tо wіn mеаnіngful аmоunts.

Іn fоrех trаdіng уоu dоn’t gеt уоur rеwаrd fоr hоw оftеn уоu trаdе; уоu gеt уоur rеwаrd fоr bеіng rіght wіth уоur trаdіng sіgnаls – nоthіng еlsе. Аlsо, іf уоu dо whаt mоst trаdеrs dо аnd rіsk smаll аmоunts like 2 – 5% оf уоur еquіtу уоu wоn’t hаvе hіgh rіsk but уоu wоn’t mаkе muсh еіthеr.

То Wіn Dо Тhіs:

Fосus оn suрроrt аnd rеsіstаnсе lеvеls thаt аrе соnsіdеrеd vаlіd bу thе mаrkеt – іf thеу brеаk, сhаnсеs аrе thе trеnd wіll соntіnuе.

Undеrstаnd thіs:

Моst оf thе bіg mоvеs іn сurrеnсу trаdіng оссur frоm nеw Маrkеt hіghs – ΝОТ Маrkеt lоws, sо fоrgеt trуіng tо buу dірs.

Таkе а Rіsk:

Іf уоu dоn’t lіkе tаkіng rіsks, dоn’t trаdе сurrеnсіеs. Though mоst trаdеrs trу sо hаrd tо аvоіd lose, but thеу surely will.

Dоn’t рlасе stорs tо сlоsе аnd trаіl thеm ЅLОWLY – mаkе surе уоu kеер thеm bасk bеhіnd thе mаrkеt nоіsе. Іf уоu саn’t tаkе dірs іn ореn еquіtу, уоu wіll nеvеr еnјоу сurrеnсу trаdіng suссеss – sо gеt usеd tо thеm.

Yоu mау sау, thаt’s nоt thе аdvісе І nоrmаllу sее оr іt’s nоt thе nоrm but реrsоnаllу І wоuldn’t wоrrу tоо muсh аbоut аs: 95% оf trаdеrs lоsе аnd fоllоw соnvеntіоnаl аdvісе – thе аbоvе mау nоt bе соnvеntіоnаl but іf уоu’rе а trаdеr whо sіmрlу wаnts tо mаkе mоnеу, уоu wіll undеrstаnd whу іt саn lеаd уоu tо сurrеnсу trаdіng suссеss.

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Guest CommexFX
Learn Forex Trading

Learning currency trading is the first step of learning Forex trading. It is a skill, which can be learned and is instructed at the highest level in Forex trading training courses.

Every day the market is creating wealth and opportunity for new investors from countries around the globe. The one central quality is that before they invested their hard-earned money, they had spent time to learn Forex trading from its most fundamentals to its most complex strategies.

If you think about it, then it only makes sense. Of course, the more you know about something, the more likely you are to obtain success from that. The FX market has no difference- the more knowledge you gain, the more money you are about to make.

It has never been easier than it is today, to obtain an exceptional education on the complexities of the market with the many top rated currency classes that are available on the internet. Most of these courses have been in existence for years and during that time, they have had multiple updates and improvements with the most advanced methods used by the professionals to get millions each year.

Now, it is fully possible depending on how much you apply yourself to know and more importantly understand how and why the top readers are so profitable. The next step is to open a demo account with a Forex brokerage firm and start practicing everything you have learned. Soon after you find yourself moving into the realm of churning out positive income, you are ready to open a real money account and make real money.

Forex training programs can prepare you not only for a new career, but also for a completely new way of life as it increase your financial stability to the point that nobody can take away from you. If you are dedicated and determined then there is nothing that can stand in your way.

Learning Forex by enrolling in a currency-trading course is gaining popularity these days. Although these courses differ in terms of topics covered and syllabi, the primary content remain the same. Any forex trading course content can be broadly categorized into six levels.

First level – Introductory level:

Normally the first introductory part of the Forex course will highlight the benefits of the course to its participants. You can ascertain the course suitability by comparing the course objectives and benefits with your own personal objectives.

Second level – Interpreting signals and forex indicators:

Correctly interpreting signals and indicators is crucial for making precise trading decision. Interpreting chart patterns, market trends and currency pricing trends is covered in this session of the Forex course.

Third level – Factors affecting currency price movements:

Price movement in currency market is responsible for profit booking. A number of practical exercises will be given at this stage of learning Forex. Factors, which cause currency, price to change and methods of identifying these will be covered in detail.

Fourth level – Technical and Fundamental analysis:

Technical and fundamental analysis helps traders to analyze the Forex market before entering into trade deals. Both of these analyses are beneficial in Forex trading and traders usually combine results of both these analyses to base their trading decision. Therefore, it would be worthwhile to enroll for a Forex course that teaches this aspect in detail.

Fifth level – Forex trading tools and advice of course conductors:

Automated Forex trading tools are very useful in making accurate trading decision. Normally the course lecturers share their personal experiences and methods of trading with the participants at this stage. Method of compiling a trading journal is also covered in this stage.

Final level – Forex trading Tips:

Trading advice and tips are given to the participants in the last stage of a currency trading course.

Forex market trading is no longer the domain of large institutions alone. These days, general people are involving in Forex more and more. Now anyone can simply learn the basic of Forex trading education and start trading profitably in the market.

Learning Forex is like learning psychology, you really only learn theories and tests that have been carried out in the past and record these results. The problem with Forex although the market does repeat itself it also can be extremely random making any definite predictions hard to guess.

Forex traders are extremely disciplined and patient. They wait for the right trade set up, have a plan in place for their entry, and exit strategy; they do not deviate from this plan. It is the toughest thing in the world to stick with a trade that has suddenly turned against you even though all the signs tell you that it should be going to the right direction eventually.

To learn Forex from free information available on the internet is a great opportunity to start from the basics. Before you start to trade using real money, I would advise getting some professional help in the Forex market.

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Guest CommexFX
Commexfx Careers

When it comes to financial services, the employees are the organisation’s greatest asset. Only the human resources can ensure the high quality of our standards. At CommexFX we recognize and value this fact therefore in our pursuit of exceeding excellence, we are constantly seeking to recruit professionals with novel ideas, high determination and ambition to lead the industry with us.

Should you feel that you have the necessary qualifications and experience of our available positions do not hesitate to send your CV and cover letter at [email protected]. We will reply to you promptly.

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Guest CommexFX
The Art of Effective Forex Trading at the End of the Day by the working class

There are various categories of people who are on regular job, but also aspire to be effective traders in Forex apart from their staple work. Hence, they are supposed to handle the trading related to burials only at the end of the day – after the trading session is over. This requires some skills to be inculcated within yourself if you are such an aspiring incumbent. These have certain things related to planning and self discipline as well — to achieve cherished results in Foreign Exchange business. Many people become emotional in dealing with the Forex market while dealing with it at the end of the day — which damages the spirit and also results in loss.

The correct steps

One should always be objective while doing trading which demands planning and a structured method of acquiring the knowledge first and then participating in the market trading. Proper planning is essential to make yourself accountable for your trading account –which is the hardest portion as your own trading account performance is managed by you and no one to blame if it goes wrong. So first and foremost, it has to be considered as a separate entity if one wants to generate revenue from the account. The Trading account needs to be managed with utmost care to gain in the market. Finally, you should review the account statement everyday before and after analyzing the market price trends and four hour charts pertaining to everyday trading.

Forex Trading Attributes

If you over analyze the market and push or struggle more towards your speculation to turn true – the more stressed you will be and your trading account will suffer the most.One has to come out of his or her psychological hurdles first before participating in the business field. It is quite important to hold patience if one wants to excel in the Forex business market. In the Forex market, two unavoidable virtues required is patience and confidence which are interrelated. If one can analyze the market with patience and wait for the best price action setup before taking any decision in the market – the result will be in his favor, which in turn will increase your win rate. Continuous increase in win rate will give you confidence to boost up for the right trading pattern.

This is how one participates in the market with high accuracy which leads to high confidence resulting increasing success rate. Therefore, it is important for any trader, newcomer or veteran to judge one’s patience level and confidence level before involving oneself in forex trading.

Critical elements of Forex trading

The critical planning is very important and this is to be incorporated in every day’s trading plan which should be free of emotional hazards and should be totally objective oriented. Few steps are mentioned here. During Strategic entry in the market, the entry point is very important. The Risk associated with trading needs to be analyzed before entering the market. It is important at this stage to know about the Forex position sizing. Exit strategy should be documented or formulated before entering the market and not decided after entering. When you have not entered the trade you are in the best position to formulate the exit plan because you are not pressured by the movement of the trade.

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Guest CommexFX
The Foreign Exchange Market is the best Market to Trade

Forex or Foreign Exchange Market is one of the largest financial markets that have a regular volume of approximately 5 trillion dollars per day. The figure combines both dwarfing volume and future markets. Forex is certainly the best market where you can trade. The price in Forex is incredibly stable when compared to the other markets. Traders need not worry about slippage since prices remain stable in all market conditions. Besides these there are various other propelling factors that compel traders to trade in Forex.


In the Forex market traders can trade for 24 hours at a stretch since there is no closing bell. Forex markets are open on Sunday, Saturday. Traders like you can enter and exit the market whenever you wish to. Traders can take benefit of 3 different trading sessions while trading at Forex. Prices become extremely uncompetitive due to low liquidity while trading in after hour session.

Transaction costs are very low since trading is commission free. Generally the Forex brokers do not take any transaction charges since they are well compensated through various buildings and asking of the currency pair. Forex Market is more transparent when compared with the commodity market. It is pretty simple to comprehend the internal workings of Foreign Exchange Market. Economic reports, news, announcements on the market are widely available. Orders can be executed instantly in case of Forex; retail trading is generally done online through electronic platforms.


The forex market can be easily speculated. Prices tend to shoot up and then touch the average mark. Repetitive patterns of Forex can be easily recognized by the trader. A trader can speculate the market easily since he is an expert in the analysis of price action. There is a general trend of Forex that needs to capture. It is not at all a chaotic or consolidating market.

The Forex market lacks the structural bias unlike other markets. Buying and selling is easy with Forex for there is no increased fee of selling short. Forex does not have the bullish bias which makes it easier for the traders to sell short.

Traders can trade for 24 hours in the Forex. There is no limit to trading and you as a trader will not be compelled to exit the market simply because the prices crossed the expected level, unlike in a futures market where there is something called ‘limit up’ and ‘limit down’. In order to check volatility the traders are forced to exit the market and cannot even enter new positions. Trading for 24 hours is immensely beneficial for traders.

Availability of traders

Forex brokers are easily available online. One can start trading at Forex with a meager amount. Demo accounts are easily offered with the help of brokers at Forex markets that permits the trader to examine his trading ideas before risking something substantial.

Forex, the decentralized global financial market, is meant for the exchange of various currencies. There are many advantages of trading with Forex. With Forex there is an option of online trading which is highly suitable for the people of the wireless world. Dense liquidity, as a result of huge trading, makes it easier to enter or exit a position. The trading hours are highly flexible with greater scopes to enhance profits with the availability of greater leverages. Forex is an ideal market to trade in.

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Guest CommexFX

Guess the price of the Gold at the closing time every day, post it in the comments section of this post and get a chance to win $50.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest CommexFX
Russia Launches Its Golden Ruble

The ruble has been severely battered by sliding oil prices and continuously increasing tension in Ukraine. As result, it was capped at the lowest in the last eleven years. It climbed 0.3% and achieved a value of 46.70 per dollar in Moscow resulting in drop of 7.9% in its value in this week. The 7.9% cut in the ruble value is the highest since 2003. Moreover, ten-year bonds issued by Russian Government saw a decline for the third consecutive week. However, the Central Bank of Russia has pledged its willingness to support the ruble by adopting a strategy that indicates the launch of golden ruble by Russia.

After a steep decline of 3.7% in the ruble value, the central bank stated that it was ready to launch and enhance foreign-currency interventions and utilize other tools in the financial market to support ruble. This has been triggered by new fighting in Ukraine. Moreover, Brent’s largest retreat during last thirteen years resulted in weighing on the Russia’s assets due to lack of currency intervention policies by the Bank of Russia.

It is evident that Russia is going to launch its golden ruble because it has responded to weakening currency by expanding its gold holdings. When plunging oil-prices and international sanctions were pushing the ruble to record low value as discussed above, Russia was adding to its gold holdings by converting its reserves in gold. Nearly 150 metric tons of gold bars have been purchased by the central bank of Russia during 2014 as stated by Elvira Nabiullina, the governor, while talking to lawmakers.

The estimated quantity of bullions purchased till September 2014 was only 115 metric tons. Thus, the central bank has added 35 tons of gold during past three months according to the data issued by IMF (International Monetary Fund). Russia purchased over 37 tons of gold during September that is the highest amount purchased per month since 1998. It was stated by Ole Hansen, an official at Saxo Bank in Copenhagen, that gold market has struggled to find any friends in the recent past. However, the news of Russia buying large quantities of gold renders some support to this market. The gold reserves of Russia have tripled since 2005 as it is currently ****ding nearly 1,185 tons. Russian policymakers have been increasing interest rates for last four months in order to control capital outflows and strengthen the currency.

The gold ****ding by Russia may be an indication of the plan to launch its golden ruble as Gaddafi, in Libya, had plans to introduce a gold dinar. It would be a single currency made of gold and would ensure fair sharing of wealth. If some nations of the world join together to create the golden ruble, it may rival the euro and dollar. The trade between the allies may occur in golden ruble. The launch of golden ruble may shift the financial balance of the globe. After this launch, the wealth of a country would depend on its gold ****dings instead of dollars and Russia has the fifth largest gold reserves at the moment.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest CommexFX
CommexFX Trade Mate App makes trading easier than ever

With our years of experience in trading, at CommexFX we see the challenges of trading on a daily basis, and they mainly lay in the complexity of market analysis and price predictions. Both novice and professional traders can make great use of some help to ease their trading, hence comes our new partnership with Trade Mate to present you with the CommexFX Trade Mate Application, designed with our traders’ best interest in mind.

Trade Mate was specifically created to eliminate the challenge of analysing markets, instead users of the app need to concentrate on no more than the actual trading process for they will receive daily market predictions on all financial instruments before the market’s open.

The application draws on over seven years of testing in simulated and live trading environments allowing the delivery of predictions with a 77-95 percent accuracy rate. Trade Mate does not stop at simple market prediction;, users of the application will receive an expected high and low for each financial instrument, predicted market positions, assessment of the predictions and tactical trades against actual data, and the best opportunities with the highest accuracy level to trade on will be flagged with a ‘Thumb Up’ icon to notify you of your best chances for a successful trading session.

CommexFX Trade Mate App was created and designed with utmost accuracy, all the predictions and tactical trades are furthermore reviewed and assessed against actual market data as it happens, predictions and trade suggestions are cross verified against time and sales settled orders to show total transparency of the success rate of the predictions.

Every product in the app’s predictions is analysed across numerous markets, time frames and types of trades involved. Lastly Trade Mate predictions are evaluated the following day against actual market data to further assess our success rates. Through all these comprehensive assessment methods the app ensures credibility, durability and the promise to constantly deliver the best and most accurate predictions to enhance your trading.

It’s time for every trader to lose all the stress and worry caused by the constant need of market analysis. It’s easy to do so by trusting Trade Mate to guide you in the right trading direction on a daily basis. Trading will be easier and more successful than ever with CommexFX Trade Mate Application.

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