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LiveGood organic protein

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Let’s talk PROTEIN!
💪Muscle mass peaks in our 30s and then starts a long, slow decline.
💪Muscle-loss, also called sarcopenia, affects more than 45% of older Americans, especially women.
💪As a country, we are under-muscled!!
💪Loss of strength increases the risk of falling, the top cause of death from injury in older adults. The Office on Women's Health recently launched a sarcopenia awareness campaign to elevate the issue.
💪The good news: No matter your age, you can take steps to maximize your strength. Resistance training is key, but equally important, is eating adequate amounts of protein.
💪If you don't consume enough protein, you're missing half of the equation.
💪Protein is critically important because it's in all our cells — including muscle cells — and our bodies constantly recycle it. There's a steady demand for new supplies, and protein-rich foods provide the amino acids that become the building blocks of the new proteins our bodies need.
💪As we age, protein needs to increase.
💪LiveGood Complete Plant Based Protein provides 20g high quality protein for only 106 calories. This is the best way to amp up your protein game!
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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm all about that organic life, especially when it comes to what I put into my body. The fact that it's protein made from milk powder is a big plus for me because, let's face it, who doesn't love milk?

I've been on the lookout for some quality protein supplements lately, and this seems like it might fit the bill. I've heard that organic options tend to be easier on the stomach and more sustainable, which is definitely a win-win in my book.

I'm curious though, has anyone tried it yet? I'm always a bit hesitant to jump into new products without hearing some firsthand reviews. But if it lives up to the hype, I could see myself giving it a shot.

Overall, I'm all for anything that helps me stay healthy and feel good, so I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one. Thanks for sharing!

Edited by Ronastiny
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