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  1. Tokenomics by FinDaS. Data-driven. Tested. Sustainable. We are Tokenomics consultants that have been in crypto since 2015 (300+ projects completed) and employ a unique data-driven approach to token economy design. We offer tokenomics design & whitepapers, token economy audits and simulations. Our clients have raised in excess of $1 billion! To find out more: Visit our website: https://www.findas.org/ Browse our portfolio and success stories: https://www.findas.org/portfolio Read our research: https://www.findas.org/reports Or just book a free intro call with us: https://www.findas.org/meet To stay up to date on all things tokenomics, you can also follow us on: LINKEDIN | X (TWITTER)
  2. CoinVotes.app - Find Best Coin Projects - Top Coin to Invest Looking for a reliable platform to help you make informed decisions about cryptocurrency investments? Look no further than www.coinvotes.app CoinVotes is an online community-driven platform that allows users to easily track, analyze, and vote on their favorite cryptocurrencies. With our intuitive interface and powerful tools, you can quickly gain valuable insights into the cryptocurrency market and make better investment decisions. If you are owner of a token you can list for free and increase your project investors and visibility
  3. Boost your Token Trading Volume with Pancakeswap Market Making Bot Coin Market Cap & Coin gecko is a game changer when it comes to finding new investors for your ICO project. As we all know Tokens with low trading volume have no chance to be accepted on CMC & CG. Here comes Pancakeswap Market making Bot! Our latest bot version increases your trading volume of your Pancakeswap Token pair. How it works: 1) Run ‘Application’ 2) Add as many wallet addresses as you want 3) Connect it with a Telegram account to receive bscscan links of trades. 4) Relax or drink a coffee - Pancakeswap Bot starts executing orders! You can Get It Here
  5. 🚀Forget $CumRocket $P O R N presale is here 🚀 💦 Community built token for adult content community. $PORN build DeX Apps and Adult content decentalized APPs. 🌏 www PORNCOIN club 📩 Telegram: @coinclubido
  6. BOT InVasions is a blockchain-based marketplace where buyers & sellers meet to carry out operations involving digital goods & assets with cryptocurrency transactions. The unique advantage here is an automatic matching of users based on an artificial intelligence approach. BOT INVASION will become a compelete ecosystem for NFT enthusiasts and high risk fund investors. BOT INVASION TOKENS will be launched on 16th February, 2022. https://botinvasions.com/ #INVASION #TOKENS #launched #blockchain #healthcare #NFT #token #gold #cryptocurrency #profitable #investors #technology #earning #digital #currency #Marketplace #Virtual #blockchain #bitcoin #Binance #blockchain #promote #BITENGENCOIN #marketplace #profit #market #trade #Sale #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading #token #million #business #currency #passive #ethereum #ecommerce
  7. A shared, immersive and blockchain-based 3D/AR platform ✅Governance token CMETA ⬇️ 📥 BSC Launching on 01/08/2022 @9PM UTC 💠One of the most anticipated Metaverse projects yet 💠A decentralized, persistent 3D/VR environment 💠Virtual Arts studio & Marketplace 💠 Incredible 3D gaming experience 🌍 Almost 4k Telegram members ⚠️Don't miss out on this amazing project ✅ Join the TG: https://t.me/Cmetaverse Website: http://craftymetaverse.com/ #Marketplace #Virtual #blockchain #bitcoin #Binance #blockchain #promote #BITENGENCOIN #marketplace #profit #market #trade #Sale #Exchange #fiance #games #bitcoin #crypto #invest #mining #ether #NFT #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading
  8. Xerium, A multi-network blockchain tech firm launches its Pre-sale 2.0 with a legendary vision of blockchain PAAS. Xerium offers plug and play blockchain PAAS products such as DEX, NFT Platform, Swapping, P2P Lending & Staking, Gaming platform, Crypto Payment Gateway, and Healthcare blockchain. Presale open now! Xerium currently opens at 0.75$ per XERM presale value and has a roadmap to drive the value up to 15$ per XERM by 2025. Xerium's presale 1.0 which was conducted in 2020 was notably successful thereby seeding the entire vision. Xerium presale 1.0 successfully raised about 3 Mn $ from private sales for seed capital in 2020 with a launch price of 0.25 $ per XERM. https://xerium.io/presale/](https://xerium.io/presale/) #blockchain #healthcare #NFT #token #gold #cryptocurrency #profitable #investors #technology #earning #digital #currency #Marketplace #Virtual #blockchain #bitcoin #Binance #blockchain #promote #BITENGENCOIN #marketplace #profit #market #trade #Sale #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading #token #million #business #currency #passive #ethereum #ecommerce
  9. Hey, a new NFT project has just been released! They have one of the biggest community on reddit and an amazing team of developers. This is the new project everyone is talking about. There is still time to participate and be part of our community. Be aware of possible scams, all announcements will be published by us on our socials. So make sure to follow us! The website: https://wsbdegeneratesclub.com/ The discord server: https://discord.io/WSBDegeneratesClub #NFT #token #gold #cryptocurrency #profitable #investors #technology #earning #digital #currency #Marketplace #Virtual #blockchain #bitcoin #Binance #blockchain #promote #BITENGENCOIN #marketplace #profit #market #trade #Sale #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading #token #million #business #currency #passive #ethereum #ecommerce
  10. 🎤What is Talent Coin?🎤 The world’s first decentralised talent show! We will give most talented bands & musicians a REAL chance to showcase their talent to the world. Our X-Factor style talent show will be held within our own uniquely developed METAVERSE and attract millions! Whitelisted Presale Link - Tuesday 18th January 2300 UTC https://bit.ly/3Fq3p2G Whitelist competition: https://gleam.io/fNkJA/talent-coin-whitelist-competition Website: https://talentcoin.cash Telegram: https://t.me/TalentCoinGroup Twitter: https://twitter.com/TalentCoin21 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/talentcoin21 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/talentcoin21/ To get started use the link below now!
  11. Bora Finance new tokenomics for the upcoming IDO! More tokens for the community! https://medium.com/@BoraFinace/bora-finance-tokenomics-update-2593627d3744 #finance #upcoming #token #gold #cryptocurrency #profitable #investors #technology #earning #digital #currency #Marketplace #Virtual #blockchain #bitcoin #Binance #blockchain #promote #BITENGENCOIN #marketplace #profit #market #trade #Sale #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading #token #million #business #currency #passive #ethereum #ecommerce
  12. 📣$10,000,00 to be won with Zambesi Gold Token!📣 For more details ,Join us on Telegram now! @Official Zambesi Gold Community: https://t.me/+rS2oAlGgMWU4ZDc0 Go to our official bot to get started on the $10000 Zambesi Gold competition : @ZambesiGold_bot 📌Terms & Conditions: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PnIn_8QzBuUaCoDbOb0uQI4jHMF3vWCn/view?usp=sharing The official ICO Pre-Sale will Start on Our Website on the 14 JANUARY 2022,More Details coming soon! 📌How to use Bot: Step 1 Join All Social media on list 1-4 Step 2 ✅ click Verify Step 3 Complete Captcha /To proof you are not a Bot Then click Submit- Go back to bot. Step 4✅ click Check Step 5 Enter your name Step 6 Enter Your E-mail Step 7 Enter your Metamask account :https://metamask.io/ Step 8 Go To Menu-Click Sent (you can find your Personal Referal code /invite link under “Referral invite”) Most referals will win! Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/ZambesiGold/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/ZGDToken?t=lEjEwjXYyFWK79atzv_z5g&s=09 Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/zambesi-gold-token-33679722a #comingsoon #Zambesi #GoldToken #token #gold #cryptocurrency #profitable #investors #technology #earning #digital #currency #Marketplace #Virtual #blockchain #bitcoin #Binance #blockchain #promote #BITENGENCOIN #marketplace #profit #market #trade #Sale #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading #token #million #business #currency #passive #ethereum #ecommerce
  13. Next opportinity in the BSC Network. Non deflacionary token. Smartcontract reveals in the next days. https://t.me/QueenFlokiBSC https://queen-floki.com/
  14. With a use case not seen before, Max Revive aims to give back to the ones in need. They are building a platform where you can stake your now worthless ERC-20 tokens that have been rug pulled. With an additional token rating platform, they aim to index a lot of scams. These can be found by the community itself, giving them a quest that will be rewarded. The tokens chosen to be revived will be listed on the Revival hub, making it possible for victimized investors to claim a pay-out in their #governance token. You don’t miss out on this project! https://www.maxrevive.io/ https://twitter.com/MAXRtoken https://t.me/maxrevive #brazil #profitable #investors #technology #earning #digital #currency #Marketplace #Virtual #blockchain #bitcoin #Binance #blockchain #promote #BITENGENCOIN #marketplace #profit #market #trade #Sale #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading #token #million #business #currency #passive #ethereum #ecommerce
  15. Buy the NYE Lucky Squares NFT and win 25 ETH or 1 ETH!!! 81 Total winners will be drawn. ONLY 5000 Available! Visit https://www.nyeluckysquares.com to purchase Winners will be posted on website to allow full transparency of the contest. Winners will also be verified via smart contract to allow full traceability. The NFT collection is featured in a prominent crypto news site. See article here: https://www.cryptonexa.com/2021/12/23/nye-lucky-squares-transparent-and-legit-nft-raffles-at-nye-luckysquares/ Contest just started and winners are drawn as soon as the full collection is minted. They are using smart contacts to provide full transparency to participants. video.mp4
  16. As a hardware startup silvano.io will change the way beef production is done in Brazil and will reduce the environmental impact, protecting the rain forest and above all to be a profitable company for investors using cutting edge technology providing a solution for latent demand in an unexplored market https://p2pb2b.io/token-sale/374/
  17. Participate in the digital currency Defi smart mining project and earn $100-300 USD per day, this is easy, come and increase your income, man, with daily rates of 1.5%-3.2%. Apply now to become an MSC fan and get a new member bonus of 10 USDT, come join the earnings https://www.msc.dog/ come join the telegram https://t.me/MSC67888 #earning #digital #currency #Marketplace #Virtual #blockchain #bitcoin #Binance #blockchain #promote #BITENGENCOIN #marketplace #profit #market #trade #Sale #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading #token #million #business #currency #passive #ethereum #ecommerce
  18. F*CK Floki is the first "Anti-Meme" token. Its development is based on the SafeMoon liquidity and reflection protocols, which provides passive income, liquidity growth, and a 2% transactional tax that goes to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA). https://www.fckfloki.com/ #Marketplace #Virtual #blockchain #bitcoin #Binance #blockchain #promote #BITENGENCOIN #marketplace #profit #market #trade #Sale #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading #token #million #business #currency #passive #ethereum #ecommerce
  19. 🌅SUN is an investment led token, launching on the Ethereum network in January🌅 Bringing investment banking to crypto with an aggressive delivery roadmap ✅ Presale coming January ✅ Launch coming January ✅ Doxxed owner and developer ✅ 10% Tax on buys and sells ✅ Audited by: Safe Solidity ✅ Certified by: DeFi Angels 💬 Telegram : https://t.me/thesuntoken 📈 Chart: (Launching January 31st) 💻 Website : http://thesuntoken.com/ 🌅 Instagram : https://instagram.com/sun.token?utm_medium=copy_link #Marketplace #Virtual #blockchain #bitcoin #Binance #blockchain #promote #BITENGENCOIN #marketplace #profit #market #trade #Sale #Exchange #fiance #games #bitcoin #crypto #invest #mining #ether #NFT #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading
  20. hopperswap.io DEX exchange with LEA token rug pull option eliminated. deflationary token anti whale mechanism NFT under construction currently https://hopperswap.io/ #bitcoin #Binance #blockchain #promote #BITENGENCOIN #marketplace #profit #market #trade #Sale #Exchange #fiance #games #bitcoin #crypto #invest #mining #ether #NFT #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading
  21. It is a Bitcoin platform that doubles your Bitcoin every 100 hours or 4 days. The website is girali.com. Please go there and get familiar with the site and the product. https://girali.com/a/FYuDnUvg3nVP1km #bitcoin #Binance #blockchain #promote #BITENGENCOIN #marketplace #profit #market #trade #Sale #Exchange #fiance #games #bitcoin #crypto #invest #mining #ether #NFT #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading
  22. 🇦🇺New Presale got listed from AusMiningToken on BSC✅✌️ ⏰Start Time : 08.01 19:00:00 UTC Min/Max Contributions: 0.1 / 6.0 SoftCap/HardCap: 650 / 1300 Locking Percentage in % 51 Locked till: 23.12.25 🔒 Presale/Listing Rate: 49000000000000000 47000000000000000 🥞 DxSale Link: https://dxsale.app/app/v3/defipresale?saleID=1896&chain=BSC Telegram Link https://t.me/ausminingtoken1 Twitter Link https://twitter.com/ausminingtoken Website Link- https://www.ausminingtoken.finance/ #ausminingtoken #Binance #blockchain #promote #BITENGENCOIN #marketplace #profit #market #trade #Sale #Exchange #fiance #games #bitcoin #crypto #invest #mining #ether #NFT #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading
  23. BITENGEN io TO LAUNCH ONE STOP DEFI EXCHANGE BACKED COIN AND TRADING PLATFORM FOR NFT STAKING, COMMODITY TRADES, AND HIGH YIELDS IN AN ALL IN ONE FORMAT BITENGEN has announced that their new project BITENGENCOIN will outperform the competition by facilitating the adoption of the users digital NFT portfolios within your trading space, while constantly churning returns for your account, maintaining data records on the decentralized Binance blockchain, and yielding results. BITENGENCOIN designed on the Binance blockchain, is a cryptocurrency that easily facilitates the adoption of users digital assets and maintains data records on the decentralized platform. A token supply of 3 billion is backed by its own Crypto Exchange, Bitengen is the best trading platform with advanced data visualization and enhances the excellent trading strategies for crypto traders, and the developing NFT Market Place, offering you the opportunity to enjoy a maximum liftoff towards the achievement of your financial goals. The NFT marketplace, which will be live by the end of the IEO, allows for hassle-free trading, while our proven market strategies enable you to enjoy winning trades on a consistent basis. This digital currency will get listed in wide-ranging exchanges to promote profitable interactions with other crypto traders across the globe, expanding your market reach. A Fund Raising IEO sale Start's on 25th, December 2021. 20% of the total supply will open for IEO Sale, The raised funds will use for the Enhancement of the CryptoExchange and Developing NFT Market Place, Hurry up to catch the exciting bonus offers. Website: https://www.bitengencoin.com/ #Binance #blockchain #promote #BITENGENCOIN #marketplace #profit #market #trade #Sale #Exchange #fiance #games #bitcoin #crypto #invest #mining #ether #NFT #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading
  24. The augmented reality crypto game "DogemonGo" is hosting the DOGO token airdrop. For participation you can earn : Up to 23000 DOGO, for 1 referral : 11500 DOGO. Participation in the airdrop in the Telegram bot - https://t.me/Dogemongoairdropbot?start=776434220 All qualified participants will receive an airdrop. The distribution ends on December 30th. Airdrop tasks are divided into mandatory : 11500 DOGO and additional : up to 11500 DOGO. Mandatory tasks in the Telegram bot : * Join the "DogemonGO" Telegram channel. * Join the "DogemonGO" Telegram group. * Follow "DogemonGO" Twitter profiles and "HECO" networks. * On Twitter, like and retweet with a message the bot tweet "DogemonGO". Additional tasks in the Telegram bot : + Subscribe to the Instagram profile of the crypto game. + Subscribe to the Facebook page of the crypto game. + Install the "DogemonGo" application on your mobile phone in the App Store or Google Play. ! Important point : It is necessary to send the MetaMask or TrustWallet wallet configured to the HECO network to the Telegram bot, because the distribution will be on this network. Links to detailed instructions for setting up the HECO network in wallets are in the Telegram bot. Additional rewards : > 3000 USD in DOGO tokens for 2000 randomly selected airdrop participants. > TOP 5 referrers will share 3000 USD in DOGO tokens. The awards for their own participation are planned to be paid from December 25th. Referral accruals, additional random and rewards for TOP-5 referrers are planned to be paid within 1 week after the end of the airdrop. DOGO tokens are available on CoinMarketCap on the networks - BSC and Solana and are traded.
  25. InFer redistributed bnb and uses custom smart contracts to guarantee liquidity for our decentralized platform. Contract: 0x6806AE66a6A0DF245Aa6Fe0a07C9c987d98bd5B5 Tokenomics; 6% bnb redistribution to wallet holders 2% burn 2% liquidity 2-4% buys/sells to Vault Wallet .1% transaction limit Team Wallets Locked for 6 months Website - www.infertoken.com Telegram - https://t.me/InFerDeFiProtocol #bitcoin #crypto #invest #mining #ether #NFT #crypto #currency #token #earn #investor #marketplace #coin #trade #Binance #world #profit #trading

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